Daddy issues ~ Tara Carpenter

Y/n is Ethan's twin sister.
Ethan's older by 12 minutes.

Quinn and Richie are there older siblings

*3rd person*

Y/n and Ethan stand side-by-side listening to their father tell Sam and Tara about their brother Richie and sister Quinn.

"Why do you act as if You don't have 2 Kids who are willing to do anything for you. Than your kids who failed you and died before us." Tara Hissed at Detective Bailey.

"There is a special bond between a father and his FIRST Son And daughter." Bailey yells at them.

Y/n and Ethan look at each other with anger and tears in their eyes as they do everything for their dads approval but all he cared about was Quinn and Richie.

"You have 2 Kids right here. What about them? Huh? You just going to leave them just so live up to your DEAD KIDS lives?" Tara spat again.

Ethan goes to step towards their dad but y/n grabs his hand and shakes her head.

"Y/n. Ethan. Kill them." Their dad Commanded but they just stood there not moving.

"What are you waiting for?! Kill them!" He sees the look in the twins eyes, "oh so now your in their side? I knew Quinn should have let Chad kill y/n and she should have let Tara kill you Ethan! they killed your brother and sister! They took them away!"

"No. You did." Ethan ripped off his costume leaving him in jeans and blood grey shirt.

Ethan gives Tara the knife and gun and stands next to them ready to fight.

"Y/n?" Tara cries a little.

She looks at Bailey and she only sees Anger in his eyes no love for his youngest child.

"Y/n we don't have to be like him." Ethan puts his hand out.

Y/n goes to grab his hand but she feels a knife pressed against her neck and an arm across her stomach.

"Anyone moves and ill kill her." Detective Bailey Hisses. "It doenst matter she has no one to live for anyway."

Y/n looks and see terror and sadness in her twins eyes.

"Actually I do." Y/n stabs her dad in the hand and as he falls she feels her neck being Sliced.

"Y/n!" Ethan runs over.

Sam and Tara Kill Detective Bailey.

"Y/n?" Ethan lifts her off the floor, while holding her han, "hey, hey, hey! Y/n! H-hey! Breathe. Hey..."

She struggles to breathe as her holding her.

"H-hey. Your okay..." he speaks Softy as her eyes slowly close sobbing while trying to keep her awake, "stay with me, stay with me! You stay with me! Y/n? Y/n!! No! Please! Please! P-please!"

He sobs as her eyes close all the way.

"Tara! Help me! Please! Someone! She's dying. Please." He cries.

His head falls on her chest while crying.

"I can't do this with out you..." he whispers.

"She's gone Ethan..." Tara sobs.

He still holding her hand and he feels her tighten her grip and she takes a deep breath.

"y/n?" He looks and sees her eyes opening.

"Help me get her out of the costume." Tara and Ethan take it off her before the police get there.

*the next day*

Y/n is in the hospital still, Ethan hasn't left her side.

"Ethan. Go home shower change I won't take my eyes off her." Tara spoke softly.

"Promise?" He has tears in his eyes.

"I promise." She nods.

He stands up and kisses y/ns head before leaving but he stops and looks at Tara.

"Tara. Why didn't you tell them we were apart of the murders?" He questions.

"You didn't kill anyone. You didn't want to hurt anyone. And I know there's good in the both of you. You just need a little help finding." She holds y/ns hand.

Ethan leaves to his and y/ns apartment.

Y/n squeezes Tara's hand and Tara shoots up.

"Y/n?" She smiles as she sees y/n beautiful brown doe eyes finally having sparkles in them.

"E-Ethan is he- o-o-okay?" She breaths out.

"Yeah he just left to go shower." Tara cries while smiling. "Hi my love."

"Hi beautiful." Y/n smiles.

Tara leans down and kisses y/n softly for a minute.

"Ahem-" someone clears their throat behind Tara, she turns to see The group.

"Hey Champ." Chad smiles at y/n and fist bumps her.

"Hi- hi g-guys." She smiles a little.

*hour later*

Ethan storms in hearing that y/n was awake.

"Y/n?" He smiles he runs over and hugs her.

"Hi Bug." She hugs her brother back.

He lays on the bed by her legs and falls asleep.

Tara is asleep on y/ns chest and everyone else is sleeping on the couch and extra bed.

*a month later*

Y/n is home and Tara basically lives with her and Ethan.

they are back in school and a somewhat normal life, y/n has a scar on her neck that people point out alot.

Y/n is absolutely inlove with Tara and Tara loves y/n and Ethan is like that little brother that doesn't leave them alone at all.
