The Grimm Brothers & Destiny

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I will try to update this when I get the chance.

I didn't talk much about the Grimm Brothers in my original series and I hate myself for that. But to be fair, I didn't exactly know how I could have written about them. But after some thinking, I feel that I got it down.

So, Milton and Giles were born and raised in Germany in the Fairytale World along with their parents. The brothers were close as children, but as they got older, they grew distant from each other when their different ideas of destiny clashed.

I know most of us never liked Milton, if anything, he was eviler than Raven's mother, forcing everyone to follow the paths written for them. But like with Mira, there was another reason why Milton became the person that he is. In Raven's section, I mentioned that during the years everyone's parents were still in school, Milton used to have a daughter named Destiny who is a bit like Apple and Raven. But one day, after getting into a fight with her father about not wanting to follow in his footsteps, she disappeared. Milton has always believed that she poofed because she didn't want to follow her destiny, hence why he's so strict about having everyone follow their destinies. He really had no idea that destiny was a hoax. But if that's true, then what happened to Destiny?

It turns out that the only person who knew what happened to Destiny was Mira. During graduation, Destiny had planned on running away to another realm using the Well of Wonder. After using the Queen of Hearts' book, she located the well to be on top of Grimm's Peak.

But unbeknownst to her, Mira had witnessed her planning her escape. Curious, Mira followed Destiny all the way to the peak where the well was. But before she could jump through, Mira revealed herself. Destiny begged Mira to not tell anyone about her running away, Mira says that she won't unless Destiny gives her the password that unlocks the protective case of the Storybook of Legends. Realizing that Mira wants to steal the book, Destiny refuses just as the well disappears. Now pissed, Destiny argues with Mira about missing her chance to escape, causing the girl to get into a scuffle.

Unfortunately, during the scuffle, Mira shoves Destiny too close to the edge of the peak. She did try to save her, but it was too late, Destiny fell from the edge and to her death.

Despite what happened, Mira never told anyone about that and decided to just break the case to get the Storybook of Legends. But she never knew what became of Destiny's body. After she finally confesses, everyone is completely shocked, especially Milton who threatens to send Mira to prison for manslaughter. But that's when Raven steps up and gives him some news. The oracle who had told Raven about her Saviour destiny was none other than Destiny herself! After her death, she woke up as a ghostly oracle who can only be seen by those who need to see her such as Raven, even Brooke has spoken to her. But she still doesn't know why her father and uncle can't see her. Milton didn't believe Raven at first, but after telling him things that Destiny had told her that only the father and daughter know, he starts to believe her.

But what has Destiny been doing since she became a ghostly oracle?

Well, she used to live inside the Storybook of Legends that was seen during Thronecoming.

There, she was able to learn about everyone's true destinies and has even helped them with their stories. She was the one who found out about the apocalypse that happened in Book 13, the apocalypse that was supposed to end them all if not for the bravery of our heroes including Destiny.

But in the last book of the series, we meet Desi, an evil clone of Destiny. Unlike Destiny, Desi is not human. She's the concept of destiny that takes on a human form. She may know everyone's true stories, but she also knows other versions of their stories, versions that have a chance of being played out. She also has a magic origami fortune-teller that gives out true fortunes to whoever plays it. According to her, every game is a different story.

Towards the end of Book 14, she sends everyone back to Ever After, but in a dark and creepy version. There, Brooke meets a twisted version of her young self who has written unhappy endings for her friends, her young self wants those stories to come true. But Desi offers a solution for Brooke- if she gives up her happy ending, her friends and family won't suffer. Sure enough, Brooke plays the fortune-teller and is put in a coma where she witnesses the unhappy endings.

But after Carey sacrifices himself to save Brooke, Desi is amazed that someone was able to break through the fortune-teller's magic. She even starts to feel scared and guilty now that she's seen how brave everyone has been. And they were right, destinies can change. Despite everything, they forgive her, and Raven has created a new Storybook of Legends for Desi to live in.

After all of that and the combining of the realms, Destiny is still living her new life as an oracle who can now be seen by her father and uncle. But even though she can't age, she is practically dead, meaning that she will always be reunited with the ones she loves after their deaths.

As for Milton and Giles, even with the whole fake destiny thing, they continue to run Ever After High until their retirement. Legacy Day is no longer needed and many subjects have either changed or been removed, even some new subjects have been added such as learning about different realms, including the world of readers. Milton has even allowed the banned books of Good Magic for Evil Queens to return.

Many things have changed, but everyone is living their life happily.
