Allison POV

"I can get used to this." Kylie smiled "You said she has a brother right" she asked

The girls and I were shopping curtesy of Leone. She gave me a black card telling me to buy whatever I want, to treat myself and my friends as well.

We decided to go the mall to buy a few things and to get something for me to wear on my date with Leone. She still won't tell where we are going so I can know what to buy or wear. She specifically said that no matter what I wear I will still look beautiful.

Ever since the day at her house we have been spending more time there. I love her house so I told her that I would prefer that we sleep there instead plus her bed is really soft and comfortable.

Her mom and I have become best friends. We have cute little lunch dates from time to time or pedicures dates or we just sit and chill around the house talking about everything and nothing.

I'm glad that her mom and brother loves me and accept me into their family. Her brother Leon acts like he's my older protective brother when I'm the one that's older than him. He told me that if Leone breaks my heart he'll beat her up and I doubt that.

"You gone leave him alone" I said as we walked into Louis Vuitton

"Be a supportive best friend. I bet he's cute I mean look at a Leone. I should snatch him up before someone else does." Kylie said

"Sometimes I wonder how we are best friends" Jade shake her head

"I am a supportive best but I'm not about to play Cupid" I shrugged

"Whatever but for real though you better dish that pussy out when Leone asks because you not about to mess up these free shopping sprees and free trips for us miss ma'am"

I laughed shaking my head as I picked up a Louis Vuitton hand bag looking at it. My friends can be so dramatic sometimes it's unbelievable.

If I'm with Leone I wouldn't be with her for her money. When she was giving me the black card I told her that I didn't want it but she insisted and said whatever is hers is mines. I like to be independent and buy my own things so I don't want Leone to think that she always has to give me money or things. I want to be with her for who she is, for how she makes me feel which is love, happiness, at peace, safe and many more.

I was looking at another bag when I felt a presence behind, I look at my friends to see that they were rolling their eyes, it must be someone we all don't like.

"Hi Allison" Chris said behind me

Now I'm the one that's rolling my eyes "What do you want Christopher"

I was already over this conversation and it hasn't even started yet. I don't understand why when you tell men to leave you alone or you don't want to talk to them they do the opposite. It's like whatever you say to them goes through one ear and come through the other.

"Allison please don't be like that all I'm asking for is five minutes of your time"

I finally turned to face him "You already had five minutes of my time which I stood here wasting talking to you. I already told you that there's nothing to talk about so I don't see why you are here"

Leone had a few bodyguards come with us to the mall and I know they are around just waiting for me to say something so they can do something. Ever since the situation especially with Leone and I getting close she had assigned a few bodyguards to accompany me wherever I go.

"Why you being like that Allison I love you and I know you still love me so just let's us grab something to eat and we can talk"

I turned to look at my friends to see that they had their arms cross staring him down. Ever since Chris and I broke up and they found out what happened they have hated him since.

I turned my head back to face him "I don't think my girlfriend will like that and I think it's best if you leave"

"Girlfriend?" He furrowed his eyebrows "When since you swing that way plus what does your little girlfriend has to do with us. She can't do anything"

I laughed shaking my head , he doesn't even know the half of it. If Leone ever heard what he's saying I'm sure he wouldn't have to chance to blink before she kills him.

I'm giving him a chance to run while he still can because if Leone gets her hands on him it's completely over for him.

"She has everything to do with this. What's my business is hers and what's her business is mine. Also I can pretty much let you know she's big in more ways than one"

He had a look of confused on his, I shake my head turning around to walk away when he grabbed my hand. It didn't take seconds for the guys to take him off me.

"Allison listen I'm sorry about that I just didn't want you walking away when I'm talking to you just please let us talk"

"Can you remove him from the store" I told the guys

They nodded dragging him out, he could have saved himself the embarrassment if he had just leave when I told him to.

"Why didn't you let them take him to Leone" my friends walked over to me

If I had let them take him to Leone then I know what would happen, he would end up dead. I already have someone else life on my hands I can't afford another. I can't afford my conscience to eat me up because I have another person's blood on my hands.

"We all know what will happen if Leone gets her hands on him and I can't have another person's blood on my hands"

"We understand"

We spent the next couple of hours going into stores and buying a few more things before we decided that we had enough.

We were currently in the parking lot where the guys were putting our bags into three different vehicles. The girls and I had gotten our own drivers to take us home since it wouldn't make sense to drive all the way to end of the city then back plus I would be going over Leone's home.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow" I hugged both of them

"Yeah be safe"

I pulled back from the hug, going into the vehicle and thanking the driver. I leaned my head back on the seat making myself comfortable. The driver got into the vehicle then pulled off.

The day was long and exhausting, I just want to go home to Leone. I want to be cuddled up with her, I just want to be under her all the time. At first Leone didn't like cuddling now it's like we can't go to bed without.

I miss her and I can't wait to see her when I get home. She had told me that she had business to handle today so that when I get home she won't be there until later.

My phone started going off and before I could take it out of my bag a vehicle drove into the one I was in causing the vehicle to flip two times. I hit my head on the door twice before my vision became blurry and blood was running down my face.

I looked out the broken window to see a dozen black SUV surrounding us. More than a dozen men came out of the vehicles with guns, next thing I know I was being pulled from the vehicle before everything went black.


I groaned lifting my head feeling a terrible throbbing pain in my head. It felt like I had the worst hangover ever or I was hit in the head, it also felt like I had a cut on my head due to the stinging pain I was feeling. I looked down at my shirt to see blood stains only to confirm my assumptions.

I was sitting in the middle of a room tied to a chair. I wonder if this was my karmas because this seems oddly familiar.

I can't tell how long I've been out but it seems to have been a few hours due to the dried blood on my shirt.

All I wanted to do was go home and cuddle up with Leone that's all I wanted. However it seems like I can't catch a damn break at all. Like y'all couldn't give me a year or two before you try something else.

I leaned my head down slight, closing my eyes, why did this had to happen to me like what have I done. I honestly can't be this unlucky.

I heard the door open causing me to lift my head up to see who had enter the room.

"I see that you are finally awake" Chris stepped into the light

I chuckled shaking my head lightly I'm honestly not sure if I should be surprised, shocked or disappointed.

"Why are you doing this Chris" I asked shaking my head

"If you had just talk to me then things wouldn't have to be this way but the boss needs you to get to Leone"

"Oh you will get her" I laughed "When she finds out what happened, that I was kidnapped and who kidnapped me y'all are going to be sorry. I hope you know that you guys just signed y'all death wish. You guys are literally a dead man walking now"

I know that once Leone hears of this there's no telling what she will do but one thing I know for sure is that it won't be pretty.

Chris laughed shaking his "There's nothing she can do. We will be waiting on her"

He must be another Alex that doesn't know the type of person Leone is and what she's capable of doing.

"I gave you the chance to run twice. I could have gotten you killed the first time you came to my house but I spared your life. You must not know who Leone Russo is, I think you must have been living under a rock. When she gets her hands on you she will kill you without a care in the world" I looked him straight into his eyes "I hope you make the most of your last few hours or days alive" I smiled

He grabbed a chair placing it infront of me taking a seat. He leaned forward resting his elbows on his thighs lacing his fingers together putting his chin in his hands.

"I don't care who Leone Russo is Allison. I'm just doing my job and when this is all done I'm getting a hefty payment and leaving this country"

Another delusion bitch

If he thinks he's going to live to even get that payment or to make it on plane to go to another country then he's dumber than I thought.

"Can't say I didn't warn you" I shrugged my shoulders "You won't even live to see that payment. Matter of fact none of you won't even make it out of this building alive and that's not a threat it's a promise"

None of them will make it out this building alive, they better make this or whatever life they have left worth it because as soon as Leone find me it's over for them.

If I'm being honest I'm not even worried or scared even though I should be but I'm not.

He gripped my chin bring my face forward "I don't care what you say. She can't touch me"

He must not love his life for him to be touching me like this. I shake my head getting out his grip, I winced forgetting I had a throbbing headache "I suggest you don't put your hands on me again if you love your life. Matter of fact all this talking you be doing is making my head hurt more"

He shake his head, pushing his chair back getting up "Your mouth will get you in trouble Allison it's best you stop talking" he walked over to door opening it and stepping outside closing it behind him.

His mouth will be the one to get him in trouble. I can't wait for Leone to find me and this will be all over with.

I want to be the one to specifically to pull the trigger when killing Chris. I really don't care about my conscience eating me up, I'll just have to deal with it when the time comes.

Please hurry and get here Leone


I don't know how long I've been here, it could be days, weeks, months honestly I don't know. I've lost track of time.

Two guys always come to check on me from time to time. They had dress the wound on my head, they gave me a change of clothes and food but I've hardly been eating.

They have been trying to get information out of me about Leone but I refused to give them anything. They will probably have to kill me first before they can get anything from me.

I don't know how long I can continue to hold on, I feel like I'm going to be losing it just by being in this dark room with my thoughts alone. Most times I hardly even get any sleep because I'm in my head overthinking on if Leone will find me or not.

I keep wondering if she's looking for me or not, if she misses me or not because I sure as hell do miss her. I just want to be in her arms right now, I want her to hold me and tell me that everything will be okay.

I leaned my head down closing my eyes getting lost in my thoughts again because that's all I can do seeing as I'm still tied to the chair.

"Princess" Leone said

We were laying in bed with my back towards her and her arm wrapped around me.

"Yes baby"  I turned around so I could face her

"I love you" she smiled

I smiled tracing her jawline then her lips "I love you too baby" I kissed her

I pulled back from the kiss staring into those stormy grey eyes that I've grown to love so much.

"Momma! Mommy!" I heard small knocks on the bedroom door

Leone groaned leaning her head back into the pillow. I chuckled lightly hitting her shoulder "Your kids are calling you" I said

"I'm pretty sure they called you as well"

The small knocks continue, Leone grab the pillow putting over head "Get your kids Allison" she said

I laughed getting off the bed going over to the door opening it.

Two small bodies ran pass me going in the bed jumping on it. Leone grabbed the both of them pulling them down on the bed tickling them.

I closed the door going over the bed getting in "Momma can we go get ice-cream" baby girl asked

"Whatever you want la mia piccola principessa" Leone kissed both their cheeks

I smile seeing the interaction between her and our two babies, it always warm my heart to see how they interact between each other.

At this moment in my life I'm happy honestly. I'm happy to see where we have come from, all the things we have been through and where we are at right now.

I'm happy to have my family, I'm happy for all the things we have accomplished, the empire we have build together so that our kids don't have to worry about a thing.

"Princess" Leone pulled me closer to her with our kids laying on top of her

"Baby" I turned her face to mine cupping it in my hands

"I'm coming" she said

"What" I asked confused

"Hang in there a little longer I'm coming"

"What are you talking about baby" I asked

"Just hang in there a little longer for me princess"

"Wake the fuck up" I felt water being poured on me

I snap my head up to see the two guys that always come to check on me standing infront of me smiling.

I don't know how long I was out for but it must be time for them to give me something to eat or check on me.

"Ain't she a pretty little thing" the one with the tattoos in his face said smiling

"She is" the short one said

"I think we should have a little fun with her the boss doesn't have to find out" tattoo face said

I felt my skin started to crawl because I knew what he was talking about.

Tattoo face started to unbuckle his belt unbuttoning his pants and pulling his zipper down.

"I don't think that's a good idea" the short one said

"Stop being a little bitch and have some fun"

I felt like I wanted to throw up and I didn't even eat anything. I felt sick to my stomach, I felt disgusting and nothing hasn't even happened yet.

Tattoo face gripped my face, before he could do anything the door open and someone walked in.

I thank whoever it is that walked in because lord knows what would have happened if they didn't.

"That's enough! Leave now!" the person said

I furrowed my eyebrows shaking my head, this can't be right, this can't be real. I think my brain is playing tricks on me from being in here too long. I knew that voice, I could recognize that voice from anywhere.

"You are lucky the boss came" tattoo face said before fixing his self up and walking out the door with the short one.

The person stepped into the light and I felt my heart sunk. I felt my breath hitch, I didn't want to believe it, I didn't want this to be true. Why would they be doing this like what have I done.

All I could feel now is pain and hurt, I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest, thrown on the ground and being stomped on.

I kept shaking my head, trying to make this not real, trying to wake myself up feeling like this is all just a dream but instead it's reality.

I finally found the courage to speak to finally say something and when the words left my mouth I wish it wasn't true, I wish it wasn't reality, I wish it was a lie, I wish it was all just a dream.


"Hello my beautiful daughter...."
