Leone POV

I was leaning back with hands behind my head staring at the ceiling, I was at the office late today for many reasons.

I payed a visit to Alex and his mother then I had a few business meetings with potential business partners and also with a few mafia leaders.

Yes I haven't killed Alex yet

I know that a lot may be wondering why is he still alive, why I haven't killed him yet but truth be told I believe there's a bigger picture to all this. I know that Maria isn't the mastermind behind this and that they both answer to one person. So I'm keeping them around to get to the head and see who wants to take me out and take my spot.

Now that Allison is pregnant I believe they might try to use that against me. I feel as if they might try to take her again do some serious damage like threaten to kill her and our unborn child.

If I'm being honest I'm not one hundred percent worried about Allison handling her self. Like I didn't know she was that crazy, I mean she threatened to put me in a body bag.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't turned on when she said that

I felt my eyes starting to close when suddenly my phone started ringing. I straightened up and look at the caller ID but it was a number I didn't recognized.

I was contemplating whether I should pick up the phone or not but eventually I did. I placed the phone to ears and waited for the person on the other end to say something.

It felt as if we were having a breathing contest, truth be told if felt like minutes before the person actually said something and in that moment I wished everything had went back to being silent.

"Leo" the voice said

I didn't say anything, I just sat there with the phone to my ears staring into space

"Leo baby, are you going to say anything" they said "I know you are there"

I took a deep breath before gathering myself together and actually opening my mouth to say something.

"What do you want" I said

"I just called to hear your voice, I missed you so much"

"Aurora" I said with so much base in my voice "What do you want?"

After all these years, now you want to call. Exes have a funny way of popping up when everything is going great, it's as if they have a sixth sense or something.

I heard her sigh before speaking "I know that we haven't spoken in so long. I was only wondering if I could see you and have a conversation. The way things went and ended between us wasn't right so my only wish is for us to just talk"

"Talk? Have A Conversation?" I started laughing "You were always funny Aurora, You know that"

Aurora was never the type to have conversations, it was either her way or the highway. If the conversation wasn't going the way she had it all planned out in her head then it would always turn into a screaming match, well she was always the only one screaming. She would always say I'm not listening, I never see from her point of view, I never understand and many more. It was to the point where whenever she starts screaming I would start tuning her out.

"Leo please, I know that after a while in our relationship we stopped seeing eye to eye on a lot of things" she sighed "I understand why you would not want to talk to me and truthfully I couldn't agree with you more but I asking for this one favor"

I rolled my eyes at what she was saying, this not being the first time I've heard it all before. First time I heard it, she had me right where she wanted me. I mean I loved this woman at point in my life, she was my world. Aurora could never do no wrong in my eyes, I would have killed someone if she told me they looked at her the wrong but now there's nothing.

"Spare me the bullshit" I chuckled "We have played this foolish game one too many times" I stood up walking over to the bar that was in my office, I grabbed a glass and the scotch bottle pouring my self a drink. I put the glass to my lips having the drink in one go, if I was going to have this conversation I might as well have so something to calm my self

I rest the glass on the counter before turning around and leaning my back against it as I placed the phone between my ears and my shoulder holding it in place. I started to undo my cuffs rolling them up then undoing a few buttons on my white button down shirt.

The other end of the phone was silent, no words were being spoken on either end and once against we were back a square one. "Aurora" I said getting slightly irritated with whatever game she was trying to play.

"I told you I wanted to see you and have a conversation" the door to my office suddenly open then closed causing me to look up

There she stood with the phone to her ear looking at me with that look she would do years ago, the look that would have any man or woman worship the ground she walked on.

I removed the phone from between my ears and shoulder resting it on the counter between not once taking my eyes off her. I stood up straight to full height staring at the woman on the other side of the room.

"What are you doing here" I asked

She chuckled resting her phone on the couch that was in the corner of the office "You know I'm a woman of my word" she strutted over to me "I said I wanted to see you"

You can't deny Aurora was breathtaking, she knew how to command the attention of any and everyone when she walks in a room. Her flawless Carmel skin was out of this wold but nothing compared to Allison.

"I missed you so much mi amor" she stood in front of me face inches apart

I titled my head to left then to the right smiling and in a split second I flipped us around her pressed against the counter, my hand around her throat cutting off her airway and my gun pressed against her forehead.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now" I demanded

She chuckled shaking her head " Leo baby, you couldn't even if you wanted to" she choked out

"And why is that" I asked tightening my grip around her throat

"Because you don't kill women and babies" she smiled "That's your rule"

"For you I'll make an exception" I pressed the trigger of the gun

I watched she closed her eyes thinking it was all over before opening them, I removed my hand from her throat stepping back and placing my gun back in its holster.

I had the safety on the gun but she didn't know that, I wanted to blow her brains out watching is all splatter on the counter and all around the room

"You just proved my point" she laughed standing up and fixing her dress "Even if it wasn't for your little rule Leo, we all know that you still have that soft for me. The one where I make you feel weak, the one where you would still turn the world upside down for me, where you would raise hell on earth" she smiled walking closer

Ladies and gentlemen Aurora, Your Majesty Miss Delusional

"Tell me mi amor, Do you miss me as much as I miss you" she stepped even closer "Do you miss feeling me like I miss feeling you, because baby I surely do"

I started laughing hysterically, I mean bent over laughing, tears rolling down my face, stomach hurting, jaw hurting type of laugh. I shook my head gathering myself before staring her in the face "like I said on the phone you were always truly funny, delusional too" I chuckled "You should have started a circus rather a multimillion dollar company"

She stared at me unamused, irritation evident on her face as she watched the words coming from my wondering if she was hearing correctly.

"Let me make this clear Aurora" I took a step closer to her "I spared your life tonight and you know I don't give second chances" I took another step

She watched intently as I spoke "I suggest you leave because the next time I see you..." I slightly lowered my head as I placed my face beside hers and my lips to her ear "I'll have the mother of children, my fiancé kill you as I watch her take your life from you"

I straightened up, stepping back looking dead into her eyes "That wasn't a threat, it was a promise" I spoke "Now leave before I call her down her and have her do it right now" I walked over to my desk as I left her standing in the middle of the room.

I leaned against my desk and watched as she had an inner battle with herself, she shook her head before walking over to the couch grabbing her phone. She walked over to me as I leaned off the desk "You don't scare me Leo and surely not some wannabe hooker you banged up" she hissed

I laughed shaking my head "the fear in your eyes says something different" I walked closer to her "Strike two Aurora, you just disrespected my wife and believe you will pay for that"

"All words Leo, I know you like the back of my hand. Remember I once had you wrapped around my finger"

People always forget that the past and the present are two different things. Don't expect the same me you once had before

I should really call Allison and have her fulfill that wish and put her in a bodybag. Have Allison beat her ass one good time pregnant and all.

"You have 30 seconds to leave before I have your mom and dad body scattered all across the world" I said calmly

"I'm pretty sure your dad would never let that happen" she smiled "Remember I'm his favorite and he's the one that run things"

And there it is, she always knew what to say to make that switch inside me go off "Three" I whispered

In that moment everything went blacked, I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the chair breaking it into pieces as we landed on the ground together. I started delivering blows after blows to wherever I could, I didn't care anymore. I told her I didn't give second chances and she went ahead played with the little ounce of kindness I showed.

She pissed off that demon inside me, there no more niceness within me, she wanted the old Leone back now she has got me. I was literally out to killer her in this very moment. Anger and rage filled my body for she disrespected the woman I love, she mentioned my dad and she overstepped her boundaries countless times in one sitting.

She was blocking what she could as well as she fighting back as much as she could. All you could hear where her screams through out the office, thoughout the building.

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled off her "Leone enough" I heard Marcus say as he pushed me into the corner of the room

My white shirt was blood, my hands and face were bloody, there was blood on the floor basically everywhere "MOVE MARCUS" I demanded, I was angry furious, I could kill her right now and did not care.

"No" he said "Calm down, you don't want to do this Russo, you have already done enough" he said pointing to Aurora

She was laying there bleeding, black eye, busted lip, blood dripping from her and more, she looked a mess as if Marcus didn't pulled me off she would be dead in the next couple of minutes.

"I don't care, MOVE before I kill you" I snapped pulling my gun out pointing it at him

"I know you will, but as your best friend right now I'm telling you to breathe" he sighed "Go clean yourself up and go home, your wife, the mother of your children is waiting for you at home" he spoke

"Think of Allison, think of the baby that's on the way"

I closed my eyes picturing Allison, her beautiful face, her eyes, her smile, her carrying my first child. Suddenly I felt myself starting to calm down. I felt the anger physically leaving my body just my thinking of her.

"Marcus" I said placing my gun behind me

"Don't worry about it, I handle it just go get cleaned up and go home to Allison" he said

I sighed nodding my head before stepping over the broken pieces of the chair and heading to the office bathroom to get myself cleaned up before heading home.

I try my best to not be the person I was once before, the person who was in that dark place of no return. I knew why Marcus told me to think of Allison because she's the only person that keeps me sane, that keeps me calm.

Aurora messed up tonight, I gave her so many chances to leave but she didn't, she wanted to play her stupid game as always.

Play a stupid game you win stupid prizes

She just started something she has no idea of finishing. What she said goes to show that she's still in contact with my father and that just placed him on the top of my list of the person who wants to take me out and take my spot

They want a war I'll give it to them but first let me get home to my wife and our baby


So hello, been ages right? I know
Well just something to keep you guys until next year again😭 I'm JOKING
I missed you guys so much and I've seen each and every one your comments and messages
3MIL reads wooow, I appreciate all your support, you guys mean the world to me


Stay pretty and gay, until next time🫶🏽
