Promise ~ Ethan Landry

Y/n and Ethan have been dating for almost a year, tomorrow was there anniversary. He's been gone alot lately and all the killings have had her worried he might be next, she didn't even think about him being the killer.

Y/n was sitting with everyone after Anika was killed.

Y/n stood in chads arms sobbing, y/n and Anika have been best friends since preschool.

"Wait! Those are my friends!" They heard Ethan.

Chad walked towards ethan and shoved him against the car, she didn't hear what they were saying and Chad let him go and was saying sorry.

"Ethan." She walked over and hugged him tightly.

"Who?" He saw the body bag.

"Anika." She cried and he just held her.

"I'm so sorry." He kissed her head.

*the next day*

Y/n was with everyone on the subway and y/n was holding onto Ethan's hand, she hated this was how they had to spend there Anniversary.

They were at a stop and someone walked between
Y/n and Ethan.

"Ethan? Ethan!" She yelled and she was shoved to the floor.

"Y/n." Sam helped her up.

She saw Ethan being pushed out of the train along with Mindy.

"Ethan! Mindy!" She called.

She went to go to Ethan but the doors closed.

"No. No. No." she tried to open it.

"Y/n. It's okay. I'll be okay." He nodded.

"Ethan." She continued trying and the train took off, she watched as her was now being left.

"Damnit!" She yelled hitting the window.

"Mindys with him. It's okay." Chad spoke.

Y/n sat down and Tara held her hand.

"Tara I can't loose him, now after loosing every." She tried not to cry.

"I know. You won't." Tara squatted holding her hand.


Y/n had just watched Kirby get attacked and she has been cut a few times and stabbed but was trying to Stay awake.

"Where's y/n?" Tara asked Sam.

"I don't know." Sam spoke.

They looked around but were surrounded by the 2 ghostface killers. Y/n was hiding around a corner waiting for a good chance to attack them but Y/n watched from afar Bailey walk up with ghostface.

"Great job." He paused as another killer walked up, "both of you."

"You?" Tara spoke.

"Yeah ofcourse me." Bailey laughed, "Frankly I expected more from the two of you, after what you did to us."

"What do you mean us?" Tara glared.

One of the killers took off the mask revealing Ethan.

Y/ns heart and stomach dropped.

"Mindy was right. It easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean all I had to do to meet you was room with the conceded condescending alpha literally named Chad. Fuck it felt good to kill him!" Ethan spoke making y/n want to break down in tears.

"This was your grandmothers, sam. Nancy loomis. Really runs in the fucking family doesn't it. Speaking of family!" Ethan spoke.

"Wait for it." Bailey smirked.

"My names not Ethan Landry! Is it dad?" Ethan looked at Bailey.

"Dad?" Tara spoke.

"Wait if that's you two. that just leaves." Sam spoke, "Mindy?"

"Y/n?" Tara looked at the killer, y/ns heart dropped more when tara thought she was the killer.

The killer removed their mask revealing Quinn.

"Heyyy roomy." She smiled, "didn't see that one coming did you?"

"Because you died!" Tara spoke.

"I kinda didn't. So it was a good way Too get off the suspect list. Stab and kill gale weathers. Stab mindy on the train. That sort of thing." Quinn spoke.

They were talking and y/n heard them talking about her.

"Where's y/n?" Tara yelled at them and Ethan's jaw clenched.

"Last I saw her I was stabbing her in the stomach and throwing her off that ledge." Quinn smirked and Ethan looked at the floor.

"You see it was also easy to get y/n into the group. It's very easy to get with a girl who's unstable and is unemotionally available but also still wants a person to love." Quinn laughed, "so ethan over here got with her before richie even died so we could absolutely get her here."

"What does she have to do with this?" Sam glared.

"You see Sam. Your not the only person with a murderous Father. Y/ns name isn't y/n kayoko. When y/n was in preschool she was a foster kid. Anikas family adopted her which she knows. But we dug a little deeper. Y/ns father is known as none other than the Famous Roman Bridger. Sydney Prescott's brother." Bailey spoke.

Y/ns eyes widened as she heard that.

Quinn disappeared for a minute and when she came back she had y/n by her hair and a knife to her throat.

"Here you go little brother. Kill her." Quinn shoved her and she tripped and fell into Ethan.

"Ethan?" She cried.

He looked down at her and she saw the fear and sadness in his eyes.

Y/n stepped away and Sam pulled her to her.

Everyone was fighting and y/n came around a corner only to see Ethan not doing anything but standing with a knife. Bailey came behind her.

"One of us y/n. That's who you are." Bailey spoke, "your a winner. And you know what winners say. Fuck the losers who can't take a joke."

"Come with us...come with us, and it'll be better than it ever was before. You and me. Together." Ethan spoke, he didn't care about Bailey or Quinn. He just wanted her to be safe.

"I'm not like that." She cried and she saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Bullshit! Your exactly like that! And you know it. You and Ethan are made for each other. Your a Bridger. Your father was a killer and you are too." Bailey spoke.

"I love you Ethan. I honestly do, were kind, cause you were loyal, cause you forgave me everytime I messed up. I was a bitch. God, I was such a bitch. And you were the sweetest boy ever." She cried.

"I think I'm gonna be sick. He's not a boy! He's a man! He's a killer!" Bailey yelled.

"No, Ethan. Your a boy. And you will never be the kind of man he wants you to be." She sobbed.

"Kill her now Ethan!" Bailey yelled.

"But if you fall...this time I'll catch you." She cried, "I promise."

"I'm sorry." Ethan raised the knife and ran at them but pushed her over and stabbed Bailey.

"You stay the hell away from her." Ethan spoke stabbing him again.

Ethan stood up and looked at y/n.

"Ethan?" She spoke.

"Run and hide! Now!" He yelled at her.

"Y/n! Where are youuu?" They heard Quinn.

"Baby. I need you to hit me with this so it looks like you hurt me. Okay?" Ethan handed her a wooden bat that was on the floor.

"I can't." She cried.

"It's okay. I'll come find you then we can leave. I'm so sorry. But I promise you the only person I've ever killed was him." He pointed at his dad.

She grabbed the bat from his hands and hesitated but hit him on the head.

He fell partially unconscious.

"Go." He groaned.

She brought the bat with her and ran and hid.

She was hiding when she saw Quinn walking by with Ethan, he wasn't wearing the robe anymore just his normal clothes.

"Your a Fucking liar ethan." Quinn shoved Ethan to the floor and was hitting him.

Y/n came out of the curtains and was smacking Quinn with the bat over and over again.

She was now knocked out and Ethan came behind her.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Ethan held her in his arms.

She grabbed a gun from off the floor and pointed it at Quinn.

"Y/n!" Tara and Sam ran over.

They were about to run at Ethan but she stood in front of him protecting him.

"He helped me. He killed Bailey." She cried.

"Y/n." Tara spoke, "he's a killer."

"I love him." She sobbed, "and I can't loose him. You promised I wouldn't."

"I know. I know." Tara put her hands down.

"Kill Quinn ethan." Sam spoke.

"Okay." Ethan took the gun and pointed it at Quinn, his hands shaking.

"No..." Tara grabbed the gun, "he helped y/n. That's enough."

She turned and shot Quinn into the head.


Quinn and Bailey were now known as the killers and Ethan was in the clear.

Y/n was in her room packing her bags, she decided to go stay with Sydney for a while.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Y/n? Open the door please." She heard Ethan.

She opened the door and let him in.

"I know things between us will never be the same. But I promise I would never hurt you. I did it to protect you I promise y/n." He spoke.

"I know Ethan." She started to cry.

"I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore. I just wanted to say that I love you." He sighed and was about to walk away.

She ran over and hugged him from behind.

"Don't go." She cried, "please."

"I'm not going anywhere." He turned and held her in his arms.

"Sydneys here." Sam walked in.

"Okay." She grabbed her bag and was walking with Ethan's hand in her.

"You must be Ethan." Sydney spoke.

"Yeah." He nodded.

Y/n put her bags in the car and turned to Ethan.

"Come with me." She looked up at him, "we can start over. Like nothing happened."

"Y/n. You need a restart. Go for a while. When you get back. I'll still be here. Waiting for you." He looked down at her.

Y/n nodded and he opened the door for her.

"Promise?" She questioned.

"I promise." He hugged her tightly, she pulled him into a kiss.

She got into the car and closed the door.

"Take care of her." He looked at Sydney and she nodded.

Y/n looked in the mirror as they drove away, Ethan getting further and further, til he was gone.

That was the last time Ethan saw y/n. She graduated med school and became a surgeon. They kept in touch but he never saw her again.
