Leone POV

I was sitting behind my desk leaning back into my chair. I've been calling Allison for the past hour now and no response. I thought she would be done with shopping by now. I had gave her a black card and told her to treat herself along with her friends.

I tried calling her one last time before setting the phone down. There's was a knock at the door before it opened and a few guys walked in.

"Boss" one of the guys spoke up

"How can I help you"

"We have something to tell you." He said

I nodded for him to continue. He seemed hesitant in what he wanted to say.

"Ms. Santiago was kidnapped" he said

I pushed back my chair standing up "Repeat what you just said"

I heard what he said but I really wanted to make sure that I heard him correctly before I go off.

"Ms. Santiago was kidnapped, we were at-"

Before he could finished what he was saying I gripped his collar flipping him on the desk. I took my gun from behind me pressing it against his forehead.

"Did you just say Allison was Kidnapped" I asked

He nodded his head, before he could open his mouth to say something I shot him the head, his blood getting all over me, on my shirt and face.

I took a step back looking up at the other guys who stood before me "Is this true" I asked

They all nodded their head, I wasted no time in shooting all of them in their head.

They had one fucking job and they failed to do it. Their job as a bodyguard is to protect her with their life. If they can't do their job then I don't see their purpose of being alive.

It kept repeating in my head 'Allison was kidnapped'. Who the hell in their right mind would do that. Whenever I get my hands on this person I'm going to skin them alive believe it or not.

"You are doing it again" Marcus said

I was standing in the dark staring at the city from the view of my office. I hardly sleep, I hardly eat, I have no patience, nothing at all.

I was seconds away from burning this damn city and everyone in it to find Allison. They took her from me, why would they do that. If they wanted me they could have me and leave her out of it. I would have given up myself willing just to make sure she was safe.

I've killed so many people trying to get answers and I'll continue killing every goddamn soul until I find her. They wanted the motherfucking devil now they've got her.

"Marcus I suggest you stop talking to me unless you have information on the whereabouts of Allison. If not I'll push you from this thirty floor building my damn self" I said

"I understand you want to find Allison but we don't want you heading back down that road again"

I finally turned to look at him with an emotionless face "Marcus if the next words that comes out of your mouth isn't some type of information I'll kill you on the spot"

I've been losing my mind ever since Allison is gone. She was the one to keep me from going crazy, to keep me sane, to help me have patience, to keep me from having crazy thoughts.

She was the one to keep me from going back to my old self. That person who didn't care about anyone or anything, that person who was heartless, cruel, terrifying, cold, trigger happy, insane, all of the above and below. Now that she isn't here I've gone back to my old self.

"We traced the license plate and got a hit on one of the vehicles. We tracked it to somewhere out of sight but seems like they had switched it out"

"Anything else" I asked

"The person who they had contact to get the vehicles and guns from we have a name on them" he said

"Pay them a visit, because if I go it will be kill first ask questions later. Get some information from them"

"Okay I'll do that" he turned to walk over to the door opening it

"Marcus" he turned to look at me "If you don't get a name from on who has Allison in the next 24hours your life will be added to the ones I have taken"

He nodded stepping outside and closing the door behind him.

I walked over to my couch in the office taking a seat. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes for the first time in almost two days again.

I opened the door to my home, instantly I felt two small bodies collide with my legs wrapping their small arms around it. I bent down to their level so I could be face to face with them.

"You're home!" they smiled wrapping their arms around my neck

"Yes I am. I missed you guys and I missed mommy as well" I wrapped my arms around their small frame bringing them closer to me

"We missed you too"

"I know babies" I kissed both cheeks "Where's mommy" I asked

"Upstairs" they both said

"Okay let's get y'all both in bed" I lifted them up carrying them up the stairs to their room

I opened to the door to their room walking over to their bed putting them under the covers. I laid down beside the both of them talking to them before they fell asleep.

I got up off the bed "Goodnight my loves" I kissed both their foreheads pulling the covers up

I walked over the door turning the lights off, I stepped out their room leaving the door crack in case of anything

I rubbed my hand down my face walking down the hall to the room. Today I had work later than usual, I had a few business to handle that longer than I had expected.

The kids and Allison never go to sleep unless I'm home but I wasn't expecting them to be up this late. They were up later than usual tonight.

I opened the door to the room, stepping in and closing the door. Allison was laying on the bed with her back to the door, she must have been extremely tired today

I went into the bathroom taking off my clothes and quickly taking a shower so I can go cuddle up with my wife, after a long day that's all I want.

After I took my shower, I got some clothes on and did my nightly routine before walking out the bathroom. I walked over to the bed getting in under the covers.

I made myself comfortable before pulling Allison closer to me, her body heat was something serious, made you want to sleep right away.


"Baby" she sniffled

I propped up on my elbows cupping her face with my hands "Why are you crying"

I hated to see her cry, it breaks my heart literally. No one or anything deserves her tears honestly.

"I can't do this anymore" she shake her head wiping her eyes

"Can't do what anymore princess" I asked

"Can't hold on any longer, I'm trying but I can't. I'm fighting but I'm tired. I just want to give up so this can all be over with"

I wiped her tears with the pad of my thumbs "Just hang in there for me princess. I'm coming to get you"

"But I'm so tired"

"I know princess but promise me you won't give up, promise me you'll keep fighting, promise me you'll hold on a little longer, promise me you'll keep going, promise me please"

"I promise" she sniffled

I laid down on my back, pulling her on top of me. She snuggled in to my neck and I wrapped my arms around her tracing circles on her back.

"I promise I'm coming to get you even if takes giving myself up. I promise I'll do everything in my power to get you back, just hang in there for me princess don't give up just yet" I kissed the top of her head tightening my hold on her

"I love you" I whispered


"How are you holding up? Have you slept?" My mom asked

We were sitting on the couch talking. I needed to speak with my mom she was the only person other than Allison who understand me. I needed the comfort and love from my mom right now.

When she found out that Allison was kidnapped she was devastated. They have became the best of friends always talking on the phone and other things.

She cried for days, she wanted to help in locating Allison but I told her that I will handle it and that I wanted her safe.

I had move her and my brother to one of my safe houses in case anything happens. I can't afford to lose any one else. I have already lost the love of my life.

"I don't know mom and I'm hardly sleeping. I can't sleep without her beside, I've become so customaed to her cuddle up beside me and our nightly talks that I can't go to bed without it now. I've been staying in the office because my well our room it has her smell and I'm already going crazy"

"Come here"

I scooted closer to her, she wrapped her arms around me and I rested my head on her chest.

"I promise you that it will be okay and we will find her. I can't promise you when though but I promise that it will happen."

She used one hand to rub my back and the other to rub the back of my neck "Did you go back" she asked

I nodded knowing what she was talking about. She was asking if I'm back to my old self which I definitely am but around my mom I would never show it.

I never want her to see that side of me again, she did once and that was all. She didn't push me away or anything she accepted me with open arms. She still treated me the same way she did before she found out about that side of me, she never once changed or looked at me differently.

"Whatever you have to do to get her back then do even if it means going back"

I sighed lifting my head up and pulling back from her hold looking at her "I just want her home. I'll burn the whole city down if I have to find her. I'll rain hell on earth if I have to."

"I know you will baby. I want her home too because we haven't had a pedicure and lunch date in a while. I miss my best friend" she smiled

I chuckled lightly shaking my head "You guys always going on these things. Are you trying to steal my girl from me and what do you guys even talk about on these little dates"

"Girl that's my best friend if anyone is stealing it's you and you don't got to worry about what we talk about it's girls stuff"

I smiled seeing that my mom would do anything to make me feel better. I was happy that she was able to lighten up the mood. I was even more happy that she loves Allison more than anything because she's not going anywhere. She's here to stay for a long time.

"Y'all better not be talking about me on these things" I pointed my finger at her

"You ain't even that important" she waved me off

"Wow mom" I held my hand over my chest "So it's like that now" I asked

"Just like that" she got from the couch going into the kitchen

I leaned back feeling a little calmer than before I got here. The talk was needed with my mom, I really appreciated it.

"Come on bubba let's get in the pool" I picked up baby girl up putting her over my shoulder

She squealed kicking her foot as we walked over to pool getting in. I made sure she had her floaties before letting swim over to her brother.

They were kicking their feet and splashing their hands around laughing.

Ever since the kids were born Allison and I have thought them how to swim, since then they have loved it and we decided to get a pool for them.

I made sure the kids were okay before going over to Allison who was on the other side of the pool with her back to wall.

I made my way over to Allison, I flipped us around so that I was to the wall and she was between my legs, my hands around her waist and hers around my neck.

I placed my head in crook of her neck leaving kisses, she had one hand on the back of my head and the one on my neck.

"I love you" I mumbled into her neck

"I love you too" she whispered into my ear "Did you get a new hair cut"

"I did. Do you like it?"

"Mhmm I love it" she ran her fingers through my hair

At this point I wasn't paying attention to whatever else she was saying I was too focused on this bikini she had on.

"Can I take this off of you" I kissed behind her ear

I moved my hand from behind her waist running it down to her ass giving it a squeeze.

"Stop papi" she moaned

"Why should I"

"Did you forget our kids are here" she pulled my face back looking into my eyes "Plus you are on time out"

I groaned throwing my head back "I'm not a kid you can't put me on time out" I said

"You wanted to act like a kid so this is what you get"

Allison put me and the kids on time because she had told us not to trash the house while she was out a couple days ago but we had did the opposite. The kids and I had a slip and slide in the house. To say Allison was piss when she got home was understatement, she had us cleaning them floors for hours.

"Well I'm not listening to you" I placed my hands between us shifting her bikini bottom to side. I placed my finger against her clit rubbing circles

She leaned her head back before bringing it back down. She ran her hand down into my swim trunks gripping my dick. She rub her hand up and down before stopping at the head giving it a firm squeeze.

"Princess" I groaned leaning my head back

"Look at me" I shook my head no

"Don't let me repeat myself Russo" she tightened her grip

I brought my head back down looking into her eyes "When I say something it goes. When I say something you listen to me. Do you understand" she asked

I just continue to look into her eyes, this dominance she was giving off is hot, makes me want to be submissive to her.

She gripped my chin bringing my face forward, her grip on my dick tightened even more "Do you understand Russo"

"F-fuck princess I understand"

"Good job papi" she pat the side of my face loosening her grip on my dick "Get the kids so they can get their nap"

"Yes Mrs.Russo" I nodded

I swear if our kids weren't out here I would have her bend over begging for my mercy but her being dominant on me made my knees weak no joke.


I jolt forward shaking my head. I looked beside me to see my mom sitting on the couch staring at me. I did even realize that she had came back from the kitchen.

"Sorry you were saying something"

"I've been saying your name for the past five minutes but I'm asking if you have any leads, any one with information"

I thought for a minute then my mind instantly went to someone. The one person who was in on all of this.

I quickly got from the couch making my way to the door opening it "I've got to go mom I have business to handle"

"Be safe" she said

"I will" I kissed her cheek before stepping outside closing the door behind me.

I know just the person who has all the answers


I was standing in front of him, my sleeves were rolled up with my gun in my hand.

I had no patience for whatever game he was going to play or whatever nonsense he had to say to me.

"Who wanted to take me down, who did you work for or with, who would kidnap Allison"

He laughed shaking his head "I see that they finally got her"

I lifted my hand up that the gun was in, I pointed it at him shooting him in the left side of his stomach "Wrong answer"

"Who would take Allison" I asked

He leaned his head down not saying anything. I shot him again in the right side of his stomach this time.

He screamed leaning his head back "Fuck you Leone"

I tilted my head to left to then to the right "Leone is not here right now but you can leave her a message and I'll let her get back to you. Right now you dealing with the Devil"

I took a step closer to him, I gripped his chin bring his head down so I could stare into his eyes "Answer me Alex. Who would Kidnap Allison, who is behind all of this"

Alex is the key to all of this, he was in on this little operation so he has all the answers I need. He is the key to me finding Allison and getting her back.

"You are sick, you are a psychopath" he shake his head out of my grip leaning it to the side spitting the blood out of his mouth

I think we had already discovered that Leone Russo was definitely not right in the head. I thought the whole world knew that already.

I shake my head stepping back from him, he was pissing me off. He was pushing my limits, my buttons.

I was tired of his bullshit, I lifted my hand up I pointed the gun at him shooting him in both his shoulders here Allison had shot him.

"Fuck Sakes!! It was her Mom!" He yelled

"Good boy now that wasn't so hard was it" I walked up to him patting him on his cheek before stepping back and shooting him in both his knees

"Make sure he doesn't die, clean him up" I dropped the gun on the ground walking out the room

Her mother is the one behind this, her mother is the one who wants to take me down, her mother is the one who took her.

What did I do this lady for her to have something against me. I should have known something was up from the first time I saw her and she acted like she had a personal vendetta against me.

If I didn't want to kill her before then now I do and there's no saving her. I don't care if she's Allison's mom or not, no one touches Allison and lives not in my world or when I'm alive.

"Where to" Marcus asked

"Allison's Mom" I said

Let's go pay her a little visit

She's about to dance with the devil


Thank you guys for a 100K reads. I appreciate all the love and support you guys have shown my story, so thank you once again❤️

I just want to ask if you guys are okay? mentally, physically and emotionally

I'm contemplating if I should take you guys on a emotional roller coaster for the next few chapters or make it peaceful and happy.

Emotional Coaster it is
