Book 2

I want to talk about Book 2 now. I did rewrite parts of Book 2, but I sadly stopped. So, let's talk about what I've rewritten so far and how I wished I could fix it as well.

Book 2 is mainly about Alistair Wonderland, the son of Alice. Unlike everyone else, he didn't lose his memories when the Dark Curse was cast was because of the Well of Wonder. 

He and Bunny Blanc tried to escape by jumping down the Well of Wonder which unfortunately got them separated. Bunny ended up safe and back in Wonderland while Alistair ended up in Storybrooke with everyone else, but his memories were still in tack. However, because of the curse, everyone believed him to be a guy named Brenden Lawrence and that his tales of Ever After High and Wonderland were just madness, causing him to become trapped in the Storybrooke Asylum. 

If you've read the rewritten version of book 2, you most likely know what happened. You were introduced to some new characters such as Josephine Hearts, daughter of the Knave of Hearts, and cousin to Lizzie Hearts. Theo and Tillie Tweedle, a pair of cousins who are the son and daughter of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum who happen to be con-artists. And Time, who in Wonderland is a he, and he also happens to be Alistair's biological estranged father.

To summon, he met Alice when they were kids and he was deeply smitten by her. They fell in love when they got older, but knew that being together would be hard since Alice had to remain in her world with her controlling parents who want her to marry a rich man named Reginald to prevent them from going into debt. She was forced to agree to the deal, meaning that she had to end her relationship with Time. But that's when she found out she was pregnant with Time's child and ended up getting sent to Bethlem Asylum where she gave birth to Alistair before finally getting rescued by the Cheshire Cat who took her to Wonderland. There, she tried to talk to Time, but he refused to rekindle their relationship and refused to be a part of Alistair's life due to him not feeling ready to be a father and his fear that Alice would have to leave Wonderland again. 

So Alistair grew up without his father and only he and the adults know that Time is his father. As he grew up, Time never left his headquarters but agreed to see Alistair from time to time. But as Alistair got older, the less he visited his father who, according to him, doesn't even exist in his life. He doesn't hate his father, but he doesn't feel love for him either. 

During their life in Wonderland, Alice never went back to her world. She continued living in Wonderland raising her son along with the help of her friends. But over the years, she knew that she needed to find a way to prevent the Wonderland Curse from happening. Before she was sent to the asylum, the Caterpillar told her of a prophecy that states that the Evil Queen will cast a curse on Wonderland and will want to get rid of the heroine of Wonderland to prevent anyone from stopping her, meaning she will be looking for Alice. To keep herself safe, Alice decides to stay in her world and allowed herself to get put into the asylum. But during the 9th month of her pregnancy, the Evil Queen finally discovered where Alice has been and planned on taking her from the asylum. So to save Alice, the Cheshire Cat was able to go to London and bring Alice back to Wonderland before the Evil Queen could reach her. 

In Wonderland, Alice and her son were able to hide from the EQ with the help of her friends, but Alice knew that she needed to find a way to prevent the Wonderland Curse from happening. So when Alistair was 7, she left him in the care of her friends, specifically the White Knight as she embarked on her mission. She was supposed to be gone for at least a week, but she never returned. Alice never came back from her mission and soon 10 years have passed without any signs from her. But before she left, she left Alistair a letter in her office in hopes that he would find it if anything were to happen to her. But he never found it until years later when he got help from his Wonderland friends along with Darling Charming and Raven Queen.

Skip ahead to when Alistair found out that the reason Josephine Hearts brought him to Wonderland was so she could bring him to the Jabberwock. She doesn't know why the Jabberwock wants Alistair and the other Wonderlandians, but Alistair and his friends intend to find out. During this time, Raven plans on finding a way to break the Dark Curse where after talking to the Caterpillar, she was able to get a book of riddles that each tell her about what they need to break the Dark Curse.

As for the others, after getting the Jabberwock certain items in exchange for him telling them where Alice is, the Jabberwock instead uses the items to make a sucking device that he aims at Alistair, only for Bunny to push him out of the way as the ray from device sucks away her Wonder magic, causing her to go weak. It turns out that the Jabberwock is dying and needs Wonder magic to gain his power which he can only get by sucking the Wonder magic from the Wonderlandians, specifically Alistair since his mother was the creator of Wonderland, thus making him have the most Wonder magic. Raven tries to fight against the Jabberwock, but she ends up hurting Maddie and gets herself and everyone locked inside a room where only the right numbered passcode will set them free. Their only clue is: Only Alice can set them free.

With everyone trapped, the Jabberwock sets out to begin his next plan- finding Time's headquarters to obtain the Chronosphere, an object that allows someone to time-travel. 

During this time, Alistair argues with Raven and blames her for everything that's happened as Bunny grows weaker and Maddie is still in pain from her injury. Raven breaks down and she and Alistair refuse to speak to anyone until their friends convince them to talk things out. During this moment, Alistair reveals that Time is his father and that they need to get out to save him and all of Wonderland. They struggle with figuring out the passcode where they only get 3 tries. On the last try, with Raven's help, Alistair is able to figure out the passcode.

A= 1, L= 12, I=9, C= 3, E= 5

Now free, everyone is able to make it to Time's headquarters where they get Bunny's Wonder magic back and Raven is able to freeze the Jabberwock with her magic, but he still refuses to tell them where Alice is. That is until Josie decides that she's had enough working for the Jabberwock and tells everyone where Alice is- she's trapped inside a glass prison, like the Uni Cairn. But she doesn't know where. And that's when Alistair notices the necklace around the Jabberwock's neck that has a glass pendant. Feeling a connection and with his compass pointing at the necklace, he manages to take the necklace during a scuffle and breaks the necklace, releasing Alice from her prison.

After reuniting with his mother, Alistair finds himself in a battle with the Jabberwock who he fights using the Vorpal Sword and with the help of his friends. He manages to slay the beast, but not after receiving life-threatening injuries. During his time at the hospital, Alice uses this moment to tell everyone what happened to her 10 years ago. During her mission, she ran into the Evil Queen who trapped her in the glass pendant. But because she wasn't ready to cast the Wonderland Curse since she had so much to learn about Wonderland and the curse, that was all she did. When Raven spoke to her mother in the mirror, the EQ told her that someone tipped her off on where she could find Alice, but she doesn't remember who it was but remembers that it was a man with a broken heart tattoo on his wrist. But thanks to Josie, she knew right away who that person was- her father.

After getting the Knave of Hearts to come to the hospital, Josie forces him to tell everyone why he told the EQ where Alice was hiding. It turns out, Time wasn't the only one who had a crush on Alice when they were young, so did the Knave. He was always jealous of Time because he won Alice's heart. And when she turned him down again before she left for her mission, he decided to get back at her by telling the EQ where to find her. It was because of him that Alice was missing for 10 years, thus causing Josie to watch her father get arrested. As much as she regrets allowing herself to work for the Jabberwock, everyone forgives her. Because if it wasn't for her, they wouldn't have been able to find Alice.

Once Alistair is able to leave the hospital, the Queen of Hearts throws a party at her palace to celebrate Alice's return. During the party, Alistair is able to see Raven for who she is and allows her to become his friend. And during this time, Alice reconnects with Time who he apologizes for not being a part of Alistair's life and would like to give their love a second chance. She accepts, and the two wed the next day in a small wedding with the White Knight officiating the wedding. After the wedding, Alistair decides to stay in Wonderland for a while to catch up with his parents as everyone else heads back to Storybrooke, but not before Raven takes the first ingredient that will help break the Dark Curse.

Think of a creature made from fear

Who enters the mind from far and near

Take his blood to fill a cup

Use its power to rise it up

The answer- One cup of blood from the Jabberwock. 

Now that they have one of the ingredients, it will only take time until they find the rest. But nobody realizes the upcoming threat from Wonderland. During the fight with the Jabberwock, a mirror got cracked, allowing the EQ to use her powers to send her younger duplicate, Mira Shards into the world. And now she's on her way to Storybrooke.
