You Missed ~ SakuAtsu

   Atsumu flopped back onto the couch in the shared home of MSBY.  Today was their day off, and a lot of the team was doing schoolwork or visiting family.  He had nothing to do as his parents were on vacation, and his brother had a busy workday.  He was currently the only person in the home, and not many were supposed to return until later that night.

   Atsumu grabbed his phone and began mindlessly flipping through it.  He didn't pay much attention to what he was looking at, until a notification popped up.  It was a text from Sakusa.  

   I'll be back later, I was asked to run some errands for my parents.

  The setter sighed.  Kiyoomi was the one person who was supposed to arrive back before a later time. He was going to be bored all day.

   Atsumu decided to distract himself from his loneliness by cleaning the entire home, a habit he had picked up from Sakusa. He himself found it quite calming when he cleaned with his boyfriend, it was like silent bonding time for the two.

   He scrubbed down the kitchen, did the laundry (which there was a lot of), and placed piles of clothes on people's beds.  When Atsumu walked into Bokuto's room, he froze.

   It was a complete mess.

   Atsumu decided to leave it be not wanting to invade the older's privacy, however, he did write a not to put on top of Bokuto's bed.

Bokuto, please clean this room up. It's like walking through a fucking jungle. 

                                                                                     Thank you, Atsumu

   The faux blonde huffed as he placed the note upon Bokuto's bed, and paused as he noticed a piece of paper in one of the jackets tossed on top of the mountain of clothing. Although Atsumu didn't want to go intrude, he couldn't help himself. Also, Bokuto had a habit of forgetting to remove things from his pockets before washing them. Better Atsumu remove the paper now than someone having to pay the price with a washing machine to clean later.

   He lightly grabbed the image and gently unfolded it.  It was a wedding photo from a couple years prior.  Bokuto and Keiji were eating cake at a large table, cake all over Keiji's face. Atsumu smiled and placed the image on the stand beside Bokuto's bed.  

    Atsumu sighed before exiting the room.  He wasn't very touchy with his boyfriend, and he obviously didn't mind minding Sakusa's boundaries, however, he couldn't help the wave of jealousy that washed over him. 

   He knew he was being inconsiderate and greedy, but he couldn't help it.  He wanted to be closer to Kiyoomi, to have more physical contact like his teammates and their partners did.  There wasn't anything much he could do, it would be awful of him. Atsumu did love Sakusa, and he wouldn't just drop him. It's not like Sakusa never touched him, they just never kissed or hugged or-

   Atsumu pushed these thoughts to back of his mind, in an attempt to block them out.  He knew Sakusa loved him, I mean, he did stay with Atsumu and had said it countless time. 

   The blonde walked back to his previous position on the couch, and laid there. His head hurt from all of the screens he had been on lately, so he closed his eyes.  Atsumu's phone began to ring. He didn't pick it up, just wanting to be in peace.

   Suddenly, the door clicked and the knob on the door turned. Confused, Atsumu sat up. 

   In walked Sakusa, soaked and panting.

   "It's pouring."

   "Omi? Wha-" Atsumu said, staring at his boyfriend.

   "Oh, sorry. Hello," Sakusa smiled.

   "Why are ya back, I thought ya had things to do?" Atsumu asked. 

   "What, do you not want me back?" Sakusa teased.

  "No no, I just, huh?"

   Sakusa shrugged. Before pulling off his soaked coat. He walked over to the couch and flopped down.

   "HEY- get up, yer gonna soak the couch!"

   "Don't care."

   Atsumu blinked.

   "Ya tired or something?"


   Atsumu let out a small laugh before standing up and attempting to pull Sakusa up off the couch.  



   "FINE," Sakusa whined before walking to his room.

   Atsumu playfully rolled his eyes and waited for the raven to return. 

   Moments later, Sakusa was dragging his feet down the stairs.

   "Happy?" he huffed.


   Sakusa walked over to the couch before sitting down, Atsumu following suit. The taller kicked his feet on top of Atsumu's lap. 


   Sakusa just grinned at him.

   "Prick," Atsumu mumbled.

   The raven gasped and sat up. He pulled his feet back and put on a fake offended expression. 

   "How DARE you-"

   "I dare."

   Sakusa crawled over to Atsumu and stuck out at him. The blonde lightly kicked him back.

   "That was so rude."

   Atsumu rolled his eyes and leaned down to kiss Sakusa's cheek, where he knew he was allowed to. Sakusa blinked at him.

   "You missed," he huffed.

   Atsumu quirked an eyebrow.

   "What do ya mean?"

   "I meant my lips idiot. You missed."








