
I took a long look at my old house before finally jumping through the portal ,I was about to leave everything behind .My life was about to change completely ,everything I new till now wasn't going to matter anymore.
I finally gathered up my last few things and went through the portal. Everything was different, it was brighter, everything seemed still ,silent the energy coming from nature was weak, untapped nobody had tried to use the life force around this place. I closed my eyes trying to feel the new energy around me .

"It's beautiful isn't it? " I heard my mother's soft voice linger through the cool air.

"It is. But it's a little to plain for me."I responded with my eyes still closed

"You'll get used to it, give it time" she said calmly

"I still don't understand why we had to move here all of the sudden ." I said while finally opening my eyes,

" I just wanted us to start fresh, be normal. Losing your father was hard and being in that world was hard without him," she explained

"But losing everything and everyone we know, was it really worth it? I just want to go home I can't stay here" I said to here " and normal mum just depends on how you look at it, we were normal, the normal that was fit for our world .here we aren't normal ".

I entered what was to be my new home hence forth ,I walked in and went up to pick what was going to be my new room, it only to a few minutes to set everything up and make it more comfortable. I went down stairs I found that my mum had already finished setting up everything.

"You know I didn't always live on kaildera " my mum said

"I know you live here when you were a child, you've told the story far to many times " I said

"My father didn't want me to grow up on the other side ,but all his family was there. He loved my mother so much he gave up that part of his life. but he gave me a choice when I was old enough weather I wanted to stay here or move to Kaldera and live with my grams and I choose to go and stay with grams" she said

"I just wanted to stay home"
"You'll have the choice to go back when your 18th birthday comes but for now you live with what I think is best" she said as calmly as she could and walked away.

"Oh by the way you start school on Monday."

Thanks for reading
