Chapter 31 - Revelations

~With Shinya~

" Major General Shinya, " Mito called out as she held something in her hand and passed it to Shinya, " the directive from the flight control room. "

He opened it up and read.

" What does the directive say? " Goshi asked after a few moments.

Shinya closed his eyes and sighed, " It says to stand by. "

" What?! " Narumi exclaimed.

" You! Why are you alive?! " a shout was heard and everyone turned to see Rika slap Shinoa.

" Hey! " Shihou shouted but Shinoa raised a hand.

" Yayoi, Kagiyama, everyone's dead because of you! So, why are you still alive and kicking?! Because of you, because of you... " Rika teared up as she grabbed Shinoa's collar.

" I'm sorry. " Shinoa said with a poker face.

" If you're going to apologise, do it with your life! " Rika yelled as she pointed her sword at Shinoa.

" If you're going to apologise so easily...give me friends... " tears rolled down her cheeks.

A hand was placed over Rika's on the hilt of her sword.

" Calm down a little. I'll take it from here. " Narumi said as he and Shusaku helped her up.

" But Makoto— "

" I'm not saying I'm going to forgive them. I'm saying 'I'll take it from here' " Narumi grabbed his spear.

" No, that isn't your job. " Shinya interrupted.

" Then will you punish them for siding with a vampire on the battlefield? " Narumi asked.

" It isn't your job to decide if they get punished eith— " Shinya was cut off by Narumi.

" Then what will you do for us?! " he shouted, " We followed your orders and came this far. We lost our comrades and our commander but moved forward without looking back. And look where it got us. Moreover, we were ordered by our superiors to stand by. Are they telling us to die?! "

" Escape with the chopper and lure the vampires to the trap zone, Shinjuku. That was supposed to be our mission. However, it wasn't Guren who came up with it. " Shinya explained as he turned behind.

" Then who did? "

" Lieutenant General Hiragi Kureto. " Shinya answered as he turned to look at them over his shoulder.

" I'm sick of it. I'm sick and tired of the Hiragi family abusing their power and just giving out orders. We're abandoning the mission! " Narumi yelled angrily.

" Shut up, Narumi. You're he one who said to listen to your— " Shinya was shoved back by Narumi roughly.

" No, you shut up! We, the Demon Company, will head back to rescue Lieutenant Colonel Ichinose. " Narumi said as he turned to walk back.

" Let's go, Sayuri. If this isn't Lieutenant Colonel Guren's mission, we don't have to follow it. " Shigure said as she began to follow Narumi.

" Goshi-san, Mito-san, Shinya-san, sayonara. " Sayuri said as she followed Shigure.

" Shigure, Sayuri, wait! " Mito cried out.

" Shinoa, what should we do? " Mitsuba asked but received no answer.

" Wait, Narumi! " Shinya called out.

" If you're gonna say it's against army regulation, then court-martial me! " Narumi yelled back.

" Urgh! Would you just shut up? I'm trying to say to abort the mission together! " Shinya shouted back, frustrated.

" Huh? "

" We, the Moon Demon Company, are going to ignore the orders from the top and will reassemble to go on a mission to rescue Ichinose Guren! " Shinya announced.

Everyone then began to smile with relief.

Shinya turned to Shinoa who smiled.

" You heard him, hurry and get ready to move. " Shinoa said to her squad members.
" Five nobles were killed. Their locations have been compromised and I'm pretty sure you're the one who leaked out that information. " Crowley said to Ferid.

" I'm hurt. There's nothing more worse than selling out your friends. " Ferid said as he walked past Crowley.

" Really? Well, I don't really care. What I do care about is that you also gave them my location. I thought I was in your clique? " Crowley asked.

" But didn't you have fun? " Ferid asked.

" Hmm...I guess it was fun. " Crowley thought it over.

" Then you should be thanking me. Besides, if you, a member of my clique, gets attacked, no one would suspect me. " Ferid said smugly.

" So you are the one behind all of this. " Crowley concludes.

" I was a part of it but there's another puppeteer. " Ferid smiled.

" Who? " Crowley asked.

Ferid glanced over to Guren who was getting beaten up.

" Him. "

" Do you really want to die that badly, human? " the vampire asked as he raised Guren up in the air by the throat.

Not saying anything, Guren spat towards the vampire and some spit landed on the vampire's cheek.

" Damn you! " the vampire roared and threw Guren towards the ground, making it crack.

Krul looked over towards the commotion.

" Sh-Shinju— " Guren was cut off as the vampire began stomping on him.

" Hey, Stop it! He's saying some— " another vampire tried to say but was shouted at.

" Guren's a half-demon. " Ferid revealed to Crowley.

" Hm? A half-demon? "

" Just a step away from becoming a demon. Every day, he goes back and forth between his two personalities. One is an idealist who wants to save his men and his friends. The second one is a perfectionist, who is possessed by his dead ex-girlfriend and becoming a demon. Look, " Ferid smirked, " the monster is coming out. "

" Die! Die! Die— " the vampire's foot was stopped by Guren who grabbed it.

" Don't touch me with your dirty feet. I'll kill you. " Guren smirked as his eyes glowed red.

" H-How dare— " the vampire didn't get to finish his sentence as Guren's sword moved by itself and sliced him, killing him.

The sword was then left in midair as a purple haired girl wearing a school uniform and who looks similar to Shinoa, appeared, holding the hilt of the sword. Guren then got up.

" Give it to me, Mahiru. " Guren said as he grabbed the hilt of the sword.

" I see. So you're the guy. " Krul said as she walked forward.

She then grabbed Guren by the throat and shoved him to the ground, maintaining her hold on his throat.

" Go kill him! " a vampire noble ordered.

" Don't come! " Krul ordered.

" So you're Hiragi Mahiru's messenger. Where is she? " Krul asked.

" Mahiru's dead. "

" Not what I agreed to. I made a deal with Hiragi Mahiru before the world collapsed. If she's not here, I'm not joining hands. " Krul said.

" Then kill me. " Guren said as Krul flinched, " That's right. You can't. You've already betrayed your people enough to where you can't go back. You need the Seraph of the End experiment to succeed today. " Krul then proceeded to stab him.

" Good. Continue with your act, Krul Tepes. The testing site is at the airport. " Guren grinned as Krul pushed him back.

" To the airport! The humans are reassembling there! All units, move! " Krul ordered.

" Hai! "

As they began to leave, Guren put a hand on his head and began to laugh.

" So what's about to start, Ferid? " Crowley asked.

" The transformation of the world. " Ferid smiled.

~With Shinya~

Everyone looked up as they heard and saw choppers heading their way.

" Is that the enemy? "

" Yoichi! "

" Hai! "

Before Yoichi could shoot, Shinya stopped him.

" Wait! That's the Demon Army's transportation aircraft! " Shinya identified.
" Everyone, I am Lieutenant General Hiragi Kureto, a member of the Hiragi family that rules the Demon Company. " Kureto introduced as he stood at the entrance of the aircraft.

" Isn't Hiragi Kureto... " Rika trailed off.

" Yeah. Rumours state that he will be the next head of the family. " Shusaku confirmed.

" Thank you for completing the mission. Today, we will have total victory over the vampires, founded on the Moon Demon Company's sacrifice. We will take it from here. You can disarm and get comfortable. " Kureto announced as everyone looked shocked and surprised.

" Are we saved? "

" Looks like it. "

" Everyone; please stay ready to fight. " Shinoa quietly commanded her squad.

" 'Total victory'? Vampire nobles are headed this way. Nii-san, how do you plan to win? " Shinya asked, " It's about time you tell us what your plan— "

" Where's Guren? " Kureto asked, cutting Shinya off.

" He was captured by the vampires. " Shinya answered.

" Are you joking? Is he an idiot? Which personality was he? Or is he trying to conspire against me as well? " Kureto asked.

" Huh? "

" What? You still don't know about it? " Kureto asked.

" What are you talking about?! " Shinya asked.

" Well, he always did try hard to protect his comrades. He probably wanted to look good since you're a close friend. "

" What are you talking about?! "

" Shut up. You have no part to play in this now. Let's do it, Aoi. " Kureto said.

" Hai. "

On Aoi's cue, one of the aircrafts opened and a container was pushed out.

" Wait, Kureto! What is that?! " Shinya demanded.

" I said, you have no part to play. " Kureto repeated.

" What are you planning?! " Shinya asked as he summoned his rifle but stopped himself from attacking as Aoi was now in front of him.

" Hey! " Narumi shouted.

" Who are you? I told you to disarm. Listen to my orders. " Kureto ordered.

" You think you can still— " Narumi began to walk forward but was held back by Rika and Shusaku.

" Calm down, Makoto. " Shusaku said.

Then the container was elevated.

" This is bad, really bad. " Shinoa muttered.

Kureto then unsheathed his sword.

Shinya immediately got in front of Narumi.

" Don't bother. You can't protect him. " Kureto said.

" We were just in a kill-or-be-killed situation behind enemy lines. If the mission's over, just let us go. " Shinya said.

" And overlook his rebellious attitude? Fine, I'll forget about it. I'm in a good mood. Besides, he's going to die soon. Begin! " Kureto ordered.

The top of the crate opened up and immediately several black chains with kunais at the tip emerged from it and began to attack the Moon Demon Company soldiers.

Narumi was able to shield himself and dodge the chains but then turned behind when he heard Rika scream.

" Agh! "

Rika has several chains wrapped around her torso while one stabbed her directly in the heart.

Shusaku was then also stabbed by three chains. Not only them, several soldiers were also stabbed by the chains.

" M-Makoto, run! " Shusaku screamed but was imemdiately silenced when more chains stabbed him.

" Damn you! " Narumi ran towards Kureto and began to attack him but was useless.

" I'll kill you! " Narumi yelled.

" Calm down. This is an honourable death. It's for the advancement of humanity. This experiment will save countless citizens. This is justice! " Kureto explained.

Narumi was then pushed back and had no time to defend himself as more chains aimed at him and were about to stab him when they were deflected by Shihou and Yoichi.

" Go away! " Yoichi shouted as he shot two arrows at Kureto.

Kureto eyes then widened when he saw Shinoa in front of Shihou and Yoichi.

" We need to disengage. " Shinoa said.

" Don't fight it, Shinoa. I'll let you live since you're technically a Hiragi. " Kureto said But Shinoa gritted her teeth and began to run.

" Then die. " Kureto ordered as several chains went after her but was deflected by none other than Yuu.

Everyone was surprised at his appearance.

" Are you alright, Shinoa? " Yuu asked.

" Yes, but that was close. " Shinoa smiled.

" Yuu-chan. I told you we shouldn't have come. " Mika said as he and (Y/N) walked towards them with their own swords drawn.

" Humans attacking humans. Look. " Mika then gestured towards the chains killing the other soldiers.

" No, I'm glad we came. " Yuu said as he turned to face Kureto, " What the hell are you doing to my comrades?! "

" Hm, the Black Demon kid under Guren and that girl is the one who betrayed us. " Kureto recognised.

" Do it. " Aoi commanded as more chains emerged from the container.

" It's coming from the container, Yoichi! "

Yoichi then shot several arrows towards it but was blocked by the chains.

" Dammit! What exactly is that thing?! " Mitsuba asked.

" Who cares? It's coming! "

Everyone then began to run but stopped once they saw several of the enemy's aircrafts and vampires began to drop.

" All unite move! Kill all of the humans! " the vampire noble commanded as the vampires charged at them.

" We're going to extinguish the vampires, right here, right now! Open our way to the future! " Kureto shouted as the soldiers began to run towards the vampires.

" Dammit! What should we do?! " Yuu asked.

" Don't panic! This is a great opportunity! " Shinya said.

" Right, we're no longer the targets. We can now— " (Y/N) was cut off by Goshi.

" You kids can go and run ahead. The adults have got your back. " Goshi said, smiling as the remaining members stood firmly.

" I'll clear the way! Let's go! " Shinya commanded as he began to shoot.

" Go on! " Mito yelled as she began to attack.

They then began to run while attacking the vampires.

" I'm never ever going to let anyone else die! " Yuu shouted.

" Baka! You're too far out! " Shihou yelled at Yuu.

" Move it! " Yuu screamed as he slashed another vampire.

Yuu then stopped short the moment he saw Guren.

" Guren! You're alright! " he said, relief as he began to run towards him.

" Hey, Yuu. " Guren's eyes glowed red, " Good to see you're alright. "

He unsheathed his sword and swung it at Yuu.
Oof. I kinda liked this chapter. So anyways, I kinda decided to end this book where the anime ends which will be like a cliffhanger because firstly, I'm losing interest in this book and unsure if I can continue writing past what the anime has done so you can call this like a part 1 of this story. I may or may not make a part 2 but if I do, just saying that the part 2 will be also put into this same book, not in another to make things easier. It is not confirmed if I will make a part 2. Just making that clear. Oh and, can y'all guess how many chapters are there left? 😏 Now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sayonara, minna!

