Chapter 6 - Shihou Kimizuki

" Run for your life! It's coming! " a man shouted as the citizens of Kansai were running away from a Horsemen.

The Horsemen of John destroyed their city and they were all now running away from the ruins of their city to escape. They were all running in fear and they didn't notice a little girl fell down while running.

" Aah! " she screamed as the monster approached her.

Then, the colour of pure white flash in front of her eyes. There, stood a man wearing a pure white cloak in front of her. He pulled out his sword and said calmly, " Drink my blood, sword. "

Red thorns sprouted out from the hilt of the sword and wrapped itself around the man's arm. The sword then turned into a beautiful shade of blood red as the man charged forward towards the monster and killed it within seconds.

The girl stared at the man in awe.

" The vampires are here to save us! "

" We will now be under their protection like Osaka! "

The former citizens of Kansai cheered and some sighed in relief. They believed that the vampires would protect them from the monsters when they just wanted to rule over the country.

The little girl quietly approached her saviour.

" Um...thank you for saving me! I would like to offer you my blood to show my gratitude for saving me. " the little girl said shyly but the man who saved her just stared at her coldly before walking away.

" Oh man. We don't protect livestock, we own them. How stupid can these livestock be? " a vampire said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

He had purple hair which was pulled back to the back of his head with several clips. He is Lacus Welt.

" You're really strong, Mikaela-kun. So it is true that you became a vampire by drinking the blood of our queen. " Lacus said as he turned to look at the man who saved the little girl.

This man has blonde hair and sky blue eyes. His name is Mikaela and was turned into a vampire after trying to help his family escape Sanguinem four years ago and only having two of his family members to leave Sanguinem safely.

He had grown into a very attractive man. His blonde hair grew slightly longer and was much more messier. He had grown taller and developed a muscular body over the years. His eyes stayed the same colour as he did not drink human blood yet but they were cold and dull as if he had no life in them. He did not say anything to what Lacus said as he walked past him.

" Geez, you don't have to be so cold, man. Besides, there's another one like you right? This time a girl and only have one red eye. What's her name again? Oh yeah, (Y/N).  I heard that the queen spoiled her a lot and her blood is absolutely the best. I can't wait to try it! " Lacus licked his lips.

Mika immediately took out his sword and flung it towards Lacus's direction where a fresh cut appeared on his cheek.

" You dare touch her, I'll kill you and feed you to the monsters personally. She's mine and mine only. " Mika growled. He was furious in what Lacus had said about (Y/N). He glared dagger at Lacus who smirked.

" Oh my! It seems that you have a deep infatuation for that chick! Or better yet, love her! " Lacus smirked wickedly.

He was always wondering about the girl who was in the same situation as Mika. Seeing that Mika was protective over her, made his desire to meet her grow. If Mika was this protective of the girl, he couldn't wait to snatch her away from him. He licked his lips again as his excitement stirred up.

Mika furrowed his eyebrows as he hesitantly sheathed his sword when another vampire walked towards their direction.

The vampire has black hair and his name was Renee Simm. He is Lacus's partner. He clicked his tongue once he reached the two.

" Such a waste of time for you two to discuss about a girl. She and he used to be human. Always rushing into battle alone and taking all of the glory. He's still a wretched, greedy human being. I'm positive it's the same for the girl. " Renee insulted but Mika paid him no mind as he turned to look away from them.

He started walking back towards the vampire headquarters where a grand meeting was being held. Once he entered the room, Ferid waved cheerfully with a smirk towards Mika who rolled his eyes.

" That's why us, vampires, must destroy that pathetic human army! For the world and it's stability, we will wipe out the entire human race! This is war! " Krul announced proudly as the meeting room burst into applause and cheers.

'Don't worry (Y/N), Yuu...I'm coming soon to your rescue. Just hold out a bit longer. And we all will be together again and I can finally claim you mine, (Y/N)' Mika thought as he silently stood there.

Krul sat on her throne proudly and smirking as she remembered her little (Y/N). She knew that the army would have her in their horrifying clutches and would use her for experiments. Another reason for this war was to wipe out the whole human race so that she could have her (Y/N) back under her wing and she knew that she and Mika have feelings for each other.

Just maybe, she will let them be together as long as (Y/N) will stay as her birdie and Mika as her loyal dog.

" Don't worry (Y/N)'ll be back under my wing soon. I'm coming for you~ "


(Y/N), Shinoa and Yoichi stood in the hallway, waiting for Yuu. He said that he would meet up with them in the hallway and they've been waiting for five minutes now.

" Achoo! " (Y/N) let out a sneeze, unaware that two vampires are thinking about her.

" Are you ok, (Y/N)? " Shinoa asked as she handed (Y/N) a tissue paper.

" Yeah, I'm fine. " (Y/N) assured her as she blew her nose into the tissue paper.

(Y/N) remembered that she was still not a full fledge vampire due to her eye colour not being both red. They were still two different colours. No one knows why but she was relieved about it.

Now, they were still waiting for Yuu to show up. Yoichi, Yuu and (Y/N) are suppose to attend the training to receive their cursed gear.

" Where the hell is he? We're now late thanks to him. " (Y/N) grumbled.

Yuu then suddenly appeared right after (Y/N) finished her sentence.

" Hey! What happened to you face?! " (Y/N) asked as she saw Yuu's face having bruises all over.

" I'm fine. I just ran into a telephone pole. That's all. " Yuu grumbled under his breath.

" Oh ho ho! Did you go fighting, Yuu-kun? " Shinoa piped up with her smug expression.

" Of course not. I'm going to class now and leave you guys behind if you don't keep up. " Yuu huffed before storming his way towards the classroom.

The four stopped at a big wooden door and Shinoa opened it without hesitation and walked in. Guren was there sitting at the table in the front of all the others with his legs crossed on the table.

He was clearly annoyed by the four's lateness but it disappeared slightly from seeing (Y/N). He has a soft spot for (Y/N) as he is like a daughter he never had. (A/N: Well, he isn't even married nor have a daughter so...)

" These three will be joining our class from today. From left to right, Yuichiro Hyakuya, Yoichi Saotome and (Y/N) (L/N). Introduce yourselves. " Guren introduced.

" Listen up. I'm not here to make friends. Why the hell would I do that? " Yuu started as he banged his fist onto the chalkboard. (Y/N) rolled her eyes as she knew what was coming up, " I have no interest in any of you. I don't know what you all are learning here but the best cursed gear will be mine. That's all. "

Guren was clearly unhappy about Yuu's introduction that he kicked him right in the guts. (Y/N) was glad that he did that or else she'll be the one who did it.

" Go to your seats, you three. "

Yuu clutched his stomach in pain and walked towards his seat which was blocked by a pair of legs. It belonged to a guy sleeping with a notebook on his face.

" Oi, that's my seat, bastard. " Yuu grumbled.

Shihou Kimizuki, the male who was sleeping with the notebook on his face took the notebook off of his face and looked at Yuu. The moment his eyes landed on him, his eyes widened. The same happened to Yuu until he pointed an accusing finger at him.

" You're the telephone pole from this morning! What the hell are you doing here?! "

" Same to you bastard. And what telephone pole are you talking about?! "

The two then broke into a fight. Guren was left questioning about Shinoa's supervising experience as she used to supervise Shihou. He sighed as he was about to kick the two of them until...


The two boys' heads were slammed together with such fire that it made them dizzy and clutch their head in pain.

" Now, now, gentlemen, we are in class right now. Stop fighting and return to your seats and be quiet. " (Y/N) gave them an eye closed smile and her voice was sweet and gentle but the aura around her was dark, scary and intimidating so the two boys quickly sat down in their seats without hesitation and kept quiet.

Guren cleared his throats as the class's attention finally went to him.

" The demon weapon aptitude test is just a week. Now, let's finally get started with this. "
" Since the demon weapon aptitude test is in just a week so I will be assessing your ability. If you don't achieve good results, you will not be admitted to the exam. So, please do your best. You will work in pairs today to show me that you are capable of cooperating with one another. Now choose your partner and begin. " their teacher for the day, Sayuri, announced.

Yuu frowned when he heard that he had to work in pairs. So he turned around, only to see (Y/N) taken by someone else and Yoichi was taken by Shinoa. He was irritated by Shinoa's smug expression on her face. Everyone else were already in pairs which meant that he had to work with Kimizuki who also did not have a partner.

They were about to break into a fight but stopped when they felt a pair of eyes burning into their backs and turned around slowly to see (Y/N) looking at them with a menacing glare. They gulped and quickly handcuffed themselves to each other, knowing that the faster that they did that, the faster that (Y/N) will look away.

Once all of the pairs were handcuffed to each other, the training dummies came out immediately and everyone was running away from them in panic but (Y/N) held her partner in place before making sure that the girl who was her partner was securely on her back and will not fall, flies in the air and kicked two raining dummies on their faces.

Sayuri was impressed and started to score. The whole class, even Yuu and Shihou watched in amazement as (Y/N) continued to kick the training dummies. Apparently, (Y/N) prefers to kick instead of punching or any form of using her arms and hands for hand-to-hand combat. She only uses them for defence.

" Let's hurry up and defeat these dummies and get the high score. " Shihou muttered and was about to run forward before he was pulled back by Yuu and the two began to bicker again.

Then, a sergeant came in and told Sayuri that he needed to meet Shihou. He told Shihou that his sister is in critical condition and needed to go to the intensive care unit right away. Shihou gritted his teeth and turned away, requesting that Sayuri should continue the test.

Yuu was absolutely furious about what Shihou said and punched him.

" Who the hell cares about marks?! Your family needs you! " and right when Yuu said that, an image of Mika appeared in his mind, " Once your loved ones are gone, you'll never get the chance to see them again! So hurry up so that we can get to the care unit already! "

Shihou was shocked by what Yuu had said but soon the two boys ran off to the care unit. (Y/N) was proud of Yuu as she knew he would always put family first before other things. It was his top priority.

Luckily, she survived the crisis but the virus couldn't be treated properly in civilian hopsitals and that was when Yuu realised that Kimizuki was trying to get his sister access into military medical facilities.

" Heh, you sure love your sister despite being a jackass. " Yuu smirked.

" It's all your fault. I won't be able to get the high score and I won't be able to get her proper treatment and then she will d- " he was cut off by Yuu who exclaimed, " Don't give up on her so easily! I'm determined to achieve my goal with or without the army's help yet here you are, already giving up on her! "

" Oi! Who said I was giving up on my sister?! "

Suddenly, someone ruffled their hair. They turned around to see (Y/N) with a triumphant smirk and Shinoa behind her, giggling.

" Guess what? Shinoa told this to Guren and he allowed you two to continue your training. Isn't that great? "

The two boys were overwhelmed by the news that their jaws dropped. Shinoa snickered at their reactions and grabbed (Y/N)'s arm.

" Uwah, I'm jealous. Let's do our own bonding, (Y/N)! " Shinoa then dragged (Y/N) away from Yuu...again. Much to his dislike.

