Chapter 22 - Test

A/N: Narumi's squad in the media

Mika watched silently as vampires boarded the choppers. It was almost time to meet the humans once again. He clenched his fist as the memory of Yuu crossed his mind.

" I swear...I'll save you... " Mika whispered to himself  just as a pair of hands looped around his neck into a back hug and a peck on his cheek.

" What is my poor Mika thinking about to make such an expression on his face? " a cheerful voice asked and Mika had a small smile on his face.

" Who else would it be but my lovely lady~ " Mika turned around swept (Y/N) off her feet causing a bubbly laugh to come out of her plump lips.

" Are you ready? " (Y/N)'s brows furrowed and tenderly placed her hand in his cheek.

Mika sighed and covered her hand with his own.

" Of course I am, you're by my side. " he gripped her hand tightly.

" Besides, training with you helped a lot. " Mika smiled as he recalled them training together before being deployed.

" Let's go and save Yuu. "

" Yeah. "

Meanwhile with Yuu..

" Hurry up and tell me where we are going, Shinoa. I've had enough of your ambiguous navigation. " Shihou stated as he drove the vehicle with his team inside.

" Well, let's see. If we keep going, we'll get to Hakone. We can have a bath in the hot springs, have a feast and refresh our tired bodies. Refresh, refresh, refresh! " Shinoa said cheerfully.

" So? " Shihou remained unfazed.

" To Ebina rest stop. " Mitsuba answered.

" Ebina? Where is that? " Yuu asked.

" I'd rather go to Hakone. " Yoichi said with a smile.

" Me too but unfortunately, we can't. We must head to Nagoya. "

" Nagoya, huh? I wonder if Mika and (Y/N) will be there. " Yuu muttered to himself before he lunged forward unexpectedly due to some Four Horsemen of John appearing in front of the vehicle and Shihou had to swerve the vehicle around it before more started to appear.

" Shit, they've spotted us. " Shihou cursed.

" Let's do this! " Mitsuba declared as she stood up and summoned her weapon.

" Come, Tenjiryu! " she shouted as she flung her battle axe down and Yoichi shooting arrows right after her attack hit the enemy.

Yuu jumped on top and on the front of the vehicle.

" I'm not gonna slow down. " Shihou stated.

" That's fine. Let's go, Asuramaru. " Yuu shouted before jumping off the vehicle and charged towards the enemies, killing them instantly with a swing of his sword before jumping again.

" Kimizuki, there's an enemy. Steer to the right to avoid it. " Shinoa navigated.

Yuu landed on the ground and realised he didn't land on the vehicle.

" Huh? What? " he looked around confused.

" Step on the gas. " Mitsuba said with a smile on her face.

" We'll see you in Ebina! " Shinoa shouted while waving towards Yuu.

" Huh? Are you for real?! Seriously... " he stared in disbelief as the vehicle sped further away from him.

~With Guren~

Guren was flanked by two of his female squad mates, Sayuri Hanayori and Shigure Yukimi.

" Goshi, what are you doing? " Guren asked as Goshi, his squad mate, held a magazine.

" Look Guren, you like? " he asked with a wide smile.

" Like what? " Guren asked, bored.

" You know it's been a while since I've seen girls in swimsuits. Shigure-chan and Sayuri-chan won't wear them. " he said with a pout and tried to give his best puppy dog eyes towards the two females.

" Don't give me those eyes. I will not wear one. " Shigure said with an expressionless face.

" I, um...if Lieutenant Colonel Guren wants me to, I'll gladly... " Sayuri trailed off with a blush.

" Seriously?! Guren! Say, " I want you to "! Say it now! " Goshi pleaded.

" Just shut up. What about the vampires? " Guren asked, changing the subject.

" Oh, Mito's surveying the area. " Goshi replied as he continued reading his magazine.

" And why aren't you surveying as well? " Guren asked with a frown just as Mito walked in.

" Guren, I've checked inside. There's no sign of vampires. " she reported.

" Mito, can you wear a swimsuit? " Goshi asked.

" Huh? What are you talking about? " she asked, confused.

" Well, pervert Guren really wants to see you in a swimsuit. " Goshi said as he swayed side to side with his magazine in his hands.

Mito blushed.

" Wh-Wh-What perverted things are you talking about? " she stammered out then added softly, " Are you really serious? "

" OK, looks like most of them are here. " Guren said, cutting their conversation off.

" Are you ignoring me?! " Mito cried out.

Guren walked a few steps forward before noticing a flashy red car entering and stopped in front of him.

The car door opened to reveal Shinya Hiragi with a piece of bread in his mouth.

" Good morning " Shinya greeted with a wave but it came out muffled due to the bread in his mouth.

Goshi rushed forward.

" Major General Shinya, what kind of car is that?! " Goshi asked with stars in his eyes.

" It was abandoned so I switched to it. Isn't it perfect? "

" It's perfect for a stupid-looking guy like you. Anyways, why are you here? " Guren asked.

" I heard from Kureto-niisan. You guys are just sacrificial pawns. It's crazy to go around killing vampire nobles with just 100 men. So, I thought I would let my stupid-looking self help you out. Now, where's my thank you? " Shinya asked with his hand stretched out before him.

" Shut up " Guren grinned.

~With Yuu~

" We're definitely late. " Yuu said unhappily.

" W-Will we be in trouble? " Yoichi asked nervously.

" If we are, I'm selling Shinoa and Mitsuba out. " Yuu announces.

" How dare you sell your own comrades out! " Mitsuba protested.

" You tried to leave me behind! Comrades my ass! " Yuu retorted.

" We picked you up, didn't we? " Shinoa said with a laugh.
" We'll leave here at 7am and arrive at Nagoya at 1pm. Read the directive I hand out later for strategic details. Hold up there you guys. " Guren called out as he spotted Shinoa's team trying to sneak in.

" You're late. Who do you think you are? "

" Well, lieutenant colonel, I actually realised that we're CEO-level— " Shinoa was cut off by a shout from Guren.

" Shut up brat! This mission isn't a game! Leave if you can't follow the army's rules. "

The other soldiers stared at the scene unfolding.

" I apologise, lieutenant colonel. This is my fault. " Yuu spoke up.

His squad mates looked at him, bewildered.

" We were late because I took it upon myself to fight the Four Horsemen of John by myself. "

" Then are you going to leave? "

" No, sir! Please let me go! I'd like to take part in killing the vampires. "

" Then line up. But you'll be punished later. " Guren sighed before continuing.

" During this mission, I won't tolerate anyone who breaks the army's rules. I also won't tolerate those fooling around. This mission will probably be the most dangerous of all. Many will die. Everyone here is family which means we will lose many of our family members. "

Shinoa gasped silently.

" But even then, the completion of this mission is worth it. Listen well, our objective isn't to come back alive, but to come back with victory. Got it?! "

" YEAH! " the soldiers shouted.
Shinoa tapped lightly on Yuu's back.

" I'm sorry, it's my fault. " she apologised.

" What? Don't sweat the small stuff. We're family, right? " Yuu grinned as Shinoa blushed slightly.

" Special private Hyakuya Yuuichiro. Come. " Shigure called out.

" Well, time for me to get an earful. "

" Um, I think I should tell the truth... " Shinoa said with a frown.

" No, I fooled around a little too much as well. I'll go with you. " Mitsuba steppes forward.

" Then this is collective responsibility. I'll go too. " Shihou stepped forward.

" M-Me too. "

" Nah it's fine. I'm used to getting an earful. See ya. " Yuu walked while waving his hand to them and followed Shigure, leaving no room for arguments.

" Lieutenant Colonel Guren. He's here. " Shigure announced as they stood before Guren's squad with Shinya.

" Yo, idiot Yuu. How's it going? " Guren asked.

" Huh? What good is it to ask me that when you're about to lecture me. " Yuu wondered.

" But it isn't your fault now is it? "

Yuu scratched the back of his head.

" Well, a gold star for taking the blame for your comrades. "

" What? Did you call me here to praise me? " Yuu asked, confused.

" That's right, Yuu-chan. He may not look like it, but Guren's actually nice. " Shinya spoke up.

" Huh? Hey! You're that guy from that place from that time! " Yuu realised.

" I have no clue on what you're talking about but long time no see. "

" Enough chit-chat. Let's start. Goshi. "
" OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! " Yuu's squad heard Yuu screaming and rushed into the building to see Yuu tied up and was hanging above a fire.

Shinoa quickly summoned her weapon and tried to cut the rope only to realise it's an illusion.

" What kind of joke is this, lieutenant colonel? " Shinoa asked.

" This is your punishment Shinoa. For letting Yuu to come here alone. " Guren raises his sword underneath Yuu's chin, " I'm teaching you that one slip up will get your comrades killed. "

" I already know that even without your— "  Shinoa sighed.

" No you don't. " Guren cut her off.

" You've never had someone that was important to you. That's why you don't know the fear of losing someone. But from here on, it's different. One mistake could lead to the death of your comrades. Your fooling around will kill your family. " Guren explained.

" Let me ask since you keep saying you already know. What will you do if a great threat shows up right now?  Can you manage? "

Shinoa gritted her teeth.

" Alright, let's do a test. Only three from my side, myself, Mito and Shinya. We'll fight in ten seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six... "

" W-Wait, are we seriously going to fight? " Shinoa asked but was ignored as Guren continued counting.

" Guys, we need to acquire some distance. " Shinoa shouted and the rest to the squad ran.

" Don't be so hard on Shinoa. She's trying pretty hard. " Yuu said as he looked at Guren.

Guren smirked.

" Aren't you nice. Then win for your loving supervisor Shinoa's sake. "

" Oh? Don't blame me for embarrassing you. " Yuu grinned.

" Like I'd lose to a kid. "
" I'm putting the long range fighters against one another meaning Yoichi against Major General Shinya. " Shinoa said as Yoichi nodded.

" My scythe and Mitsuba's battle axe should be able to hold off General Jujo. " Shinoa continued.

" The only problem would be Lieutenant Colonel Guren. " Mitsuba thought out loud.

" Yuu and Kimizuki are the only ones who are able to fight Lieutenant Colonel Guren in close combat. Once he gets through the two of you, we're done for. "

" So we don't let him get through us. " Shihou summarised.

" I'm gonna kick Guren's ass. " Yuu said excitedly.

" Then, let us get into position. "
Guren, Mito and Shinya were at the highest floor of the building looking down at the ground floor.

" Alright kiddos. Ready? " Guren called out just to receive no response.

He smirked.

" Shinya. "

" Hai " Shinya then summoned his weapon.

" Go, Byakkomaru. Bang. " he aimed towards the ground floor.

Yoichi immediately shot three arrows towards the white tigers only to miss. The white tigers then went towards the direction of the others who had to dodge not only the tigers but the rubble.

" Crap! "

" Already breaking formation. " Guren sighed before the three of them dropped towards the ground floor.

" Minna, fall back. " Shinoa called out.

" I'll create a diversion. " Mitsuba then swung her battle axe to the ground.

Guren deflected the attack just as the squad were running.

" I won't let you get away. Bang. " two white tigers shot out of his weapons only to be deflected when Yoichi shot two arrows against them.

The collision caused smoke to appear and Guren appeared.

" Let's do this, Yuu! " Shihou shouted as he and Yuu ran towards Guren.

" I won't let you through, Guren! "

" Don't kid yourself. "

The three clashed and metal against metal could only be heard.

" Eh, not bad. "

" Of course! " smirked Yuu.

Shinoa and Mitsuba then clashed with Mito just as Guren smirked, " It's over kiddos. " and something like a red tornado was created by Guren who swung his sword once.

Outside of the building, the other soldiers saw an explosion then only smoke.

Yuu landed on the flashy red car Shinya arrived in just to see Guren above him, narrowly dodging him, causing the car to be cut in half.

" Aww, that's cruel Guren. " Shinya said with a frown.

" Shut up. " Guren smirked. (A/N: I realise Guren smirks a lot now)

" I'm not done yet! " Yuu said as his sword clashed with Guren's.

" Minna, get into formation with Yuu in the center. " Shinoa announced.

" Oi, oi, Lieutenant Colonel Guren is fighting. "

" He's probably punishing the newbie. "

" Even so, he's responding to Lieutenant's attacks. "

" You can't beat him with power alone. "

The other soldiers murmured and continued watching.

Guren then threw a piece of paper towards Yuu which stick on his forehead.

" Huh? What's this? " Yuu asked while trying to get it off of him.

" That's an explosion spell. I'll disenchant it " Shinoa said just as Mito landed on her scythe.

" I won't let you. "

" Tch " Shinoa gritted her teeth.

Yuu kept trying to get the spell off of him to no avail.

" You might as well give up cause I can blow your head off. " Guren said.

Yuu then ran towards him.

" Then, I'll just take you with me. "

" Woah, serious? Nah, I knew something like this might happen. " Guren moved to the side just for Yuu to see Shinya behind him aiming his sniper at him.

Yuu quickly deflected the attack but realised,

" There. I'm already through. Your comrades are dead now. " Guren said and before Yuu could attack, the explosion spell went off, distracting him.

" Yuu! " Mitsuba cried out but was hit at the back by Guren.

" You little... " Shinoa swung her scythe before she ran towards Guren who immediately swung his sword to unarm Shinoa, leaving her defenseless.

" Bad call. "

" A commander should never fight someone whose stronger than oneself. " Guren said just as Shihou and Yoichi went up behind him only for Guren to say, " You're too late. "

By the time Yuu cleared the smoke surrounding him after he explosion spell went off, his comrades were all defeated.

" Jeez, your team has three Black Demon holders and this is all you've got? The nobles are far stronger than us. How do you plan to defeat them? " Guren sighed as Shinoa's squad looked down, humiliated.

" So as you can see, they're our first newbies in a while. You guys, take care of them! " Guren shouted towards the other soldiers who were watching.

" What? They have three Black Demon holders? Those are serious newbies. "

" But without teamwork, they're useless. "

" That's why we have to rake care of them. "

Yuu seemed to be glaring at nothing.

Guren sheathed his sword and called out to Yuu, " What is it? You look dissatisfied. "

Yuu turned towards him.

" No, I was thinking of what strategy we need to take next time. " Yuu stated.

" Oh, you're earnest in things like that? " Shinya asked as Yuu sheathed his sword.

Yuu crosses his arms and pouted slightly.

Guren then walked over to Yuu and ruffled his hair.

" Wh-What is it? " Yuu asked as he struggled to keep Guren's hands off of his hair.

" You guys can become stronger. Work on your teamwork. " Guren advised.

" May I speak, Lieutenant Colonel? " a man with brown hair tied in a ponytail asked.

" I'm against bringing these newbies to the battlefield. They don't follow rules and doesn't have teamwork. They'll only drag us down. "

" Hm, you do have a point. Oh I know. You guys shall take care of them then. " Guren announces as the man now known as Narumi was left with his jaw dropped.

" Shigure, rearrange the squads. Team up Shinoa's squad with Narumi's. "

" Yes sir. "

" W-Wait, Lieutenant Colonel— " Narumi tried to protest but was ignored.

" This is Sergeant Narumi Makoto. That's Inoue Rika, Kagiyama Taro, Endo Yayoi and Iwasaki Shusaku. They're an excellent team. Let them train you. " Guren introduced.

Inoue Rika has long blonde hair pulled into two fluffy ponytails held with long reddish-rose ribbons holding them in place. She has bangs that are longer on the sides. She also wore a hair clip in her bangs and wore a reddish-rose choker with a pink butterfly accessory. She also has blue eyes.

Kagiyama Taro is tall and muscular. He wore a towel that covered the top of his head above his eyes. He has short black hair with sideburns and has some hair on his chin.

Endo Yayoi is a petite girl with short red hair shaped into a bob and straight bangs cut over her eyes. She also wears red glasses.

Iwasaki Shusaku has medium length purple hair with bangs and blue eyes.

" I'm fine with it, but... "

" Lieutenant Colonel— " Narumi tried again just to be cut off by Guren.

" Alright, play time's over. Let's get to work. " He called out as the other soldiers replied with a " Yes sir! ".

" Well, it's nice to serve with you. " Yuu offered his hand out towards Narumi who gripped it harshly and walked back to his squad.

" Jeez, thanks a lot to your big mouth. " Rika complained.

" Give us a break, Makoto. " Taro said as Narumi just walked past his squad who in turn just followed him.

" But they seem to have raw power. With some training, they could be useful. " Shusaku said before following his squad.

" Geez, what's up with him? " Yuu asked with a frown.

" What did you expect? He's a douchebag but he's right. " Shihou stated as the squad watched the other squad walk away.

" Um, guys. I'm sorry about today. Everything was my fault. We lost today's fight due to my incompetence as well. I'm not fit to be a comm— " Shinoa was cut off by Yuu.

" Stop it. Even Guren said that we'll grow stronger. " Yuu said.

" If we work on teamwork. "

" Yeah! The closer we get to each other, the stronger we'll get. "

" Right, and for that, we will need a commander. "

" Right, Shinoa? "

Shinoa smiled.

" Yes! "

With the vampires...

" Run! The vampires are here! " a girl shouted.

She ran in front of two other children, fear of getting caught by the vampires only to see Mika and (Y/N) in front of her path.

She stopped running abruptly as Mika and (Y/N) noticed her presence. The frightened girl backed away only to hit Lacus who ripped her tightly and sank his fangs into her neck.

Mika watched as he trembled slightly. (Y/N) noticed this and quickly took hold of his hand and dragged him somewhere where the other vampires would not disturb them.

" Go on, drink. " she urged Mika as he drank the blood stored in a tube.

Krul's blood.

Suddenly, a shout from a girl startled him, causing him to drop the tube of blood. He coughed and (Y/N) quickly rubbed his back.

The two looked up to see Lacus and Rene dragging off three kids towards the choppers. Mika trembled as he stared at the girl's neck.

Anticipating Mika's move, (Y/N) quickly restrained him and placed his head at the crook of her neck, calming him down.

" Shh, everything's ok. Come, drink some of mine. " (Y/N) cooed soothingly into Mika's ear.

She looked up towards the sky, narrowing them.

" Soon. Just you wait Yuu. "
Yay, I updated. I only got two weeks of vacation left :"( before school starts again sadly. Imma try to update again before time's up. Oh, and I'm not sure if you guys know but this story is based on the anime not the manga. I also don't know what happened after the ending of the anime cause I have not read the manga at all cause I have no time to do so. So, this book may end off weirdly cause it just might stop like how season 2 stopped or I might add my own twists to end it. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sayonara, minna!

