My Positivity Goes Down The Drain

Annabeth POV

Yep. They were all here.

"Annabeth, Annabeth. Come with me. I have a much more better companionship that I could offer you than...him." Percy purred.

I did the finger. "Perseus Jackson, you cheated on me twice, and betrayed me. I would never go with you, if it meant going to...what was that Greek mythology place? Ah yes, I would never go with you, if it meant going to Tartarus."
I sneered.

Percy's expression hardened. "Fine. Be that way. But remember, that I will get you. I will master you. Don't you forget."
I am no toy, excuse me.

I'm not a puppet.
But it just feels like the fact that Percy was the puppeteer, and I was the puppet.
I felt so lifeless. So...weak, and controllable. Listless. So...angry, and sad. So afraid

Just then, Krios charged.

We all were shocked, and it was chaos. Percy started attacking Luke, Thalia took on Hyperion.

I was on Krios.
I dodged, and slammed.
He countered my attacks, and tried to thrust his blade into my collarbone.

I backed away, and jabbed at his stomach as an ambush. He fell. It was so bloody.

"Guys! I took down Krios! What-AHHHH!" I started. Percy tackled me.
He pulled me close. "You're mine, wether you like it or not." He snarled.

His hands started moving towards my bra strap. I screamed, and kneed him in the...yeah. You know.

He yelped, and glared at me. I rushed to Nico. He barely had the energy to stand. I steadied him, but a knife came flying. Kronos had threw it. With deadly accuracy.

It was about to hit Nico's cheek. I couldn't let it happen. Nico was too slow. He was hurt, and his movements were sluggish.

With a guttural scream, I shoved him down, and the knife hit me in the cheek. It created a scar, a deep, bloody scar, that ran from my right eye down to my jawbone.

Luke had one on the left side, and now I had one.

The pain was searing. The knife had dug deep into my skin, but not enough to kill me.

Nico looked at me. I stripped of his gag, and helped him up.
"Annabeth! I'm sorry. You're hurt. I-" He started, but Kronos advanced.

He came towards me, knife in hand.
Everyone stopped to watch.

Thalia took that moment and stabbed Hyperion. Luke stabbed, but Percy moved out of the way.

Kronos came. I sidestepped.
I broke in with a lunge.

We fought. Dodge, slam, kick, thrust. Jab, hit, miss, swing, parr. That was the whole thing.
I got stabbed in the arm, and it didn't hurt that much. I was way too busy.

Finally, I managed a jab at his collarbone, and he didn't see it coming. I sunk my knife into the spot beside his collarbone, and he fell.

Kronos got killed by me. Oh. My. Gosh.
Percy screamed.

Just then, apparently Hyperion wasn't dead. A stab in the stomach hadn't killed him. He staggered to the car, and pulled out a gun. Oh no.

Before I could react, Thalia screamed. I looked at her. She fell, blood shooting out if her head.
I screamed. Nico screamed.

Luke let out a guttural cry, and ran at him, but he shot him in the chest. Holy.
I cried. I advanced. I dodged the first bullet, and stabbed him in the heart. He fell.

I looked at the corpses of Thalia and Luke. My tears were wetting my face like a shower. They were dead.
I screamed.

"WHY?!?!" I cried. "I'M SO STUPID!!!"
Everyone looked at me.

Then, as if on cue, the rain started pouring, and thunder rumbled.

Then, Percy came.

"Annabeth, Annabeth. That's the price you pay for not loving me instead. Let Nico die." He purred.

"I still will never date you. I swear on the Greek mythology river Styx." I swore.
Percy's expression hardened.

"Be that way."

"Annabeth. I'm sorry, I didn't-" Nico started. Then, Percy took something, a needle, I think, from the car. Then, he started up the engine, and threw a rock so it hit the gas pedal.

The Lamborghini Aventador plowed forwards, and smashed into a tree.
The car exploded.

We all ducked out of the way, so we weren't hurt. There wasn't a fire, just an explosion. The rain had doused the fire.
The traces of Percy and the Titans were gone. No police could find proof, now.

Percy laughed like a maniac, and carried Nico away. Nico screamed, but he ran fast. He ran with the needle. It was an injecting needle. No.

He then turned a corner, and was no where to be seen. The rain was pouring like hell.
I ran again, but then slipped, and fell.

I ran and ran, until a came to a random forest. It was abandoned, and old.

Right now, it was around midnight. I cried and cried.

I got angry. At myself. Me, loving Thalia and Luke had led to their demise.
Why did I love?

I couldn't love. I can never love without a consequence. I...oh god.

As the rain beat down, I got angrier and guiltier. Finally, I ran faster than before.

I never looked back.
