Chapter 17 - Greed Was The Start Of It All

A/N : The time line is the same as the previous chapter.

" Artemis, do explain the reason behind your actions. " Zeus demanded as Artemis was on her knees in front of the three powerful Gods while the others were at the sidelines, watching.

" That demon was the spawn of two powerful demons. One who can overthrow all of us! YOU WANT TO BE DEFEATED BY THAT FILTH?! "

The other gods and goddesses murmured amongst themselves about Artemis's outburst.

" SILENCE. " Zeus commanded.

" So what of it? So what if that child is the spawn of the powerful demons? That doesn't mean that the child will attack us, does it? " Poseidon questioned.

" Do you want us to be defeated? I would not! If we had killed that child earlier, we would not have to worry about being overthrown- " Artemis was cut off by Hades slapping her harshly across the cheek.

" Nonsense. You would taint your title of being a heroic saviour for mankind for power? A goddess should never have such foul thoughts. " Hades reprimanded.

" Y-You...will allow that good for nothing scum live?! " Artemis shouted in disbelief.

Zeus sighed and stood up from his throne.

" I've come to a decision. Artemis, for attempted murder of a child, you'll be banished from Heaven. You shall not step one foot on this territory until you've reflected that what you've done was wrong. Your title will be temporarily be taken down for now. As of now, guards! Please...throw her out of Heaven. " Zeus said firmly and authority was laced in his voice.

" No...NO NO NO NO NO!!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! " the guards dragged along a thrashing Artemis who screamed out profanities directed at Zeus who faced his back towards her.

~4 years later~

" Mama, papa! How's my baby brother doing? " a cheerful young girl ran up to Lucifer and Lilith with excitement.

" Well, aren't you excited, (Y/N)? " Lilith chuckled at her daughter who hugged the baby bump with affection.

" Well, your brother seems to be doing well since he likes kicking mommy too much. " Lucifer said sternly towards the baby bump with a small playful glare.

" Papa! You shouldn't glare at Leon like that! " (Y/N) pouted angrily.

" That's right Lucifer, you shouldn't glare at Leon- " Lilith cut herself off as she realised something.

" Leon? Is that what you want to call your brother? " Lilith asked the young girl who nodded her head happily.

" Why Leon? " Lucifer crouched down to (Y/N)'s height.

" Because all of our names start with the letter 'L'. Although you refer to me by a different name though. Why? " (Y/N) looked up to her father for answers.

" Let's See. We named you Laura, right? But we call you (Y/N). Laura is the name you take on when you are part of the royal court. It's your professional name. (Y/N) is your commoner name where everyone can address you as such like how our people call you, " (Y/N)-hime ". But princesses and princes from other kingdoms must call you Laura. " Lilith explained.

" I see! Then, what will we call Leon then? " (Y/N) asked as Lucifer chuckled.

" We worry about that later sweetheart. For now, let's wait for him to be born. " Lucifer patted (Y/N)'s head as she pouted.

~Six years later~

" Haru! Hurry up! " a slightly taller (Y/N) called out to the boy who was slightly shorter than her and was trying to catch up to her.

" Matte, Onee-san! " he panted.

Haru. He is (Y/N)'s younger brother who was born six years ago. His professional name is Leon. He is to inherit the throne once he has come of age. His commoner name is Haru due to him being born during the season of spring.

" C'mon, Haru! You don't want to be late for lessons, do you? " (Y/N) taunted.

" Of course not. Sensei is scary! " Haru cried out but didn't notice a female figure behind him.

" Oh ho? So, I can actually make the heir to the throne scared? " a dark aura surrounded the figure.

" Wah! Sensei?! Don't kill me! "

" Of course I can't, you idiot. That's basically a death wish. Now, we need to train you more not to get scared. Let's go. " the woman picked the boy up by his collar and walked towards the library.

" Ah, (Y/N). " the woman called out.

" Hai? "

" Your lesson today is with Joe today. Change into proper attire before meeting him at the sparring room. " was all the woman said before she continued walking.

" Hai! " (Y/N) replied excitedly as she quickly ran back to her room to change.
" How are your lessons, (Y/N), Haru? " Lilith asked as the family ate their dinner.

" I was training today with Joe, mama. It was so much fun but Joe still beats me. " (Y/N) pouted.

" Eh, so good! I was stuck with sensei to learn how to be a gentleman. It's boring. " Haru pouted cutely.

Lucifer and Lilith laughed lightly as they saw the resemblance of the siblings when they pouted.

" Haru, you have to have more lessons with sensei since you are the heir to the throne and soon, once your head is filled with a vast amount of knowledge, you will start sparring just that your sparring mentor would be me of course. " Lucifer winked at Haru who brightened up.

" Eh! That's not fair, papa! " (Y/N) whines while Lucifer just pinched her cheeks.

" Sweetheart, everything is fair. Haru needs to become more stronger than he is now and what better way to do that than get your father to teach him himself? He is the heir to the throne, sweetie. " Lilith explained.

" Alright... " (Y/N) pouted and slowly started eating her dinner.

~A few months later~

" It's time. It's finally time for me to execute my plan. And no one will see it coming. " a grin formed onto a person's face whose whole body is shrouded in a cloak.
" LUCIFER-SAMA! LILITH-SAMA! " a guard burst into the master's bedroom, panting heavily with a terrified expression.

" What's going on? " Lucifer asked sharply.

" There-There are unknown species attacking us. They have held several civilians hostage already. Killed those who opposed them. Guards have already been dispatched. " the guard reported.

" WHAT?! " Lucifer roared.

" Lucifer? " Lilith whispered his name quietly.

" How high are their magic levels? " Lucifer asked.

" We've captured one of them and sedated her. We've already measured her magic level. Here. " the guard passed Lucifer a piece of paper with scribbled writing.

" Unknown? What do you mean unknown?! "

" It means exactly as what it is stated- "

" ENOUGH! " Lilith shout had cut off the guard's sentence.

" Help the civilians first. I'll contact Zeus. " Lilith states before wearing a robe and made her way to the control room to contact Zeus.
" What do you mean unknown species? " Zeus asked with a frown.

Lilith sighed.

" They had just started attacking us and held our civilians hostage already. Killed those who opposed them. Lucifer has already set out to this war. But, I'm contacting you for help because their magic levels are unknown as well. I have a bad feeling about this. Please. Help us. " Lilith bowed her head.

She heard Zeus sigh before commanding some people.

" I've sent several air ships full of soldiers to aid you- " Zeus was cut off by two screams.

" (Y/N)! HARU! " without another glance, Lilith rushed out of the control room for her babies.

" MAMA! " Haru screamed as he was in the clutch of one of the unknown species.

These unknown species had a body of a human but the skin. The skin was a light grey with black markings everywhere on the body. They do not wear clothes. Their eyes were a glowing emerald green.

Lilith immediately punched the unknown woman but her grip on Haru remained firm. Lilith's eyes glowed a deep crimson red before her right hand turned into a claw and plunged into the chest of the woman, ripping her heart out which was in the colour black with a white substance leaking from it.

The woman this time laid on the floor, motionless as Lilith scooped her little boy into her arms.


Lucifer mercilessly ripped the black hearts out of the unknown species as he ran. Apparently after battling several of them, he found out that this was the only way for them to stay dead.

The information was relayed to the guards and immediately started ripping their hearts out but still, more and more of the unknown appeared.

Lucifer stopped under a cliff as he was surrounded.

" Tch. " he clicked his tongue before quickly ripping the hearts out as fast as he could.

Unfortunately, more and more of the unknown surrounded him just as more and more hearts has been ripped out.

" There's no end to them. " Lucifer muttered to himself.

He suddenly sensed a presence behind him and before he could attack the person, a force hit his head hard and immediately, Lucifer fell to the ground, unconscious.

" You should be more aware of your surroundings, Lucifer. After all, this is a war. A war that was started by greed. " the cloaked woman said as she stared down at the form of the unconscious Lucifer.
Ok. This is a mess. This must have been one of the crappiest chapters I've ever written. IM SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES. Please forgive me for my laziness as it is the holidays and all and I should have a lot of time to write just that...I'm lazy. And having writer's block. It's a writer's worst nightmare. It took me longer to write cause I suddenly decided to change some things to this chapter and for the upcoming chapters so I have to work on sorting them out first before publishing them but I hope you guys will like what I have in store for this book. Now, for the name of the brother. Only two people commented and I appreciate you guys for commenting but not exactly the name I was looking for. So, I decided to just go by the first name I thought of which is Haru. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though it is kinda crappy due to some sudden changes but oh well. Sayonara, minna!

