Plans and Schemes

Annabeth POV

"Well?" Kronos pressed.

"Never. I will never tell you." I replied. My arm burned, and I was chained up.

"Have fun spending life here then. I have a ring of guards outside, so your hopes of escaping are gone." He snarled.
A ring if My brain started to cook up a plan, and I knew how to do this. There were a lot of guards with blonde hair, and some with blonde curls, like mine.

I made a lot of racket inside, and eventually one guard came in.
"What is wrong with you?" He snarled.

I threw a dagger, and it impaled itself in the chest. Then I took his corpse, hid the knife cut, and put on his uniform. I tucked my hair under the hat, so the other guards would think that I was the guard that went in.
When I came back out, Kronos ordered a search for Zeus' office, so I slipped out and into the streets.

The first place I went to was my house, to get changed. I threw the clothes in the garbage, they were bloody, sweaty, and whatnot.
I went to Goode in my hoodie, and it was lunch time. I went to find Nico. He was discussing something with the rest of the band, and they all looked pretty scared.

I walked over to them.

"Hey guys?" I said.
Thalia crushed me with a hug. "YOU'RE ALRIGHT!!!"

"Barely. Can't-get-a-air-whew." I shuddered.

"Annabeth...I-" Nico started.
I cut him off with a hug. "Hey, it's okay."

"You guys are so cute together!" Octavian teased.

"Yeah..." Thalia muttered.
The day was going actually pretty well, but by the end of the day, everything turned around.

Me and Nico were walking together, when he asked... "Annabeth, will you be my girlfriend?"
I loved him. I was head over heels for him. But I couldn't.

I was to broken and scared to love anyone. I was afraid they would hurt me like my other friends dared.
Or, they would be in danger. The Titans had me as their main target, not my loved ones.

They would kidnap my loved ones. I couldn't have that happen.

And my mom...she had FFI. I wasn't worth love. I was a murderer. A traitor.

"No." I answered.

"Why? Annabeth-" Tears welled up in my eyes. I was twisted from hiding the truth so long. I couldn't have Nico and the others get hurt anymore. Especially after yesterday...I had to say it to him.

"Nico." I tried to make my voice sound cold, but it backfired. "I don't love you. Now leave me alone." My voice actually sounded like pieces of broken glass, trying the hardest to come back together.

I started to run. I ran into a random alley, and started crying. Nico came stumbling after me, hurt, and angry. Darn.

"Why? Why don't you even love me as a friend?" He sobbed.

I was about to respond, when something brushed against my cheek. Nico yelped. It exploded in front of me, and I got a good look. It used to be a bullet. We were getting targeted.

Me and Nico met each other's eyes, and shared a secret message. Run.

We ran, and ran, until we ran to a place where there was no one there. At least, we thought. Just then, Kronos stepped out with his two comrades, Koios and Krios. They all had handguns. Damn fucking Hell.

"Why here she is!" Koios exclaimed.

Nico snarled.

"Got your little boyfriend with you, huh?" Kronos mocked. My heart cracked. For the first time, I wished what he said was true. But it couldn't happen.

They fired. We dodged. "Bitch! Come back here you ******** ***** ******!" Kronos screamed. Wow. He had a colourful vocabulary...

I dodged and dodged. Nico did too. We were out of breath. But then, as we rested, a bucket came flying towards Nico's stomach. No. I loved him. I jumped in front of him, and the bullet hit me in the stomach.

With a half cry half scream, I sank to the floor. The pain.
Then I blacked.

How was the length of that chapter? Thanks!
