
Cerise Hood. Her Storybrooke counterpart is Kayla Wren. (I should say that when I was coming up with her Storybrooke last name, I had no idea that a wren was a bird. But even though it doesn't go with her story, I just stuck with it)

In Storybrooke, Kayla lived with her dad who was a math teacher at Storybrooke High. But when the curse was partially broken, everyone found out that Mr. Badwolf was Cerise's father. They were surprised at first, but they showed no hate towards the two and accepted them. However, Cerise still feels insecure about her wolf side and fears that it may one day take over her because she's heard stories of that happening. Not only that but there's a side of her that's filled with guilt because of something in her past.

During her childhood, Cerise used to witness young Raven and even young Ginger getting bullied. She wanted to stand up to the bullies but she feared that they will discover her family secret. To this day, she still regrets not speaking to Raven and Ginger even though that was all in the past and everything is fine now. But the more she thinks about her past, the more depressed she feels by the memories of her forced isolation due to fear. Even after finding out that destiny is a hoax, the fear of her wolf side taking over has never left. And she sometimes wonders what would have happened if she had decided to follow in her father's footsteps instead of her mother's. What if she had become Cerise Wolf?

Then comes the story of her secret sister, Ramona who I'll talk about soon. But during Book 12, a killer wolf comes to Storybrooke and starts to hunt down Cerise. It turns out to be a werewolf who just so happens to be a guy named Randall whom she remembers from her village. Ever since the Hoods and the Wolfs found out Cerise's family secret, some refused to accept the family, Randall was one of them. He would bully her whenever he had the chance, saying that she doesn't belong to their village. But even though he's a werewolf himself, he uses his curse to gain power and to strike fear, especially towards Cerise. He tried to kill Cerise, but he was thankfully stopped by Ramona and her new friend.

But even after that event, Cerise still doesn't feel safe from others and even from herself. In her room, she finds a wolf mask that she used to wear.

Seeing the mask reminds her of the kind of person she is. Part human, part wolf. But sometimes, people back in her village would consider her a monster. And that word has haunted her ever since. When she looks at her wolf mask, she sees it as a disguise. But she knows that even as she tries to hide behind a mask, nothing changes. She is who she is and she can't change anything about it.

But over time, Cerise begins to accept herself for who she is. She even gets rid of her wolf mask. Now that everyone knows her secret and destiny is a hoax, Cerise feels that she has nothing to worry about anymore. When she returns to Ever After after the curse is broken, her village finally accepts her and her family. And one day, as she was running through the woods, she literally runs into a guy named Ulric. But he's not just any guy, he's half-wolf like herself. The two soon fall in love and get married. He even introduces her to the world of law and hunting bad guys. Soon, Cerise and her husband become detectives where their wolf skills help them sniff out clues and chase after criminals with the help of their wolf friends.
