Chapter 93

It takes us quite some time, but eventually, we are standing in front of the newlyweds. While Fred shakes his oldest brother's hand to congratulate him, I hug Fleur tightly. When we have let go of each other, I remark: "You looked stupéfiante."

"Merci beaucoup, Elena," Fleur smiles while I can see tears in her eyes, "I don't know what I would have done without all Molly and your help."

She pulls me into another hug and when we let go, she quickly wipes a tear off her cheek. Fred and I switch places and I hug Bill who looks so proud.

"The ceremony was lovely, congratulations."

"I am so glad everything went fine. I think Mum would have thrown a tantrum if it didn't," Bill laughs. Molly would probably have killed someone if they had interrupted the wedding ceremony. I can't help but laugh at that thought.

"I'm sure Fleur thanked you, but I wanted to thank you as well. You and Mum did so much for us."

"I'm glad I could help," I smile before I remember the gift Fred and I bought. Nudging Fred, I say: "We have something for you."

My boyfriend looks up and begins to rummage through his pockets. From his right pocket, he pulls out a small package and hands it to Fleur. "To bless your marriage."

Fleur and Bill look surprised at the package at Fleur carefully begins to unwrap it. When she is done unwrapping – the lady in the store used quite some tape – she is holding a small figurine of an embracing couple, protected by heart-shaped wings of a guardian angel. The woman lets out a sigh and mutters: "C'est beau, merci."

"We will leave you with the rest of the guest, good luck," Fred smiles and sends his brother a wink before placing a hand on the small part of my back. I smile one more time at Fleur and Bill before Fred pushes me away from them.

"Fancy a drink?" Fred asks and I nod. He presses a kiss on my temple before turning around to get us some drinks. I look around the tent and decide to join Lee at one of the small tables in the back.

"Good to see you again, Lee," I smile at the black-haired wizard. Lee smiles brightly and we begin to catch up with each other. The man tells me he has been traveling a lot for the shop of the twins. After a while, Fred and George join us and Fred hands me a glass of Bubble Juice. I smile at him before taking a sip.

All of us chat for a while and eat some of the cake Molly made before I spot Fleur and Bill heading to the golden dancefloor for their first dance. The two dance for a few minutes before Molly and Mr. Delacour, and Arthur and Mrs. Delacour join them. I smile at the sight and applaud when the couples finish.

"Would you like to dance?" Fred asks and holds out his hand. I place the empty glass on the table and take it. I nod, "Yes, please."

Fred leads me to the dancefloor where more couples have joined. Fred places his other hand on my waist and I place my hand on his shoulder. After exchanging a nod, we begin to dance. While we are dance, I can't help but smile and answer Fred's questionable look: "This reminds me of the Yule Ball."

Fred smiles and we continue to dance in silence.

We dance for two songs before I feel a tap of my shoulder. Turning my head, I see Viktor standing behind us. He and Fred exchange looks before Viktor asks him: "Can I borrow her from you?"

Reluctantly, Fred lets go of me and hands me over to Viktor. With narrowed eyes, he scans the Bulgarian wizard and mutters something under his breath before walking away. I turn my attention to Viktor who smiles at me.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Viktor asks while preplacing Fred's hand on my waist. We begin to dance I turn to look at Fred who had exited the dancefloor. Turning back to Viktor, I answer: "Yes. We got together during the Tournament at Hogwarts and have been together ever since."

Viktor nods and we continue to dance in silence.

After a while, Viktor looks over my shoulder and asks: "Are you two engaged?"

I follow his gaze to Fred who is now talking to one of Fleur's Veela cousins while drinking some liquor. Surprised, I look back at the man and shake my head. "No, We're not engaged."

Should we be? I want to ask but Viktor changes the subject quickly by nodding at Ron and Hermione. The two are dancing on the other side of the dancefloor. "Are they a couple now?"

"I don't know," I frown. If they were, I would have noticed or heard something, I wonder while looking at Ron and Hermione. Viktor lets out a growl and I laugh, "Why? Didn't your moves work out on her?"

Viktor shakes his head and I laugh again. We dance for a while longer before I tell Viktor I need another drink. We let go of each other and I step off the dancefloor. Grabbing a glass of Bubble Juice from one of the waiters who is walking around, I spot Fred and George from the corner of my eye. The two of them are surrounded by Veela cousins and are both holding a bottle of Firewhisky.

Turning back to the waiter, I ask him: "Could you get me a Sober-up Potion?"

"Of course, ma'am," the man nods and walks away. I look back at Fred and roll my eyes, he will definitely need one of those to survive the night – or he will have a huge hangover tomorrow and complain all day.

I sit down at one of the tables where an elderly lady is sitting as well and sip my Bubble Juice while eyeing around the tent. It has become darker and the music plays loudly while the party keeps going.

It doesn't take long before the waiter returns and hands me a grey-colored potion. I thank him and place the bottle on the small table in front of me. The older witch eyes the potion and smiles at me when she notices me looking at her, "Are you planning on getting drunk? I suggest you get something stronger than Bubble Juice if you wish to use that potion."

I laugh and shake my head, "It's not for me, it's for my boyfriend."

My eyes shift to Fred and George, still laughing while surrounded by Veela cousins. The woman follows my gaze and nods understandable, "If they continue like that, I understand you are going to give him the potion. Otherwise, he will have quite a big hangover tomorrow. Which one is yours?"

"The one in the orange suit," I respond and take another sip of my drink. The lady nods, "You mean the one who is heading in our direction?"

I look up and see Fred stumbling towards us, trying to avoid bumping into any tables on his way. I smile at the older lady and nod, "Yes, that one."

"Th-h-heeeere you are, love," Fred slurs with a huge smile on his face. Quickly, I put the glass I am holding on the table before Fred grabs my hands to pull me back on my feet. I send one more smile at the older lady and turn to my – very drunk – boyfriend. Fred is holding the bottle of Firewhisky in one hand and I gently take it away from him. Placing the bottle on the table behind me, I say with a smile: "I think you have had enough of that."

Fred shakes his head violently and wants to grab the bottle once again, but I stop him by grabbing his arm and sending him a stern look. I shake my head. The red-haired man chuckles and tries to whisper in my ear: "You look very hot when you look at me like that."

Unfortunately, the volume of his voice doesn't lower down to a whisper. Instead, he almost screams it in my ear. I flinch but laugh while shaking my head. Placing a hand of Fred's arm, I gently try to pull him away from the tables and the many glasses that are standing on them before any accidents happen.

My boyfriend takes one step backward and almost trips over his own feet. He lets out a loud laugh when I grab both his arms to steady him. I giggle: "Slow down, you are drunk."

"I am not d-dr-druunk maybe just a bit ti-t-tiipsyy," Fred nods heavily as if he needs to convince himself too. I send him a smile and roll my eyes. Quickly, I turn around and grab the Sober-up Potion from the table. Slipping it in one of the pockets of Fred's suit, I smile at him.

Still holding Fred's arms to make sure he doesn't fall over, I slowly and carefully lead him to the exit. When we reach the edge of the tent, I let go of him and keep an eye out to see if he falls over. Luckily for me, he doesn't but he has to lean against one of the pillars to steady himself.

A smirk forms on his face and he slurs while eying me: "You look veeerryy dashing in orange, I definitely need to buy you more orange clothes."

"Thank you," I smile while Fred sends me a – very obvious – wink. I roll my eyes and while taking a quick look over my shoulder, I suggest: "Why don't we get out of here. You need to sleep this off."

Fred shakes his head heavily and takes a step away from the pillar. He almost falls over but manages to grab me in time. I take to take a step back to absorb the sudden weight and to avoid falling over. Fred wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

I turn the two of us around, now leaning with my back against the pillar Fred was just leaning against, in an attempt to not fall over. Pressing his face in the crook of my neck, Fred mutters: "You are waaayy more beautiful than a-aannyy of Fleur's Veela nieces, wanna know why? 'Cause you are my g-giiirrllfrienddd."

He begins placing sloppy kisses on my bare neck and I can't help but laugh. His grip around me tightens and I wrap my arms around Fred's shoulder.

"I love you s-s-ssoo much," Fred says in between the kisses and I answer with a giggle: "As much as I do love you too, I need you to go to bed. You are going to have a hangover tomorrow if you don't go now and drink a Sober-up Potion. I won't have you complain when you could have prevented it."

"I will go to bed if you j-jooiinn meee," Fred answers with a slur and he begins to smell my hair, "Why does your hair always smell so good?"

From over Fred's shoulder, I catch Ginny's gaze. She laughs while I stick out my tongue at her. She returns the action and points at something on her left. With some trouble, I manage to look at her left and see George (from the looks of it, as drunk as Fred currently is) still standing near the group of Veela girls.

I roll my eyes at Ginny who laughs again. She mouths a 'good luck' at me before walking into the other direction. Fred is now pressing kisses along my neck up to my ear while muttering unintelligible things. With a sigh, I grab a hand full of Fred's red hair and pull his head up so he has to look me in the eye.

A lazy smirk forms on his face and he leans forward to kiss my face.

"I am ss-sooo lucky to have you. When I read about you and Warrington, I realized how mmuucchh I love youu."

My smile falls when Fred mentions Warrington's name but I quickly push the memory away. In an attempt to unwrap Fred's arms from me, I remark: "Fred, I love you too but you need to cooperate so I can get you to bed safely."
