First time ~ Ethan Landry

Y/n decides to take her Bestfriend Ethan to his first College party. Despite y/n being his Bestfriend since middle school he's always had a crush on her since freshmen year.

*3rd person*

They walk in and Ethan is immediately anxious, y/n clearly sees and grabs his hand.

"Hey you alright? We can leave if you want?" She smiles softly at him.

"I'm ok." He lied.

"Yo y/n You want anything to drink? a ride? A real man to hang out with?" Collin puts his arm around her but she pushes him off.

"Go away Collin I rejected you once im not afraid to do it again. Now Shoo. I'm fine here with him." She puts her arm around Ethan's waist pulling him closer to her.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes and walks away.

"Don't listen to him Ethan." She pulls him to the group.

"Ethan this is everyone, Everyone this is ethan. Be nice. I'm talking to you Mindy." She points at the girl.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Mindy chuckles.

Chad hands everyone a shot.

"To friends. new and old." Chad Smiles at Y/n and Ethan.

Everyone takes their shot except Ethan.

"You don't have to drink it if you don't want to." y/n says to Ethan.

"No it's ok." He shoots in and he makes a sour face.

"First drink is always the worst man dont stress about it." Chad Pats him on the shoulder.

"Have you ever played cup pong?" Y/n pulls Ethan to the table.

"Uh- No I haven't." He stands closer to y/n as 2 people are basically on top of him making out.

"Hey! Dickheads! Move! People are around you. Go get a room." Y/n shoves them over.

They are playing and Ethan keeps on insisting he finishes his drink.

*2 hours later*

"Hey have you seen Ethan?" y/n asks Chad.

"No I haven't why?" Chad sees the worry in her eyes.

"Get off of me." They hear Ethan yell from upstairs.

Y/n runs up with Chad and they try opening the door but it's locked.

"Open the door!" Y/n yells and is so scared she has tears Im her eyes.

"Watch out." Chad pulls her to the side and he kicks the door causing the frame to fall with it.

They open the door to see a very drunk Ethan and a sober Kylie.

"Get off I don't want you." Ethan slurs.

"Get Ethan." Y/n walks away her to them and she grabs Kylie by her shirt and punches her knocking her out.

"Ah fuck!" She yells holding her hand.

"Did she really just Try to do that?" Chad helps sit up ethan.

Y/n grabs Ethan's shirt off the floor and slides it over his head.

"You ok?" She stands him up and he wobbles over.

"Oh he's drunk drunk." Chad Sounded worried.

"Can you give us a ride?" Y/n asked Chad.

"Yeah ofcourse let's go." Y/n has Ethan's arm over her shoulder.

*at Ethan's dorm*

"Cmon" y/n pulls Ethan into the room.

"You got it?" Chad questions.

"Yeah. I'll be ok." She smiles and he leaves as she closes the door.

"Cmon get in bed." She ushers him over.

"I don't like sleeping In jeans." He whines.

She goes to his dresser and grabs him some grey sweatpants.

"Here. Put these on then." She hands them to him.

He leans over to take of his shoe but almost falls.

"Woah! I got it." She holds him up and unties his shoes and pulls them off him.

He starts unbuttoning his pants, he stands up and starts taking them off and she quickly turns around. She hears a small thump.

She turns and sees his sweatpants only up to his knees.

"Ethannnn." She pulls him up to stand for second and pulls them all the way up.

"Lay down I'll be right back I'm ganna go get you some water and some advil." She walks away.

She hears slight snoring she turns and sees Him shirtless only in his sweatpants and passed out.

She leans over kisses his cheek and is about to leave.

"Noooo ssstay." He whines to her, "please." He pouts.

She smiles And goes and lays next to him he pulls her and spoons her. His arms around her waist and his head draped in her neck.

His breath smelled of Mint and Alcohol. She soon fell asleep after him.


"Yo! Ethan your ganna be late for work!" His dorm mate yelled shaking his leg and pulling the cover. He stops when he sees y/n cuddled up next to Ethan.

He leaves and goes to Practice.

Y/n wakes up before Ethan and decides to make him breakfast.

She hears slight groans behind her as she cooking, she feels him walk past her holding her waist so he doesn't bump her into the stove, he grabs orange juice out of the fridge.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty. How do you feel?" She smiles at him.

"Like shit." He chuckles.

"I have a question Ethan." She places the egg on the plate.

"Hm?" He hums in response.

"Last night at the party, why did you insist on keep drinking when you knew you didn't want to?" She questions.

"Because I wanted you to think I was cool and not some dorky nerdy friend that didn't have fun." He mumbles while taking a sip of the juice.

"Why? What made you think you had to be like that?" She steps forward.

"Chad, I thought maybe if I were more like him you'd like me. More than a friend." He looks at her and his doe eyes were sad.

"Ethan I like you just the way you are. more than a friend. I have since junior year." She holds his hand.

"Don't ever make yourself do something you don't want to." She places a hand on his cheek.

He nods and smiles.

They watch a movie and eat breakfast.

"I do remember one thing from last night though y/n." Ethan says while eating his pancake.

"And what's that?" She drinks her juice.

"You not arguing about having to be home late night and staying with me. Why?" He looks at her.

"Because I didn't want to leave you." She smiles.

*later they decide to go meet up with the group*

Y/n is wearing Jean shorts and one of Ethan's shirts, Ethan is wearing jeans a shirt and a blue flannel.

"Hello love birds." Chad chuckles.

"Shut up." Y/n punches his arm.

"How's your hand?" Chad smirks.

"It still hurts." She looks at the Bruise.

"What's that from?" Tara asks.

"She punched Kylie Anderson last night knocked her out in one punch. I've never seen her do it before it was awesome." Chad blurts.

"Why did you punch her!?" Mindy gets excited.

"She deserved it." Y/n looks at her hand.

They all sit and have a picnic y/n with her head on Ethan's lap and smiling as she pointed out what she saw in the cloud and what they looked liked.

She thought one looked like a heart but Ethan said a donkey.
