Love and Massacres~ Ethan Landry

Y/n gets her period.

*3rd person*

Y/n wakes up and realizes she started her period. But she's not in her bed. She at Ethans apartment.

She turns to see he's not there, she stands up and see a red spot on his Blue sheets.

She grabs his hoodie and puts it on real quick.

She walks out and sees Ethan eating and watching a movie. She stands awkwardly.

"Hey Love, you ok?" He sees her a little upset.

"I- uh- ur- um- I-" she stutters.


"I bled on your sheets." She blurts.

He walks to his room calmly and she follows.

He lifts the blanket and puts it in a basket and he takes off the sheet and puts it in the laundry basket.

"I'm sorry Ethan." She mutters covering her face.

"Hey. It's okay." He hugs her.

He lets go and goes to his Dresser pulls out some shorts and a t-shirt and hands them to her.

"Here. Go take a bath or a shower. I'll go get you what you need." He smiles and kisses her forehead.

"Thank you baby." She pecks his lips and goes to the bathroom.

He walks out and realizes.

He doesn't know what the fuck to get.

"Shit." He whispers.

*At the store*

He's standing in the Period products isle when Chad walks by.

"Yo Ethan. You good?" He chuckles.

"Your dating Tara and you have a sister and you've dated other girls before.  Help!" He motions towards the tampons/pads(whatever one you use).

Chad grabs a box and hands it to him.

"Here. Tara and mindy always send me to get these ones." He shows him, "and get her chocolate and Midil."

"Thank you!" Ethan walks off to the candy isle.

He grabs some Chocolate(or your favorite candy if you don't like chocolate), he grabbed your favorite drink, a movie and some popcorn.

*at your house*

He knocks on the door and Tara opens it.

"Ethan? I thought y/n was at your house?" She stands confused.

"I came to get y/n some clothes. She has really bad cramps so I wanted to grab her a few things that she might be more comfortable in." Ethan blabbers.

"Okay come in I'll grab some of her clothes." He walks in and Stands awkwardly by the door.

"You alright?" Sam Walks out of the hall way.

"Yeah just waiting." He smiles awkwardly.

"Okay! Here are some of her clothes I grabbed Shorts, sweats, shirts, Underwear, bras, andddd I also grabbed a heating pad." She hands him a bag.

"Heating- heating pad?" His eyes widen.

"Right- Uh you heat it up and then place on her lower stomach, it helps with cramps." Sam Chuckles.

"Okay! Thank you!" Ethan walks out quickly.

*at Ethan's apartment*

Y/n is sitting in the bath with her eyes closed.

Ethan knocks slightly, and opens it.

"Yeah?" She turns and sees him poking his head in.

She smiles and he walks in with a smile.

"Here are some of your clothes, my hoodie, some tampon/pads, and some Midol and I have snacks and a movie waiting." His cheeks turn bright red.

"Your the best." She speaks softly.

He leans over and kisses her softly and then leave so she can get dressed.

*after she's dressed*

She walks out of the bathroom, his hoodie going over her thighs barely showing her shorts. She walks over And cuddles into a ball in his arms.

"Your warm." She Scoots closer.

He Wraps his arms around her and runs his hands through her hair, humming her favorite song as the movie played and they ate a snacks.

Y/n groans a little and holds her stomach.

"I got a heating pad from your house if you want it?" He brushes her hair out of her face.

She shakes her head and she pulls his hands tighter around her.

He pulls her closer and just lays there.

Hearing small snores from her, he turns them both on the couch and spoons her.

He starts to get hot and pulls his shirt off so he doesn't over heat.

He finishes the movie and sees she's sleeping heavy, he slowly stands up and picks her up and walks to the room placing her softly on the bed.

He lays behind her and he snakes his arms around her waist.

He loved her but knew she wouldn't love him after she finds out He's ghostface.

But what he doesn't know is she's a killer too.

Not like ghostface but more like leatherface. People have heard of her but never found out her true identity not even her friends, not even her boyfriend.

Should I do part two??
