Leone POV

I can't seem to get the way Allison looked in that dress out of my head. I have imagined a thousand ways how I could get that dress off her.

That night when she bumped into me at the club I was fighting the demon in me with very strength I had to not take her in the middle of the club and have my way with her.

It was a difficult battle but I won

I was happy when I saw her because the last time I did it didn't go so well but the moment was ruin by that guy she was with.

I was going to blow his brains out but Allison saved him. I have never let anyone disrespect me and live but someone how I did because Allison asked me.

The hold she has over me

The power she holds

I promise that whenever I see him again or get my hands on him it will be over. He's going to regret ever disrespecting me.

"That's all for today thank you guy's for coming" Mr.Graham the ceo of Diamond Corp said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I had completely forgot I was in a meeting because my mind was somewhere completely different.

The only reason I came to this meeting is because I have to, I'm the owner of the company but main reason why is because I get to see Allison.

Usually after meetings, the employees would come and make sure everything is back into its place or just to get the necessary information that should be given to them.

"Thanks for coming Ms.Russo" Mr.Graham walked over to me

"It was my pleasure" I stood up shaking his hand

"Enjoy the rest of your day" he smiled before walking off

I watched as the door open, employees walking in. I was only looking to see that one person walk in, Allison.

I watched the last person walk in closing the door behind them. Why wasn't she in the room, why wasn't she with them today.

I look around the room, looking to see if I had missed when she walked in. I scanned the room when my eyes caught her two best friends on the side of the room but she wasn't with them.

Where could she be

I walked over to them, standing in front of them "Hello ladies" they seem startled and frightened to see me

"Umm hi" they both said

"Hi I'm Leone" I smiled

"We know you are our best friend obsessed stalker" the one I assumed is Kylie said

Well damn


"Jesus Kylie be nice" the other I assume is Jade hit Kylie shoulder

"That's okay I just came to ask where Allison is" I said

I watched as they both look at each other then back at me wondering what to say.

"Um she is at home" Kylie said

"Yeah she's not feeling" Jade added

They are obviously lying and are trying to hide something. But what could it be? Maybe she doesn't want to see me again after that night.

That can't be truth though, she smiled at me that night for the first time ever and it seemed like a real genuine smile.

"Okay thanks for letting me know, enjoy the rest of day ladies" I smiled before walking off

I wanted to see Allison so if she's at home sick which I don't believe she is then I'm going to look for her.

I just have the feeling that something is wrong

I made my way out the conference room and onto the elevator going to the lobby.

Should I get her some flowers maybe they will cheer her up

Once the elevator stopped, I stepped out into the lobby and made my way out the building. I walked over to the vehicle seeing the driver already standing there with the door open.

"Thank you" I got in making myself comfortable.

The driver went over to his side, getting in and closed his door before pulling off.

I was now stand outside Allison's door with a bouquet of roses in my hand. I had picked them up on the way over to here. I always get roses because they are just as beautiful as she is.

Oh the memories of being back here at her apartment

I knocked on the door twice, now waiting on her to open. For some reason I feel nervous because I don't know what she is going to say or how she's going to react to me showing up at her home.

Let's hope it's something good

The door finally open "Who is i-" she cut herself when she realized it was me

Her eyes finally meet mine and I felt myself getting angry. She had a busted lip, black eye and bruised cheek.

Who the fuck put their hands on her

Someone must have had a death wish to do that

"What are you doing here" she asked shocked

I ignored her question, I used my hand to push the door open. I walked in closing the door behind me with my foot.

I dropped the bouquet of roses as I stepped closer to her. I lift my hand up to hold her chin so I could examine her face but she flinched jumping back.

I felt my blood boiling and my anger building up

What happened to her, how did this even happen. Why would someone want to hurt her. I had so many questions to that I needed answers to.

"Allison what happened to you? Who did this to you?" I asked

I watched as she looked down shaking her head "Why do you even care"

Because I fucking love you that's why!

Wait hold up

Did I just say the L word

That's the first I'm ever saying I love someone

"What happened Allison" I asked

She sighed, her eyes still fixated on the floor "I fell down the stairs. Jade and Kylie tried to scare me and I tripped over my feet." She said

I don't believe that

Why would she lie

"Allison please don't lie to me" I stepped even closer to her

I watched as she looked up at me with tears in her eyes before looking back down at the floor.

"What will you do if I tell you" she asked, eyes still on the floor

Kill whoever that put their hands on you

"I'll just have a little talk with them nothing too extra" I said

I watched as she shake head then walked to living room. I followed behind her as she took a seat on the couch and I did the same.

I scooted closer to her but she move back putting space behind between us.

I felt my heart break a little. Does she think that I would hurt her because I would never do that. I would never put my hands on her unless it's sexually.

"Princess" I moved closer to her again "I would never hurt you, I would never put my hands on you. I can you promise you that"

And I mean it

She looked at me then sighed before she told me everything that happened from the beginning of the day to the end.

The one thing I didn't hear her say though was who this person is.

Why wouldn't she tell me

Is she trying to protect them

I was angry, I was beyond angry and I think she could tell too but I was trying my best to not show it.

"Princess" I used my finger to hold her chin lifting her head, tears flowing down her face "I need a name"

"I can't" she choked out through sobs

I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her body into mine, resting my chin on her head.

"All I need is just a name beautiful"

She let out a breath before I heard her whispered "Alex" then her sobs became louder, chest heaving and shoulders moving.

If I wasn't listening I would have probably missed what she said.



Where did I hear that name before?

Isn't that the guy she was with at the club the night that I saw her. Why would he put his hands on her. Why would he want to her hurt.

He's literally a dead man walking now

If he didn't have a death wish before now he does. When I get my hands on him it's over. I'll have him begging me to end his life after I'm done with him.

No one hurts Allison and gets away with it

I could feel her tears soaking through my white button up shirt but that didn't matter. I tightened my grip around her waist "I promise you no one will ever lay a finger on you again princess" I kissed the top of her head.

After about a hour or two I felt her body relax and her breathing even out, she was sleeping. I hook one of my arm under her legs while the other held her waist tightly. I lifted her up bridal style carrying her to her room.

Once I made it to the room, I carefully placed her onto the bed. I took my shirt off that was soaked with her tears, I folded it and placed in on the chair she had in the corner of the room. I took my socks and shoes off leaving me in only my dress pants. I walked back over to the bed getting in and pulling the covers over the both of us.

I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her body closer to mine. She rested her arm over my torso, head on my chest and one of her legs over mine.

I've dreamt of nights like this

I wish we could stay like this forever

Holding her in my arms is the greatest feeling ever

My other arm was tucked behind my head as stared into the dark getting lost in my thoughts.

I still haven't made any progress on finding out who wants to take me down as yet but I guess that can wait as I have big problems now to solve.


I will get Marcus to find out everything he can about this guy, once he does I'll definitely pay him a visit.

The night I had saw him at dinner with Allison he was giving me a look of disgust. Then at the club the way he talked and look at me seemed like he knew me and had some against me but I don't know him at all. Now he had the audacity to place his hands on Allison.

He must be smoking that zaza

Way too much

I've came to only one solution to this problem and it's the only one that I find sensible.

He has to die

The way I handle the information Allison told today was better than I expected. I was angry so angry that I was too calm and that right there is danger.

Calm before the storm

I should have walked out the apartment, tear the city down just to find him and when I do find him I make him regret even having the thought of laying a finger on Allison. I couldn't do that though because Allison needed me, she will always come first no matter what.

She will always be my main priority

One thing for sure though Alex is going to meet the devil in human form

For if I have to skin him alive to teach him never to put his hands Allison matter of fact women in general then I will.

I mean killing is my pleasure, I will kill for fun but one thing for sure women and babies should never be killed.

Leave them untouched

I felt Allison moved bringing me out of my thoughts. She moved, laying on top of me as she snuggled her head in the crook of my neck. I felt my eyes get heavy threatening to close, her body heat making it even harder to keep them open.

I wrapped my arms around her body keeping her close to me "I promise to protect you with every bone in my body princess no one will ever hurt you again" I kissed the top of head closing my eyes as felt the sleep taking over my body.
