Chapter 100

Working at the Ministry while being both seen as a 'blood traitor' and as 'Severus Snape's niece' is quite an experience. Although I had told my uncle I didn't want another job, Corban Yaxley – the same man who took care of our 'randomly selected security checks' – offered me a job as his personal assistant a week after I visited Hogwarts.

I declined as politely as I could but the man didn't seem happy. I am sure he wanted to punish me for it but seemed to realize who my uncle was and had muttered angrily that I shouldn't expect to work long for Arthur before storming off.

Arthur didn't really worry about the treat. Since he had heard from that man in the elevator he was being watched, Arthur had taken a few precautionary measures and he assured me I didn't have to worry about him or my job.

A few days before Christmas, I am working in the kitchen on one of the files Arthur gave me at work today while Molly is doing the dishes from dinner. Fred, George, and Bill are sitting in the living room, talking with their father. Molly softly hums a tune while cleaning and I try to focus on the file in front of me. Why would someone sell fake protective potions? Does nobody remember anything from Potions at Hogwarts – even if those types of potions would exist, they would certainly not have bubotuber pus in them.

It has been raining all day and it's already dark, but Molly made sure the whole house is nice and warm. In the distance, lightning strikes, and I jump up from the sound of the thunder following the light.

When Molly is done with the dishes and cleaning the rest of the kitchen, she places a cup of tea in front of me and levitates the cups for the men in the living room. I smile at her and watch the woman leave the kitchen. After a sip of the hot tea, I hear a loud knock on the door.

Turning my head to the door, I try to see who knocked but due to the rain and the darkness outside, I can't see anything. Slowly, I stand up from my seat at the kitchen table, and with my wand in hand, I walk to the door. With my wand ready, I open the door and peek into the darkness.

Outside, in the pouring rain, is standing a red-haired figure and I instantly recognize the man. "Ron?"

Ron looks up and when he sees me, he lets out a relieved breath. Opening the door further and placing my wand on the table, I gesture for him to step into the house. "Come in, you will catch a cold if you stay out in the rain."

Behind me, footsteps enter the kitchen and a loud gasp sounds. Something falls on the floor and I hear Molly sob: "Ron! Oh, sweetheart, you're all wet!"

Quickly, I close the door behind Rowen and let Molly take care of her son. My eye falls on the fire on the table and I decide to do the rest tomorrow. With the file under my arm and my cup of tea in hand, I head to the living room.

The three men look up at me when I enter and Bill asks: "What was all that sound in the kitchen?"

Sitting down on the sofa in the corner, I answer: "Ron has returned."

Before the men can process what is going on, Molly walks into the living room with Ron behind her. Arthur stands up and hugs his youngest son, while the three brothers stand up to hug Ron as well. Bill and Arthur ask Ron what happened and where the others are, but the boy doesn't answer any of the questions.

Molly, deciding her son looks very tired, sends him upstairs to sleep. With a frown, she looks at us and mutters: "Ginny returns from Hogwarts tomorrow, but with Ron- and you all have to work... I don't know if we can pick her up."

I look at Arthur and offer: "If Arthur is fine with it, I can take a day off and pick up Ginny."

The next morning, I wake up later than usual in an empty bed. Arthur had agreed to give me a day off and my alarm didn't go off. It takes me a while before I realize Fred has gone to work and I rub my eyes to look at the time. 9:56 am, the train arrives usually around 4 o'clock.

Just before 3 o'clock, a car drives up in the courtyard and a tall man in a black suit steps out. I bid Molly and Ron goodbye, the boy still refuses to answer any of the questions his parents and brother. With a smile, I walk to the driver who has stepped out of the car. "Hello Cooper, are you my ride for today?"

"Yes, ma'am. I will drive you to London and back," the man nods at me while opening the door of the black car. I step into the car and Cooper closes the door before stepping in as well. The man starts the car and begins the journey to London.

It doesn't take us long before we arrive at Kings Cross station and I step out of the car. Cooper announces he will stay in the car waiting for me to return with Ginny and pulls out the Daily Prophet. After taking a deep breath, I walk into the station and head to Platform 9 ¾.

On the platform are standing some people and I sit down on one of the benches.

Around 4 o'clock, the train enters the station. Soon after the train has stopped, students begin to leave the train and enter the platform. I stand up from the bench and try to look over the crowd for the red-haired girl. When I spot Ginny, I wave, and moments later, Ginny and Neville are standing in front of me.

I want to smile at the two but see Ginny's teary eyes and ask concerned: "What happened?"

Ginny tries to speak, but she keeps sobbing. I turn my head to Neville who quietly explains: "Some Death Eaters abducted Luna from the train."

The red-haired girl tries to wipe away the tears and I pull her into a hug. Softly, I rock her back and forth while holding the girl closely. After a while, Ginny lets go of me and takes a deep breath. While wiping away the tears on her cheeks, she looks up at me and says: 'shall we go home?"

After sending a smile to Neville and him assuring me he already saw his grand-mother and he doesn't need a ride home, I grab my bag and together with Ginny, leave the platform and the station. When we arrive at the car, I can't help but feel something has changed.

Cooper is still sitting in the driver's seat but doesn't get out of the car when we arrive like he did when he picked me up at the Burrow. Shaking away the weird feeling, it's probably nothing, I open the door for Ginny and cast Reducio on Ginny's trunk to make it fit into the backseat with us.

Without saying a word, Cooper folds up his newspaper and starts the car. Ginny – realizing Cooper is our driver – bows forward and asks the driver: "Hey Cooper, how is Stella doing? Is she still feeling as sick as the last time we visited?"

The man seems to be awakened by the voice of Ginny because he jerks up and answers with a plain voice: "Yes, she is."

"I thought the sickness would go away after a few months, how long is she pregnant now?" Ginny asks. It takes a while before the man answers: "Three months."

The face of Ginny changes and slowly, she sits back into her seat. With a raised eyebrow, I look at the girl who seems to be counting something on her fingers. She holds up seven fingers and a frown forms on her face. She counts again and mutters softly: "That's not right."

"What's not?" I ask and Ginny shakes her head while eyeing Cooper.

With a soft voice, she says: "Mum and I visited Cooper and Stella last summer, just before the wedding and everything. I thought I heard Stella tell Mum she was three months pregnant then – it's December now, so she has to be seven months pregnant."

Ginny shakes her head and shrugs. "I must be wrong, it's been a long and rough day."

The girl leans back into her seat and closes her eyes. While Ginny rests, the weird feeling from before returns and I keep thinking about the conversation between the two. There is no way Cooper's wife was pregnant when Molly and Ginny visited them and be three months pregnant now.

Lost in thoughts, I look out of the car window. The landscape goes by and I seem to recognize it a bit, one left turn and we should be home soon.

But by the next turn, we don't go left – we go right. Confused, I look at Cooper who still has an emotionless expression on his face while he focusses on the road. The landscape around us begins to change and I nudge the girl beside me. Ginny lazily opens one eye and looks at me.

"He took the wrong turn," I tell her and she opens her other eye to look out of the window. When she realizes I am right, she nods. "I don't recognize this road."

Suddenly, Ginny's eyes widen and she snaps her head to Cooper. With a bit of a tremble in her voice, she asks the driver: "Cooper? Do you know if Alastor Moody went to work yesterday?"

I want to open my mouth to tell Ginny Alastor Moody has been dead for months when I hear the driver answer: "Yes, he was a work yesterday."

Ginny and I share a look and I grab my bag. Opening it, I begin to rummage through it while muttering: "Fred gives me so many of their products, sure there must be something useful in here."

Spotting the black package, I smile and grab the package of the Bombtastic Bomb. I hand it to Ginny and nod at Cooper. The girl smiles and quickly opens the package to throw the black firework to the front of the car.

Both of us cover our ears when the firework explodes with a loud BANG! The man screams and the car makes a sharp turn to the right. I grab Ginny and try to cover her as the car hits a tree with quite come force. Shaken, I look at Ginny who looks with wide eyes at me.

Immediately, I grab Ginny's shrunken trunk and my bag before opening the door beside me. After getting out of the car, I help Ginny get out and when we are both standing outside of the car, on the side of the road, I check to see if she is alright.

Ginny assures me she is fine, but I still completely check her. While I am making sure we both are alright, we hear a groan behind us. I turn around quickly and see Cooper stumble out of the car. The man groans in pain and I see a wound on his head. Blood drips down his temple and cheek but the man doesn't seem to notice. Ginny takes a step backward and the man notices us.

His facial expression changes and he pulls out his wand. While he tries to cast a spell, he falls over and the curse misses us. I look over my shoulder at Ginny who already has her wand ready and order her: "Cover me!"

The next curse Cooper sends our way is blocked by Ginny's shield spell and I cast: "Expelliarmus!"

Cooper's wand flies out of his hand and I run towards it to make sure he can't hurt us any further. Ginny walks towards the man and raises her wand: "Stupefy"

The man falls backward and I see Ginny look at me. "What just happened?"

I stand up and place Cooper's wand in my bag before answering: "I have no idea, but we have to get out of here before he wakes up and attacks us again."

Looking around, I don't seem to recognize the environment and the road we are standing on. Hopeful, I look at Ginny and asks: "Do you know where we are?"

"Yes, and sadly, it's quite a walk home," the red-haired girl says and I sigh deeply, of course, why make this easy. Great Flamel, please get us home safe and sound.

A smile forms on Ginny's face and she remarks: "But on a broom, it isn't that far. I have one in my trunk."

She turns around to her trunk and after growing her trunk back to its original size, she opens it to take a broom out of it. Looking between me and the broom, she says: "I only have one, sorry."

"That's no problem. Shall I fly?"

100 chapters, I never thought this book would have so many chapters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think about it!
