Leone POV

I was currently in a meeting at one of my clubs. These guys wanted to offer a proposal which they think will be best for my business and theirs. If I'm being truthful I was not paying attention to a single word they were saying.

My mind keeps going back to that night with Allison. It was one of the best nights of my life.

A night I will never forget

The way she felt, the way she wrapped around me, she fitted me perfectly like we were meant to be. The feeling of having her underneath me, withering, moaning and screaming my name was beyond this world. She felt like heaven.

A feeling I've been craving for ever since.

I haven't been to see her since that night and honestly it had been killing me. I just want to be around her, I want to see her, I want to touch her but I've been giving her space. I had texted her a few days ago and she didn't respond so I decided it was best to ease off  but it's killing me.

I want her so badly it's like I'm dying without her

"Umm are you even listening to us" one of the guys asked

I leaned back into the chair, crossing my legs before picking up my glass and bringing it to lips to take a sip. I placed the glass back down and stared at him wondering who is he talking to.

"No I'm not listening" I spoke up

That's the honest truth

I watched as her shake his head then sighed "I'm trying to offer a proposal here to help both our business and you aren't even listening"

I was just there staring at this guy because he is unbelievable. Does he not know who I am. I would not hesitate to kill him right now right here.

I stood up buttoning my suit "I think I've heard enough this meeting is over"

I was over thing meeting for many reason, one I couldn't focus cause that night keeps replaying in my head, two whatever they are saying isn't making sense to me and finally I'm not going to tolerate any disrespect.

"Listen" the guy who I'm assuming is in charge stood up "This will be beneficial to both of us if not then your business will without a doubt fall"

I tilted my head to the right and smiled "My business will without a doubt fall you?"

I didn't even get their names, this is to show how uninterested I am with all that is happening right now.

"It's Michael and yes it will"

"And how is that so" I leaned down to pick up my glass before bringing it to my lips and taking a sip of my drink

I honestly don't know why I'm still handing here and entertaining this bullshit when I could be on my way to meet one of my best connects right now.

"Because if you don't take this offer I'll make sure of it" he smirked

First of all I didn't even hear the offer and second of all did this guy just threaten me and my business. You have to be out of your mind to do that.

He definitely must not know who I am.

I tilted my head to left then to the right, I smiled then nodded "Is that threat?"

"It's a promise" He smiled

Bold man I see

In one swift move I took my gun from behind me and shot him in his leg. I watched as he dropped back into the chair grabbing his leg and screaming in pain. The other guys who were with him got up and backed away.

All this big talk but yet still you are here screaming like some female.

"Do you know who I am" I asked with my gun still pointed at him

"Yes" he nodded quickly

I walked over to him, standing right in front of him. I pressed the gun into the wound on his leg. I watched as he winced in pain.

"Make a sound and I'll put a bullet through your brain you understand me" I pressed the gun deeper into his wound

He bit his lips trying to contain his scream as he nodded his head.

"Great, so you do know who I am and what I'm capable of but yet still you come here threatening me and my business how brave of you"

His associates were in the corner just watching waiting to see what will happen next.

They reek of fear.

"I do not tolerate disrespect, I do not do so well with threats either" I walked back over to the table where my drink was

"I'm going to let you live and that's something I don't let happen but the reason is because I want you to deliver a message for me" I picked up my glass and took a sip once again, my back was facing him

"I want you to tell your boss or superior that whenever I see them I will have their head on a silver platter for them and their members not having any respect and for threatening me along with my business" I turned to look at him "Do you understand me?"

He was losing a lot of blood and was in so much pain. I watched as he nodded his head.

"Words" I shot him in his shoulder then his other leg

"Yes! I understand" he choked out as blood sprout from his mouth

"I'm glad this meeting could end a good note" I smiled then down the rest of my drink before walking out the office

I stopped at one of the bodyguards "Get someone to clean up in there thank you"

"Will do boss" he said

I walked off, going downstairs and to the exit when my phone started ringing. I took it out of my suit jacket placing it at my ears without looking at the caller ID

"Damn I didn't know you were going to answer" said my brother on the other end of the line

"What do you want Leon" I made way to the parking lot seeing Marcus standing at the door of the vehicle

"Where you at so we can meet up" he asked

"I'm about to go meet one of my connects for business" I said as I walked over to Marcus

"Let me tag along with you" he said

"You must want mom to rip my head off"

Mom is okay with Leon doing the legal stuff of the business, anything that has to do with outside of the law she doesn't want him apart. He's a mama's baby I mean we both are.

"You know she won't say anything" he laughed

Won't be laughing later when she finds out

"You brave to be talking like that in the house" I said

"I'm outside"

That's why because if mom heard what he said I'm sure she would have slap him upside his head or something.

"That's why you got big talk" I nodded to Marcus as he opened the door and I got with him closing it

"Come on I'm bored man" he said

I shake my head because there's no way out of this and there's no way he would let this go. He will talk my ears off just for me to even give in.

"I'll be there in 20mins and if you aren't outside waiting when Marcus pulls up then I'm leaving your ass" I hang up not giving him the chance to even utter another word.

He knows I'm serious, if he's not in the car by the time Marcus stops then I'm leaving him because I'm don't have time waste.

Time is precious and time is money

How can I tell you I'll be there in five minutes and when I reach you aren't even outside or you just getting coming out.

"Where we heading" Marcus got into the drivers seat

Even though Marcus is my second in command he tends to be my driver most of the time when he's feeling like it.

"To get my big head brother then to head Corbett Warehouse to meet my connect" I said

"You know Mrs.Russo would not like that Leon will be accompanying us" he pulled out of the parking lot.

"And you know you have a bullet with your name waiting on you if you go running your mouth to mom" I leaned forward to pat his shoulder over the seat

He didn't say anything after that. Let me find out Marcus and my mom got something going on that's why he be running his mouth to her like that.

I swear on everything I love that if I find out they do, I will set Marcus on fire myself and watch him burn while I sip on a glass of the most expensive wine. I'll do it then pay for his funeral myself, show up and give my condolences.

That's a promise

Thank you for 2K reads I love you guys so much❤️

How is everyone do mentally, physically and emotionally? Are you guys okay?

- At this point in life I'm not living, I'm just surviving
