Chapter 10

At lunch, I bump into Xavier who sits down opposite of me. I have pulled out my book for Defence Against the Dark Arts book to do some preparing for the class I have after lunch.

"A distant cousin of mine once told me he was attacked by Inferi while he was on a mission in East-Europe," Xavier says when he sees the chapter I am reading, "I never believed him because he also told me about how he had tea with a pair of ghouls to discuss their rights."

I laugh at the face Xavier pulls.

After lunch, I head to the right classroom but on my way, I bump into Fred and George.

"Elena! Are you ready for our next class?" George wraps an arm around my shoulder and begins leading me through the corridors towards the classroom. I nod and turn to Fred who is frowning. Before I can say something or ask him what is bothering him, Angelina and Lee join us and start talking about the teacher.

Professor Moody is a bit of an odd professor. None of the professors back at Beauxbatons would teach the way this man does. He hobbles back and forth in front of the class while one of his eyes moves frantically around.

"The Inferius is a corpse that has been reanimated by the spells of a dark wizard," He grumbles, "It is not alive. It is merely used as a puppet to do the wizard's bidding. Does anyone know how to defend themselves against it if they would come across one?"

Several students raise their arms, including me.

"Ms Elena?"

"Fire. The Inferi fear both light and warmth," I answer and the professor nods. He talks about how to defeat Inferi and which spells are used to create one. For a moment, I wonder if the professor is actually going to pull out a corpse to show us how it is done, but he doesn't which is a relief.

Once the class is over, I bid the Gryffindor students goodbye by telling them I'm heading to the library. I don't have a class next period and want to start on the bunch of homework we have been assigned.

I'm almost at the end of the corridor when I hear a voice: "Elena, wait!"

Turning around at the mention of my name, I see Fred running towards me. He stops in front of me and takes a moment to catch his breath before sending me a smile. "Can I join you? I'm having trouble with Potions and as you are talented in it, I was wondering if you could help me."

"Of course," I agree, "Could you help me with those non-verbal spells we are talking about in Charms?"

Fred agrees and we walk through the castle to the library. Luckily, the library isn't packed with students, and we manage to find a free table within minutes. The table is near the back, close to the sections where we can find books about potions and spells. I place my bag on the table before going to collect some books we might need. As I browse the shelves, I feel someone's gaze burning on my back. When I look over my shoulder, I see Fred quickly focussing back on the shelf in front of him and I can't stop the smile forming on my face. Perhaps Flora is on to something this time around.

"Draught of Living Death," I open our book to the right page, "Since we are currently discussing it and are attempting to brew it next lesson. Do you want me to explain the basics to you or do you want any specific questions answered?"

"Start from the beginning," Fred answers and I nod, "It is a very difficult potion to brew and almost nobody can brew it correctly. My uncle showed me this summer how to do it and we almost brew up his favourite cauldron."

It takes me a while to start explaining the potion from the basic ingredients to the complicated way to add the right things at the right time. Potions has been my favourite subject and with my uncle being a Potion Master, I was taught from an early age how to brew almost every potion perfectly. I don't know if my uncle knows, but it has helped Henry and me with more than a couple of jokes.

When I am done explaining the whole potion, I turn to Fred to see if he has any questions. Thus far, he has just let me rattle on about the potion without interruption. Fred has his head in one hand with his elbow leaning on the table. Instead of looking at the books and notes lying in front of him, he seems more interested in me.

"Do you understand?" I ask.

The boy seems to get pulled out of his daydream by my voice and looks up with a smile, "Yes, completely."

Raising an eyebrow, I cross my arms and ask: "You have absolutely no idea what I just explained to you, have you now?"

Fred smiles lazily and scratches the back of his neck. Sheepishly, he answers: "No, I have no idea what you said."

When he sees the look on my face, he quickly adds: "But I am sure it was really interesting and very well explained."

I snatch one of the books about potions from the table and hit the boy on his arm.

"Ow!" Fred laughs as he rubs his arm, "What was that for?"

"For wasting my time! I explained the whole potion to you, and you fell asleep!"

"I didn't fall asleep," Fred protests but when he sees my face he quickly says: "Potions just doesn't interest me that much. You really hit hard, by the way – maybe you should become a Beater."

I roll my eyes at him and place the book back on the table. Fred closes all the potion books with a wave of his wand and summons a book about non-verbal spells. He opens it and smiles, "Now, let me help you with those non-verbal spells."

Fred makes it up to me by helping me with the non-verbal spells and just before it is time for dinner, I can cast some of the hardest spells non-verbal. Fred high-fives me and I beam proudly at him. We collect our belongings and after I have checked out one of the potion books, we head to the Great Hall for dinner.

The look on Flora's face when I sit down says it all.

"What is it, Flora?" I sigh as I pile potatoes on my plate, "I can see you shaking with anticipation."

Flora smiles and leans closer, "Let's summarise the events, yes?"

"Please, don't."

My protests aren't heard, and Flora lifts a hand to start counting on her fingers.

"You entered the Great Hall with Fred Weasley at your side." One finger.

"You didn't have any class last period and neither did he." Two fingers. I wonder how Flora knows Fred's class schedule.

"I couldn't find you anywhere. Not in the carriage, not on the pitch." Three fingers.

I take a bite of my food.

"Care to explain where you were and what you two were doing?"

"We were in the library," I answer, "I helped him with Potions, and he helped me with the non-verbal spells we are ought to know."

Flora pipes up and hums. With her mouth filled with food, she says: "Swo you twoe had awn gewt-togewther in the librawry."

"Don't talk with food in your mouth," I say, "Your mother would kill you if she saw you like this."

My best friend holds up her fork and waves it around threatening, indicating I shouldn't change the subject.

"It wasn't a get-together. We helped each other with homework," I answer, "I don't even know if I actually helped him because he fell asleep during my explanation."

Flora finishes chewing and laughs. Before she can say another thing, I quickly change the subject: "Have you completed the essay about Mars and its moons for our Astronomy class tonight?"

The chance of subject works like a charm. Flora looks at me with wide eyes, the hand holding a fork filled with food freezing in mid-air.

"That was due today?!"

I nod and Flora devours the rest of the dinner before jumping up. "I haven't finished that yet. I will see you at midnight."

With those words, she runs out of the Great Hall, muttering curses under her breath. I laugh at her behaviour. Flora always forgets her essays. Luckily for her, I had a feeling she was forgetting it and had placed the books I used and the first version of my essay on her desk to help her finish in time.

Xavier watches Flora go as well and raises an eyebrow at me. I shake my head and he turns his attention back to the book he was reading. I grab the book about potions I checked out from my bag and lay it in between the plates on the table. I take a sip of my drink and let my eyes wander around the hall. When I look at the Gryffindor table, I catch Fred's gaze who was staring at me. I feel my cheeks head up and quickly look down at my book. After a few breaths, I look back up to see George laughing and Fred avoiding my eyes.

I try my hardest to focus on the book in front of me for the rest of dinner, but it doesn't work. Every few minutes, I give in to the urge to look back at Fred. Our eyes meet three more times and both of us quickly look away when we do.

Around midnight, I leave the carriage and head to the Astronomy class. Flora meets me on top of the Astronomy Tower where the class is being held. When I see her, she proudly presents her essay and thanks me for the books. We observe Mars and its moons during the class. Professor Sinistra explains how the position of each moon affects even the rotation of our own moon. I don't think about Fred Weasley's sparkling brown eyes for the rest of the night. 
