chapter 24( fleeting memories)


I found myself sitting in front of a dresser, I looked in the mirror and put on my make up till I felt someone touch my shoulders, I looked into the mirror and it was Jerome, I stood up and turned to him, he held my waist and pulled me placing a kiss on my lips. I couldn't help myself,but smile. It all felt so natural like everything was okay.

"What dose my dear wife what me to get her this morning ?" he asked.

"How thought full, but we need to get going we have an appointment with the real-estate agent, we'll be late " I said playfully pushing him away. Causing him to tighten his grip on my waist.

"I love you Harriet " he said "Or should I say Heketi " he laughed. That's when it all started to unravel, I looked back at the mirror, it wasn't me I saw I stepped away from Jerome. I tried to run out of the room, I headed to the nearest exit and pushed the door open ,only to find myself walking down an alter, I was in a white dress as he stood at the end , I thought of turning back by my feet wouldn't let me .

The wedding went on, we both said our vows, the flowed out of my mouth without realizing it, I wasn't in control of my body anymore, I didn't know what was happening. I managed to run out only to find myself walking into a ball room.

"Can I have this dance? " I heard immediately causing me to turn around. It was Jerome, without thinking I took his hand and we started to dance. "I don't think I've seen you around " he said.

"I like to move in the shadows " I said to him letting go of his hands and walking out of the ballroom.

'What in the hell is happening? '

I hadn't realized this but I was now in a temple, men and women of different tribes where gathered around ,and in front of me were four cups, I started to chant without realizing it.

"May the leader come forth " I said and three men and a woman came forth. I gave the first cup to the woman . She had beautiful dark skin, and her hair was done in the most beautiful colored braids and decorated in beads. " I give to the gift of the strength, courage and wisdom. Torc Leon ." she drunk of the cup and I told her to bring her hand forth, I slit her wrist and poured the blood into the cup and told her to let her people drink of it.

I did it for the rest of the men that stood before me and before I knew it, I started to hear the the brakes and cracks ,followed by deafening screams of everyone that was in the temple, everyone had started to shift, the leaders where much larger than the others. I quickly walked out of the temple.

I feel to the ground in a panic, the memories where flashing all around me, my memories, my past life it was all happening around me, I could hear the voices, multiple voice children ,adults the voices all played in my head like a broken record. That's when it hit me, they where prayers each one of them, my creations. I closed my eyes trying to make them stop, it it didn't stop.

"STOP" I screamed then it all stopped, I opened my eyes

I was now laying on the ground in pool of my own blood. holding a dagger that was plugged in my stomach .Jerom run to me and placed my head on his lap.

"What are you doing ?" tears flowing down his face, I never thought I'd see this side of him. His fangs extended and he bit into his wrist. "Drink this " he said putting his wrist by my mouth. I shook my head.

"They won't stop, Jerome " I said pushing the dagger father into my stomach. "Just promise me something "

"What? " he said as he run his hand through my hair.

"I'll came back to you, just promise me you'll help me remember " I told him. "You'll make me full in love with you all over again "


"I may look and sound different, but I have faith you'll find me" the everything started to go black.


Aretha sat by her daughters bed waiting for her to wake up, Zelfelia had been unconscious for hours .when Jerome brought her back to the house she was bleeding through her nose and mouth, she had used up a lot of energy, with the amount of training she had it was a miracle she was still alive.

Jerome was in his room pacing back and forth, he was worried, he didn't want to lose her again, he promised he'd help her remember and just when he thought he could, he still hasn't owned up to his promise .

"Jeremy! " he herd her voice echo through the house and he rushed to her room, he hadn't heard that name in decades.

"Lia " he said sitting by the side of her bed .

"You haven't yet lived up to your promise " she said .

He was quick to engulf her in a hug, tears roll down his face, not wanting to let go of her.she closed her eyes letting his smell consume her. And for a moment she felt something she hadn't felt in a long time.


Thanks for reading!



Zelfelia's mother
