chapters 11 (A new hope)


I had been trying to find any clue as to where my mother was taken but to no avail, I had go back to kalderia twice after the last time I went with Walt, I was going to stay but my grandma told me I should go back and take a break.

School had began and I was waiting till I finally graduated from this place so I could go looking for my mum and only two months where left.

Walt and I had started to grow closer though I knew for him it was the sire ,which made me feel horrible about it, I'd spend time at his place because my place was quite empty and the rest of his family was welcoming, even Alex.

It was after school and I went home got changed and he was waiting for me outside, we were going to have dinner at his place till I suddenly got a call from Dean.

"I think your spell wore off she's in some kind of trance " he said his voice sounding panicy.

" What are you talking about? " I asked.

"Bonnie, her eyes are black and she's unconscious" he said

" where are you? " I asked.

" Jerome's " he said.

" we'll be there soon " I said and cut the line.

" you might want to tell your mum we'll be late for dinner " I told him .

he texted his mum and we drove to Jerome's house. When we got there her body was layed on the dinning table.

I looked at her and I couldn't feel her it was like she was gone.

"I can't feel her aura " I said.

" what? " Jerome asked.

"shhhh" I said and I touched her pendent, it was hot and I burnt my hand.

I quickly rushed out and looked at the sky after looking around the clouds parted and I could see the moon it was full.

" bring her out! " I shouted. "and bring salt!

"how much? " asked Jerome.

"All of it ". And before I knew it the salt was I'm my hand .

" put her on the grass " I told Dean

I made a circle around her with the salt and entered the circle. And started to draw energy from the moon. And before I knew it I was in her head. She was standing there besides Isis I quickly grabbed her arm and chanted and then we where back.

And everyone was now looking at us like the had seen a ghost.

"What? " I asked.

"It broke " Dean said

I looked at her neck and the pendent was in pieces.

"how? " I asked

"before you woke up, it just shattered " he responded.

" Thank you " a voice from behind the boys said and everyone turned to see who it was.

" Who the fuck are you ?" Jerome ask. "And why are you naked, this is privet property "

"How is this possible? " I asked her.

"I don't know, but this is your straight child " she said.

"What the fuck is going on here? " Dean asked.

"Boys meet Isis " I said. And before I knew it Jerome run into the house and brought out a bed sheet to cover her .

"Just a side note she's not staying here " he said.

"It's okay I'll be fine on my own " she said trying to walk away then she fell.

"you can't stay on your own, I don't trust you, but you can stay with me till we figure this out " I told her.

I looked down and Bonnie was still laying on the ground. She was awake but she just stayed there.

"Hey? " I looked at her

"Hey my head hurts " she said trying to get up.

Dean took Bonnie home and I was stuck with taking care of the high priestess immortal baby woman ,she knew nothing of our time, but the reason I agreed on staying with her was I needed her help. I knew if she was on my said I could save my mum, I could actually bring her back to me.

Walt told Jerome to take me and Isis home because is father had called because they had some emergency at the pack and he need his help, he never really told me much but recently I could feel he was in distress, there was something wrong that he didn't want me to know, but I respect his privacy and if it was something that was nessery for me to know he would have told me.

When I got home I gave Isis some of my mother's clothes and set her up in the spare room .

The next day had gone by fast, I left Isis at the house with food and told her not to leave the house till I came back to get her, we where to meet everyone at Bonnie's place.

When we got there we talked about what happened, I had asked my grandma what could have caused Isis to be back in this world and she told me I must have used a spell I didn't know about in the heat of the moment.

I explained to everyone and next thing I knew is we where trying to do the same on her brother, I sent everything up as the previous try, but one I removed the block, I felt a surge of energy flow through the air I could tell something was up but I still tried and the moment I put my hand on his I was air borne, it happened so fast o hit my head on the ground.

"Lia! " I heard Walt shout as he ran to my aid, I couldn't think straight, Walt got me up and I saw Isis sit on the ground and hug Zack and his aura calmed, the boys took him to his room.

Isis came to me and sat with me in the living room as I was trying to get myself together.

"I need to watch over my brother, I'll be back tomorrow once I know they are stable " she said " I'll help you with your task young one that is a promise I give to you and promise of hope, we shall speak tomorrow " she said and got up and went up to Zack's room.

I had told her about my mother and she promised to help, she said I had done a great favor for her and she was indebted to me.

I had a new hope, I had almost started to give up, to live with the fact that I had filled to get her back but now I was set on doing what I had promised myself.

"Let me take you home " Walt came .

"yeah " I simply responded

" is there something wrong? " he asked " you look lost "

" It's nothing " I smileed

"I think you might have hit your head a little to hard he laughed.

" keep laughing and I'll turn you into a goat " I said and he laughed and draw me into his arms and hugged me.

"you're sure you'll be fine on your own, I can ask my mum to set the extra room for you? " he said.

"I'll be okay, don't worry yourself " I said.

He took me home and waited for me to get in and lock the door, I looked out the window and waited for his car to pull off and when it did all I could do was fall face flat on the couch till everything went black and it all felt like a dream.

Thanks for reading

