Leone POV

"Did you find anything on the Silvan Crew" I asked Marcus who was siting across the desk from me

"I found out that they have been meeting someone secretly and they have been wiring money into an offshore account" he handed me the papers

I took the papers going through them thoroughly. They have been wiring millions and meeting this person every other day at a specific time and place in the same spot.

"Get someone to look into the offshore account and someone to scout the area where they meet. Also make sure to get some pictures" I handed the papers back to him.

I stood up my chair, walking over to my office bar. When I'm stressed I tend to drink a lot but now I'm beyond stress so smoking and drinking is my only escape.

I don't dwell on what happened at Allison apartment the other day. I thought everything was okay now between us but I guess I thought wrong.

I grabbed my glass, making sure to clean it before grabbing my bottle of scotch off the top shelf.

I place the glass on the counter, I took the cap of the bottle before pouring some of it it's condiments in the glass. I closed the bottle, resting it on the counter as I picked up my glass placing it to my lips to take a sip.

"Are you not going to talk about what happened" Marcus stood up from his seat

I mentally roll my eyes because he wants to always be in my business and I ain't in his.

"No Marcus I'm not going to" I took another sip from my glass

He walked over to me placing his hand on my shoulder "You can't keep bottling up your feelings Leone it's not healthy"

Been doing it for years and I'm perfectly fine

Well maybe a little twisted in the head but it's no big deal

"I'll be fine" I turned to him smiling with my glass in my hand

"That girl will be the death of you" he patted my back walking off

Then let her

"She won't" I walked over to my desk leaning on the edge of it

"Are you trying to convince yourself or me" he raised his eyebrow


I felt my phone vibrating in my dress pants. I took it out seeing that I had gotten a text message, I unlocked my phone reading the message.

Allison: Umm hi, this is the first time I'm ever texting you. I know you probably don't want anything to do with me after what happened but I'm asking if you could meet me at my apartment.

read 6:30pm

I read the message over and over again. I decided to ignore the message, I locked my phone placing it back in my pocket.

I place the glass to my lips tilting my head back downing the rest of my drink.

After how she reacted with me, she wants to me come over. I literally left like nothing when I walked out the building that day.

She claimed I took advantage of her to get what I want because she was vulnerable. I would never dare do that to Allison. I'm heartless, cold, evil, terrifying and many more but one thing for sure is that I would never use Allison.

Never in a lifetime

I felt myself getting stressed out at the thought of all this.

"Fuck!" I yelled throwing the glass across the room that was in my hand. I watched as it shattered into a million pieces like the empty space in my chest

"Are you getting off what the fuck was that" Marcus ask concerned

"Nothing I'm just stressed" I run my hand through my hair

Her being on my mind is literally killing me. It stressing me out so much that I can't think about anything else without her popping up.

I sighed walking around my desk, I grabbed my jacket and keys then head out the office.

"Where are you going" Marcus stood up from his seat

"To clear my mind and release some of my rest" I walked out the office closing the door behind me.


"Fuck" I groan

I felt the pain in my muscles getting worse as I pushed myself beyond my limit. I was dripping in sweat from head to toe.

It has been four hours now since I've been trying to clear my mind and release as much stress as possible. I was at the gym that was in the building where I work. I would have called Victoria to provide her service but she couldn't fix this one and it just didn't feel right.

What are you doing to me Allison

I was at the punching bag giving blow after blow. Each punch indicating the anger and stress leaving my body. If I'm being honest I was imagining the bag to be that guy's face Alex.

I was delivering a punch to the bag when I heard my phone ringing, stopping my actions mid air. I took my gloves off, walking over to the bench in the corner of where I rest my clothes.

I picked up my dress pants, taking a seat on the bench as I reached into my pocket pulling out my phone. I pulled the phone out seeing I was getting a call from Allison. I sighed shaking my head as I pressed declined.

How the tables have turned

How the roles are now reversed

I was about to put my phone back into my pocket when I felt it vibrating. I unlocked it to see that Allison sent a text after calling. I sighed as I read the message.

Allison: Umm hi again, I was wondering if you are going to come over because it's getting late and I don't really want to be staying up too late. Also I would like to apologize for what happened the other night I really didn't mean it. Oh and one more thing I tried texting and calling as well but didn't get an answer so just please let me know if you are coming.

read 10:30pm

I disregard the message closing my phone resting it back into my dress pant. I picked up my jacket up going into the pocket pulling out a lucky bird and my box of matches before resting my jacket back down.

I leaned my head back on the wall behind me putting the lucky bird between my lips, I pulled out a match striking it as I cup my hand lighting the cigar. I shake my hand outing the match as I took a pull from the cigar letting the smoke coat my lungs before exhaling.

That felt relaxing

I could physically feel the stress leaving my body as I let the smoke out.

I care about Allison so much but what she said really hit a nerve.

Am I really taking advantage of her?

I took another pull from the cigar holding it for a few before letting the smoke out. Even though she really doesn't want me around I will still find the guy and teach him a lesson. I will still protect her no matter what but I guess I will be doing it from a distance.

I groan feeling defeated, I pulled my phone out going to my contacts to make a call. I pressed the dial button putting it to my ear listening to it ring. The person picked up on the second ring.

"Leone" Marcus voice said on the other end of the phone

"Marcus I need you to do something" I said

"What do you need" he ask

I sighed knowing what I was about to ask would be going against the plan I had.

"Can you send some guys to guard Allison's apartment just make sure she's okay. Get some to guard outside and some can book rooms to guard inside. All expenses will be covered" I said

"Is everything okay" he asked concerned

"Everything is fine" I said taking another pulled my cigar

"Make sure and I'll let the guys know now" I let the smoke out

"Great" I hung the phone up resting it on the bench beside me

I had this plan to try my best and stay away from Allison just as she asked but as you can see I'm not sure it's working out.

Why does she have this hold over me. She can say what she wants to me and I'll come back running.

I just feel like I need to clear my head space, take some time from her but still make sure she's okay.

She's like a drug and I'm addicted
