Chapter 9

The final dragon for the final champion has to be brought in by four men who look to be struggling to keep the dragon contained. Xavier and I recognize the dragon at the same moment.

"A Hungarian Horntail!" we exclaim in unison and I turn my head to look at Xavier. The expression on his face mirrors mine.

"What? Why are you both looking like that dragon will be Harry's death?" Fred had turned around and looks between Xavier and me.

"Hungarian Horntails are an extremely dangerous breed of dragon," I explain Fred in English.

"They eat humans and can breathe fire at a range of up to fifty feet," Xavier adds, also in English. I flinch at the thought. Fred sees my reaction and places a hand on my knee. Before he can say something, Harry Potter enters the arena and the whistle sounds to indicate the task starts.

The Horntail has decided to lay down on the nest with its black-scaled wings around it. It regards Harry with its yellow eyes. Around us, everyone screams and cheers at Harry. We expect him to run around the arena in an attempt to get the dragon off the nest but he decides to do something else. The boy raises his wand and screams something.

Nothing happens.

For a minute, everyone looks at each other and I can hear students laugh. Whatever Harry had planned, it doesn't seem to work.

Suddenly, people start pointing at something in the sky. The object flies through the air and when it is close enough, someone exclaims: "It is a broomstick!"

Harry catches the broom out of the air and takes off. I am reminded of the conversation I had with Angelina about the Gryffindor Quidditch team and as Harry zooms through the sky, I can see why he became a Seeker at such a young age. The way he flies is impressive for his age. The students around us start cheering again and the commentator laughs: "Mr Potter as a unique way to tackle this problem. I heard rumours say he is a good flyer."

Harry flies circles around the Horntail on the nest and the dragon follows the boy with its head. The boy attempts to grab the egg by swooping down. The Horntail opens its mouth and I can see it taking a deep breath. The spot of air Harry occupied seconds ago is set ablaze as the dragon breathes out a long fire. I cover my mouth with my hands as I watch the events unfound. Around me, other students scream in fear.

The boy flies higher and starts circling around the dragon again. The Horntail keeps laying on the next and Harry tries to get the attention of the dragon. The Horntail opens its mouth again, lifting its body, and breathes out fire again. This time, the sea of flames misses Harry by just an inch, but he isn't prepared for the tail coming from his left. The spikes hit Harry in his shoulder, almost knocking him off his broom.

Another scream escapes my lips and I clutch Fred's hand that was still laying on my knee. Aline is holding onto Henry, and Xavier has his arm wrapped around Flora who doesn't dare to look anymore and instead has her face buried in Xavier's cloak. I watch Harry climb back onto his broom and fly up high. The Horntail remains on the nest, breathing another round of fire and sweeping its tail through the air.

This time, Harry avoids both the fire and the tail.

Out of nowhere, the dragon is done with Harry's antics and raises itself from the nest. It opens its big wings and lifts itself off the ground. The chain rattle as the dragon tries to catch Harry who flies just out of its reach. Harry avoids the dragon, swoops down with great speed, and heads straight for the ground. Right before he hits the ground, he pulls up and snatches the egg from the nest. The move reminds me of the Wronksi Feint which Viktor often uses during his Quidditch games.

I breathe out relieved when I see Harry land on the ground near the entrance from which he entered.

"Will you look at that! Our youngest champion is the quickest to get his egg! Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr Potter!" The commentator screams. The students are cheering again. Flora looks up from Xavier's shoulder and asks: "Is it over?"

Harry disappears and the sound of cheering gets less loud. Henry, his hand still entwined with Aline, leans over to the twins and smiles. "Gentlemen, I think you owe me some money."

George and Lee grumble but begin counting out the Galleons Henry has won.

I notice I am still holding Fred's hand and quickly let go. Fred smiles up at me and asks: "Are you alright? You seemed quite frightened."

Feeling my cheeks head up, I nod: "Yes, thank you. I- For a moment, I thought Harry might actually get seriously hurt. Because of the Horntail. It is really dangerous. You know."

English has never been this difficult and I can hear Flora suppress a giggle. I ignore her and smile again at Fred. I wrap my arms around myself to avoid grabbing his hand again.

The students around us begin cheering again and when I turn my attention back to the arena, I see that Harry has appeared again. His shoulder wound seems to be patched up and he turns to the judges who hold up the scores. The Hogwarts students go crazy when the final points are handed out. Harry leaves the arena again and the first task is officially over.

"I think he can be happy," Flora says as we walk back to the castle. Harry and Viktor ended in a tie, both first place. Fleur placed second. I think she can be happy with that result. She showed some real skill in the arena by putting the dragon to sleep. Such a big beast is difficult to put asleep for as long as Fleur did.

That evening, there is a small party in the main room of the carriage to celebrate the success of Fleur's first task. All students cheer when Fleur enters with Madame Maxime. We chat with each other about the first task and what the second one might be. The house-elves of Hogwarts brought us snacks – I am suspecting Flora to be befriending them for more food. My best friend hands me a glass of Bubble Juice before taking the seat next to me on the sofa.

The golden egg Fleur retrieved is placed on the table in the middle of the room. Everyone keeps casting looks at it. Fleur is seated next to Madame Maxime who seems very pleased as she sips her sherry. After a sip of my drink, I ask the blonde-haired girl: "Do you already have an idea what is inside the egg?"

Fleur looks from the egg to me and back at the egg. She shakes her head and Madame Maxime waves her hand: "Chéri, why don't you open it?"

The girl does as she is told and places her drink down on the table beside her. She grabs the eggs from the table and with her nicely painted nails, she pries the egg open. It takes a moment before the egg is open and a loud, high-pitched, scratchy wailing comes out of it. Startled, some students drop their drinks as everyone covers their ears, trying to stop the sound from destroying our ears.

"Close it! Please!" Rosalia screams over the wailing. She has two pillows pressed against her ears.

The egg is quickly closed and everyone breaths out relieved.

"What was that?!"

"The sound is horrendous."

"Never open that again."

Everyone begins chatting at once and keeps a close eye on the egg. Fleur shrugs as she has no idea what it was. Beside me, Flora frowns and when I look at her, she dismisses the questionable look I send her. Fleur carefully places the egg on the table and we leave it alone for the rest of the evening, not daring to come near it again. The conversations pick up again.

I take another sip of my drink. Flora nudges me and giggles: "He is cute."

"Who is?"

Surprised, I look at my best friend, not knowing who she is talking about. Flora giggles again and leans forward to whisper knowingly: "Fred Weasley."

I take the glass of pumpkin juice out of Flora's hand and smell it.

"What are you doing?"

"No alcohol in the pumpkin juice," I report, "She's just crazy."

"Of course there is no alcohol in my pumpkin juice. Henry only spiked the apple juice. Why would you even suggest that?" Flora snatches her glass back.

"You are acting weird. Why are you saying that Fred Weasley is cute? I didn't think he was your type. Didn't you swear off redheads after that summer affair with Caleb whatshisname?"

"We don't mention that name ever again," Flora hisses before giggling again, "He isn't my type, no, but I saw you two during the task today. Holding hands and all that."

I roll my eyes at the girl.

"I am sure you would make a nice couple," Flora adds. I shake my head and drown the rest of my drink. After placing the empty glass on the table beside the sofa, I stand up.

"I am heading to bed. Talk to me again when you start saying things that make sense, alright?"

Flora follows me to our room and keeps giggling as we get ready for bed. I am tempted to silence her with a spell but decide against it. When the lights are dimmed and I am in bed, staring at the ceiling, my mind wanders back to the first task.

All during Transfiguration the next day, Flora's words echo through my mind. From the corner of my eye, I keep an eye on Fred who is sitting a few rows to my left. Maybe Flora is right, he is cute. Quickly, I shake the thought away and focus back on Professor McGonagall who is lecturing us on the importance of right wand-holding. Flora is just playing matchmaker again as she does so often.

Still, once Transfiguration is over, I almost sprint to the History of Magic classroom to avoid the twins and trying not to think about Flora and her stupid attempt at matchmaking. Xavier smiles at me when I sit down and I am pulled into a conversation about yesterday's task. I focus myself on it as a distraction to stop thinking about the way Fred Weasley's hair falls in his face and how he has to keep pushing it back to see.


Can we please pretend Fred has a normal haircut in this book? Because whatever that disaster was in GoF, it was not handsome. 

This is my fanfiction and I decide what happens. So, Fred, George, and literally every other boy, has a normal haircut.
