Chapter 10 - We Meet Again

As the team ran forward, (Y/N) and Yuu's faces darkened as they remembered unpleasant things when they passed by human children. All of the humans there shared the same feeling.


They were all pressing their backs against the wall in fear.

" Let's move on to B3! The vampires are stationed there! " Mitsuba ordered as the team continued to run.

Soon, the team spotted a vampire in a white cloak and immediately Yuu went ahead solo and killed the vampire easily with one thrust of his sword.

Mitsuba was about to yell again when Yuu pulled her behind him and killed the vampire about to attack her from behind.

" Wh-What-? H-How is he so strong? " Mitsuba's face flushed slightly.

" He and (Y/N) are his favourites and have you seen how Guren acts around (Y/N)? He acts as if he's her father. " Shinoa replied.

Then, all of a sudden, (Y/N)'s eyes widened and her head shot up, looking towards the ceiling.

" Guys! Be careful! We've been tricked! There are eight vampires here! " she shouted just as the glass behind Mitsuba was shattered by the vampires entering through it.

'Shit. They must have used that poor little girl to trick us.' was what ran through the team's mind.

" B-Bastard...! How dare could you...use that little girl...?! " Mitsuba rasped out as she struggled in the vampire's tight hold over her throat.

" You humans are so despicable. Once a friend or family member is in danger, you would do anything to save them...including tricking your own kind. " the vampire smirked as he ever so tightened his hold over Mitsuba's throat.

Then, a sweet and alluring scent drew the attention of the vampire to which he stared through the crowd in front of him and saw a female with long blue hair fighting two vampires by herself with one sword yet she can keep up with them.

He threw Mitsuba to the side as if she was some piece of garbage and made his way towards (Y/N).

" Minna! That's her! The half-vampire the queen had ordered us to capture! " the vampire announced loudly as every vampire looked towards (Y/N) and immediately threw the ones they were fighting with to the side and made their way towards her who slowly started to back up against a wall.

'Tch. I thought Krul would at least stop looking for me.' (Y/N) purses her lips into a thin line.

Mitsuba's eyes widened as she looked up to see (Y/N) surrounded with all of the eight vampires around her, proving no escape.

'No, they can't take her!' Mitsuba thought as she slowly and shakily stood up.

" Guys run! It's hopeless for me! " (Y/N) shouted as she pressed her back against the wall.

" As if I'm going to do that! You're my friend and I'm not losing one right now. Besides, I'm not going to let Mika's only love die. Not yet. At least avenge him before you die! " Yuu gritted out as he used his sword to support himself as he stood up.

(Y/N) quickly looked around her surroundings and saw a small opening. If she could just time it correctly, she would be able to pass them.

Quickly, she sheathed her sword and ran towards the vampires and immediately used her hands to place them on two vampires' shoulders and did a handstand before going back down to the ground before running off, shouting, " Hurry! " to her teammates who followed her lead.

(Y/N) unsheathed her sword and made a large slash towards the vampires once her teammates were safely on her side. All of the vampires were struck hard and disintegrated to ash.

She then ran together with her teammates towards an abandoned building for they all had some glass shards imbedded in their skin. Nothing major but it's best to take them out first under (Y/N)'s advice.
The team was just sitting around a table, resting. Especially (Y/N). She was tired from fending off two vampires and having all eight surrounding her then doing some acrobatics and running.

" God. How tiring this is... " (Y/N) mumbled as she draped an arm over her eyes and leaned back in the chair.

" You were awesome back there, (Y/N). " Mitsuba smiled at (Y/N) who just tiredly put up a thumbs-up.

" Hey guys! I found a hummer! " Shihou shouted with at least a kilometre away from the rest.

As Shihou worked on the hummer, the rest of the team rested and ate the canned food they got from an abandoned market. Meanwhile, Yuu was watching Shihou working on the hummer in fascination, amazement and excitement.

'Woah. This telephone pole can actually start up this hummer?!' Yuu thought as his eyes gleamed when the hummer was started up.

" You can drive too?! That's awesome! " Yuu exclaimed which made Shihou speechless and just left him there while making his way towards the others.

" It's working. We'll be able to get to Shinjuku in no time. " he said just as (Y/N) placed a hand over her mouth to stop from giggling at the sight behind Shihou.

Seeing Shihou's confused look, she just pointed behind him which made Shihou to turn around and to see Yuu driving the hummer straight into an electric lamp. Immediately, Shihou freaked out and ran over to stop him but almost ended being run over.

Yuu smiled brightly and told everyone that he would be the one driving which made Shihou retort and soon, those two were full out bickering.

" It's ok everyone! I'll be driving! " announced Shinoa as she had her hands on the wheel but her head wasn't even above the dashboard.

Yuu and Shihou looked at each other before bursting out into fits of laughter. The others just sweatdropped and face palmed.

" They're in so much trouble... " (Y/N) sighed just as Shinoa turned to the two laughing boys with murderous intent in her eyes.
Shihou was driving the hummer with a noticeable bug red bump to the left side of his head. The same with Yuu but on the right. (Y/N) was sitting beside him and was looking out of the window. She then smelled something and stuck her head out of the window and sniffed the air.

" I SMELL SMOKE! " she yelled as immediately, Shihou turned the hummer around a corner and in front of them was the sight of smoke coming from Shinjuku.

The team was shocked to discover Shinjuku under attack. (Y/N) squinted her eyes and used her enhanced sight to see a figure in front of the wall of Shinjuku.

The figure has long dark brown hair in a braid and red bangs. Broad shoulders and a single piercing in each ear. (Y/N) groaned and quickly alerted the others.

" There's a noble in front of the wall of Shinjuku... "

" A noble?! Shihou, continue driving. Ram the car into him. " Shihou nodded and drove the hummer in full speed towards the noble.

" Everyone! Jump! "

All of them jumped out of the hummer and left the hummer continue its way towards the noble in full speed. The noble just smirked before stopping the hummer with one hand and throwing it aside.

" Oh ho ho! What do we have here? " he sarcastically said before eyeing each member before his eyes landed on a particular girl with pale blue hair and two eyes in different colours.

He smiled widely as the members were coughing from the dust.

" (Y/N)! Nice to see you! We meet again! " Crowley said with a broad smile on his face.

He had to admit. He actually favoured (Y/N) as his favourite 'human' although she wasn't anymore but she was awesome with a sword.

Just like Crowley, (Y/N) can't actually hate him. It's because of him, Chess, Horn and Ferid who trained her with weapons to defend herself or else she would have been dead a long time ago. Although, she does hate Ferid.

" Nice to see you too, Crowley. " (Y/N) just nodded her head once while placing her hand on the hilt of her sword.

" Sword, drink my blood. " spikes punctured into Crowley's wrist and turned red.

" Everyone, don't go off your own. This vampire has a class 1 weapon. He's not like the others we've fought. " Shinoa warned just as Crowley appeared behind her and was about to strike her but was stopped by Yuu who had cut his arm off.

" Not bad for a human. I wonder who you are. " Crowley smirked much to Yuu's surprise.

" Should we retreat? He's quite strong. " Yuu whispered.

" No, we can't even if we want to. He's a noble. The only thing we can do is fight with full power with the demon on edge to take over. " Shinoa smirked as purple marks appeared on her face.

Then, all of a sudden two female vampires dropped down from the sky.

" Oops, I may have forgotten you two, Chess, Horn. Gomen. " (Y/N) apologised sincerely.

" AHH! IT'S (Y/N)-CHAN! SHE'S BACK! " Chess squealed before squeezing the life out of (Y/N).

" Damn. Three vampires of the same level? " Mitsuba muttered.

" It's nice to see you again, (Y/N). You've grown into a stunning woman. " Horn smiled as she looked at (Y/N) from head to toe.

" Here's your arm, Crowley-sama. " Horn handed Crowley his cut off arm.

" Ferid-sama has requested you to the front lines. Immediately. "

" Aw. When things were getting better. See you soon, (Y/N). "

Then the dee vampire nobles leapt off the ground and to the buildings' roofs.

" (Y/N)? You know those three? And you don't resent them? " Yoichi asked.

" I can't resent them. They were three of the four vampires who trained me to defend myself and if t were not for them, I would have been dead a long time ago. The most that I hate would be Ferid. " (Y/N) replied as she stared at the direction where the three vampires took off.

'Ferid...I can't wait to kill you...'
Hey guys! It's FairyTailHime~! It's been a while and sorry for the super long wait but I was still able to update!!! Anyways, this book will be on hold from today onwards along with my other ongoing books and the next update will be published in October. The reasons would be stated below at the end of my author's note. Sorry for the very brief explanation but I promise that you will understand once you read my message at the end and also, sorry for the rushed chapter but I really hope that you guys enjoyed reading it. I'll see you all in October! Sayonara, minna!

