chapter 15(on to bigger things)


A month had gone by since the funeral, everyone was busy trying to get thire projects and extra credit done before the end of the month to ensure they graduate, others where getting ready for prom which was in two nights school was busy and I barely got to spend time with anyone. Graduation was in a week, and the week after was Walt's birthday as well as the day he was to be made the new alpha of his pack.

We hadn't spoken much we where all busy with other things, and he seemed pretty torn, because he had to give up going to college to stay in his pack.

On the other hand I just wanted to focus on finishing this bullshit and going back to my world so I could unlish hell on Magnus and bring my mother back. It had been almost a year since she was taken from me, and the only thing on my mind was revenge, beautiful revenge.

A. N: the prom night will be in Lakewood but not in hex

This week had moved by fast prom had gone by and before I knew it I was getting ready to head to school on a Saturday afternoon. I had spent the morning with the girls trying to get ready by girls I meant, Bonnie, April and Isis. Lia and I where graduating while the other two where just attending. We where all at Bonnie's house, her brother had finally woken up from his slumber but he was still a host, but they seemed to be sharing the body just fine.

"You guys are going to be late " Zack pressuring us to get moving.

" We still have a good fifty minutes, chill " Bonnie respond.

When we where done we all got into Bonnie's car and drove to the school, people where already starting to settle down so April and Isis went to take there sits while we rushed to our seats on stage.

"Everyone is welcome to the 2019 graduated " the principal said, he talked about God knows what for a whole 20 minutes, and a bunch of other old people talked for another hour. I must have dozed off at some point till I heard them say Jerome's name. And a bunch of people claped

"Thank you, no need to clap. This right hear was inevitable, I'm not talking about the graduation in talking bout me being valedictorian, simply because I've probably been through highschool hundred time " he said like it was a joke and everyone laughed, little did they know he was dead serious.

" It's been an honor, but I won't take much of you time by saying a long boring speech, been there done that and might I say it was hela boring am I right Katherine " he said pointing at Walt's mum and she laughed. " Anyway let's get this over with, okay so I'm just gonna end this here " he said and went back to his seat, nobody was expecting that but it was hilarious.

After that they announced that names we got our diplomas and stuff , it was that big of a deal to me, my mother wasn't even here to see it.

We where all standing and taking pictures when Walt's mother came and invited us to celebrate at her place, so we went over, she had prepared a whole dinner.

Walt pulled me aside and we went out to the garden.

"What's up ?" I asked him

"So next week I became Alpha " he said.

"I know I'm helping your mum organized the ceremony, stupid " I laughed.

"The thing is I'm going to need a Luna at some point " he said. On the inside I was a little happy. But there was a problem on my part.

" Is this you trying to ask me to be your Luna ?" I asked.

"Not I just wanted your stamp of approval, I was going to ask someone else " he said sarcastically.

"Look Walt there's a reason I said I didn't want us to be together officially " I told him.

" It doesn't matter I wouldn't leave you, I really like you, I might just love you " he said.

"Bro don't even go there. You haven't imprinted on me, the moment you find your mate, all the feelings you think you have they'll vanish, I'll just be a distant memory " I told him.

"I would reject my mate for you Zelfelia. I don't care !" he shouted.

"if you did that you wouldn't just be hurting me and you but also the person you're mated to. This is just about you, I won't be stupid and let myself get hurt even more than it hurts me to say no to you " I told him " If we where different people, a little bit normal I would have said yes and if it was meant to be, you would have imprinted on me, which means you have your perfect match out there and it's not me "

" I could be, " he whispers under his breath.

"I just can't put myself through the disappointment " I told him. And walked back into the house.


When she walked back into the house I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry she'll come around " Jerome said.

"where you listen in on our conversations ?"I asked.

"I was out taking a smoke and I happened to here you talking " he said " look I have super hearing I couldn't help it" he said and walked to the house.

I went back in after some time, I saw her laugh with everyone else, there was something about her, she just had to be the one though I hadn't imprinted on her, I just couldn't explain it.

"You look like a creep stalker, " April said.

"Get out of my face " I snapped at her.

"That's the rejection talking " she said.

"Were you listening in on my conversation as well ?" I asked.

"You guys where blow my room balcony ,what did you expect " she said.

" You're impossible " I said walking away from her.

Hours has passed and everyone was still enjoying them selves . I saw Lia walk towards me.

"Hey " she said awkwardly as she sat next to me. " look, I really like you and I don't want to rush things and get hurt, I just can't take the position as the Luna, what if your mate came here it would be to much drama for me " she said.

" I'm willing to give this a chance thanks to Bonnie's influence. So I'll be traveling back to kalderia the week after your birthday, I don't know when I'll be back but, if you haven't found your mate by this time next year, hopefully I'll be back by then, and we both feel the same I'll be your Luna " she said. I hugged her and then I kissed her.

"I'll wait for you," I told her. "I could even come with you " I said

"You have to look after everything here " she said. "And anyway we don't have to rush anything " she said and got up.

Thanks for reading!

