Chapter 15 - Taken

A/N: The red markings (Y/N) has on her face are the same ones in the media.


But before any of the soldiers could do anything, mist started appearing and a feminine laugh could be heard throughout the battlefield.

" My, my, " they all looked up to see (Y/N) with red markings on her face, red and yellow eyes glowing, and her undone and cascaded down her back.

" Humans are such greedy creatures. "


" (Y/N)?! " Guren and Shinoa's team yelled out in surprise at her appearance.

" Wait...why are you just standing there?! Hurry up and come over! " Guren shouted but all he got in reply was a laugh.

" You? You think you can order me around? What a joke! " (Y/N) laughed out loud and clutched her stomach.

" I think you have lost that right, Ichinose-san. And every superior in the imperial demon army. " (Y/N) casually said as she unsheathed her sword.

" Lieutenant Colonel Ichinose. Who is she? She's a soldier in the imperial demon army, is she not? " Kureto asked.

" She is but...I don't know what is wrong with her now. " Guren said with a worried look.

" Achmetha. Adaliah. Come out and play with these humans and make them suffer for what they've done to Yuu. " (Y/N) spoke with a cold expression as her sword glowed.

Two figures appeared beside her. A man and girl.

" It's nice to see you back to your true self once again, my lady. " the man, Achmetha, bowed slightly forward with one arm behind his back and the other at his front.

" (Y/N)-hime! It's good to see you again! It was so stuffy being in that disguise! " the young girl, Adaliah, clasped her hands together happily while beaming at (Y/N).

" You know, we can talk about that later but for entertain me by slaughtering some humans. They don't deserve to live for what they did to Yuu. "

" As you wish, my lady. " the two then disappeared in an instant and you could hear screams of pain a second later.

Everyone turned to look at the direction where the screams came from and saw a soldier off the ground. Achmetha held a sword which went through the soldier's chest and another soldier had two daggers impaling him as Adaliah held another two daggers in her hands.

" Achmetha, Adaliah! I said slaughter! It means, no mercy! " (Y/N) shouted at the two who both smirked sadistically.

" But, (Y/N)-hime! If we do that, that will be no fun! They'll just die instantly. It's more pleasing to hear their screams and see them suffer! " Adaliah protested with a pout on her face.

" Besides, my lady, isn't it pleasing to see the fear on the superiors' faces? " Achmetha asked as he looked pointedly at Kureto and Guren.

" Eh, that's quite true. them out. " (Y/N) said with a smile on her face as Kureto shouts to fall back.

" (Y/N)-chan? " (Y/N) turned to look at Mika who had climbed up the rubble to be near her.

Unexpectedly, (Y/N) hugged Mika close to her.

" I'm glad. You aren't hurt that badly, are you? You're healing just fine, right? " (Y/N) pulled back to look at Mika's sky blue hues.

" My lady, the humans have retreated. Any orders? " Achmetha asked as he and Adaliah stood back from the two.

" No, you may return until I call for you again. " (Y/N) said as the two bowed before glowing along with the sword and disappeared.

(Y/N) then sagged slightly, her eyelids dropped, before falling unconscious.

" (Y/N)? (Y/N)-chan?! " Mika asked, panicked.

" Calm down, Mika. She's just unconscious. Let's go now. The humans have gone. We're taking her with us. " Ferid said as he turned to walk towards the helicopters descending from the sky.

Mika placed a kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead and helped sheathed her sword before carrying her bridal style and walked towards the helicopters.
Shinoa sat beside Yuu's hospital bed. Her expression showed she was in deep thought. Her conversation with Guren earlier wasn't one she had hoped.


" I've been looking for you for five days. " Shinoa spoke from the doorway of Guren's office.

" Well, sorry for your trouble then. " Guren said, bored.

" I need answers Guren, for what happened to Yuu and (Y/N). " Shinoa demanded as she slammed her hands on Guren's desk.

" Well, might as well go back now, Shinoa. I won't be answering any of your questions. "

" Then, will you be happy that I said that we were doing human experiments?! " Guren shouted at Shinoa who was taken aback by his answer.

" How do you think humans can wield curse gears? How do you think humans can stand up to vampires? How many people have died to complete your sister's cursed gear? Do you think humans can live without curses gears? " Guren asked several questions at a time, leaving Shinoa unable to answer.

" It's not like you to show your emotions. Have you fallen for him? What's that look on your face? Well, I don't care what goes on between you two but don't come to talk to me about kid's love affairs. Go away. " Guren said as he went back to reading his papers.

" But- "

" Go. Away. "

Shinoa gritted her teeth and walked towards the door.

" The drug will wear off in five days, so Yu will wake up soon. If you love him, stay by his side. " Guren called out before Shinoa left.

~Flashback end~

" Yuu, please wake up soon. " Shinoa said as she placed her hands on Yuu's hands.

'But, he never mentioned anything about (Y/N)' Shinoa thought as she gazed at Yuu.

At Sanguinem...

" The detoxification of the curse is completed. " a mechanical voice said as the 'cocoon' where Mika lay opened up.

Mika quickly wiped his eyes to see tears.

" I haven't cried since I became a vampire. " Mika said quietly before getting up to get a shirt on since he was shirtless.

" Vampires getting injuries just because of one measly human. Oh? How's your injury, Mika? You've got the worst out of all of us. " Lacus asked as he went to get his shirt.

Mika did not reply.

" Giving me the silent treatment again, huh? "

" But, that boy has raised some trouble in the council after what he had done. " Rene said as he stood at one corner of the room while wearing pants and a long sleeve black dress shirt.

" The council is saying that the humans might be studying forbidden enchantment that could end the world. I think it was called 'Owari no seraph' " Lacus said as he started getting dressed.

" The attack on Shinjuku was apparently to retrieve that. "

" So, the mission failed? "

" I don't know. Lord Ferid was in command but sometimes I don't know what's going on in his mind. I can't tell if we failed or not but maybe you know something. " the last part was addressed to Mika who walked past Lacus in the same long sleeve black dress shirt as Rene.

" You and that monster know each other, right? That's why your Queen Krul's favourite. Hyakuya Mikaela, who are you? "

Mika stopped in front of the doors.

" We can find out if you don't tell us... " Rene chimed in.

" Who am I? Who I am... " Mikaela remembered what Yuu had asked back at the battlefield.

" Can't you tell who I am by just looking at me? I'm just an ugly vampire. " Mikaela turned to face the other two.

" Hyakuya Mikaela. The third progenitor, Krul Tepes, is calling for you. " a voice boomed from the speakers.

" See? She's calling for her pet. "

Mikaela just left the room without any further comment.

Back to Yuu...

Yuu's eyes slowly opened to see the ceiling. He sat up in the hospital bed to see Yoichi sleeping.

" Yoichi! Wake up! Tell me what's going on? " Yuu shook Yoichi awake.

" Yuu-kun?! You're awake! Are you ok?! " Yoichi asked as he hugged Yuu.

" That's my line! Oi, Yoichi- "

" I have to tell everyone! " Yoichi said excitedly as he jumped out of Yuu's bed and ran out of the room.

" Oi! Is everyone ok? " Yuu called out.

" Are you worried? " Yoichi asked mischievously.

" Of course I would be! " Yuu shouted as he tried to keep his blush under control.

" You were the only one not ok. The others are fine. " was all Yoichi said before leaving.

It was silent in the room for awhile.

" Mika being alive...wasn't a dream, was it? " Tears pooled around Yuu's eyes.

" Is this the cry baby's room? I guess it is then! " Shinoa said as she walked in.

" Shinoa?! " Yuu exclaimed before quickly wiping his eyes.

" I'm just glad you're alright. " Shinoa said as she took a seat, " Besides, it's natural to cry when you found out that you're family is alive. "

" Ne, what happened? "

Shinoa suddenly got an idea.

" You said you were feeling sleepy and slept through everything. " Shinoa declared.


" Of course not. You lost consciousness and the unit was on the verge of annihilation but reinforcements came. The main unit led by Lieutenant General Kureto and Major General Shinya. "

" Then, the vampires? "

" Before we could kill any vampires, a strange occurrence happened. I can't tell you the details of it yet until it's further investigated. " Shinoa said firmly.

" About Mika? It's ok to just tell whether he's a friend or foe. Him being alive is enough. So, just tell me the facts. " Yuu said.

" Mika was...taken by the vampires. "

" I see...(Y/N)? What about her? Where is she? "

" She was also taken by the vampires after the strange occurrence happened. "

Yuu's eyes widened but all he said was, " Ok. Thanks. "

" You say that but you better not raid into the vampire city all by yourself. "

" I know. "

Yuu then noticed a bandage on Shinoa's neck.

" You got bitten by a vampire, right? " Yuu placed his hand on Shinoa's neck where the bandage was.

" Oi, Yuu- " Mitsuba stopped dead in her tracks at the sight she saw.

" O-OI! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?! " she stormed inside, making Shinoa who was flustered, fall off her chair.

" A-Ah, I was just showing Yuu my bite mark. " Shinoa said, embarrassed.

" O-Oh, that's what it was. "

" You were also bitten right? Are you ok? " Yuu asked.

" Of course I am fine. Besides, we were more worried about you. A seven day coma. Couldn't you have woken up earlier? " Mitsuba huffed.

" S-Seven?! "

" Yoichi, didn't tell you? "

" No, he was too excited to tell you guys I was awake. "

" Who said I was worried? " Shihou's voice was heard as the light was switched on.

" But you were. "

" Don't lie, Kimizuki-san, you were so caring and watching over Yuu several days for hours. " Shinoa smirked.

" HUH?! "

" Now, now, Kimizuki-kun, you don't need to be embarrassed. "

" Tch. I'm going to get some drinks. "

" Aw. Adores his little sister and cares for others. How sweet~ " Shinoa drawled out the word 'sweet' as Shihou pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose while Yoichi volunteered to follow.

The others soon left, leaving Yuu to his thoughts.

" Well for now, knowing Mika is alive is good enough. (Y/N)'re a strong girl...I know you'll escape... " Yuu whispered as he looked out of the window.

'Mika, (Y/N)...I'll save you.'

At Sanguinem...

'Yuu...I'll save you.'

Mika turned around to head towards (Y/N)'s room. By now, (Y/N) would be waking up soon.

He knocked lightly on her door before entering. Seeing his angel sleeping peacefully made Mika smile. Her blue hair shining under the moonlight and her peaceful sleeping face made her look like an angel.

Mika took the time to look at her face. Her features. He slowly combed his fingers through her hair which made (Y/N) let out a relaxed sigh.

Soon, her eyelids slowly fluttered open. Slowly blinking, her blurry vision clearing. The moment she saw Mika staring at her with a loving gaze, she smiled and reached up to cup his face and slowly lower his head to kiss him on the lips.

The moment lasted for several minutes before the two parted. Both staring at each other lovingly. The door soon opened to reveal Krul Tepes with a smirk on her face.

" Ah, just the two half-vampires I was looking for. "

