Braids ~ AsaNoya

    "Noya, what are you doing?"

     "I'm braiding your hair!"





     It was Friday night,  and Nishinoya was spending the night at his boyfriends house.  Asahi had just gotten out of the shower, and was changing into some pajamas..  His hair was brushed out, however it was still quite wet.

     Noya's eyes sparkled.  He loved when his boyffriend's hair was down, especially when it was wet. This made it easier to style. Nishinoya loved doing the older's hair, it felt smooth between his fingers and it gave him something to do. He had actually even acquired decent hair-styling skills.

     Although he never admitted out loud, Asahi loved when Noya did his hair.  The smaller was very careful with him, making sure he didn't hurt the brunette, however, sometimes he got a little carried away and tugged a bit to hard.  When he noticed the glint in Noya's eye, he sighed and sat beside the bed, and Nishinoya followed, sitting at the edge to reach Asahi's hair.

    Noya grabbed the hair ties off his wrist, (he carried them around so that whenever he got the chance to do his boyfriend's hair, he was prepared) and grabbed the brush off of Asahi's nightstand. 

    "Hey babe?" Nishinoya asked.

    "Yes Nishi?"

    "Have you ever slept with your hair in braids?"

    "No, why?" Asahi responded, confused.

    "Well, you won't have to spend as much time untangling it in the mornings, plus your hair will be wavy.  It'd look really nice, I'm sure," Noya said happily.

     "You know what, you braid it.  It'll be interesting."

     "Thank you! I'll only put two braids in," Nishinoya said excitedly, separating the taller's hair into pieces. 

     "Mhmm~"Asahi sighed. Noya's hands relaxed him.

     Noya smiled.  He loved seeing Asahi look so calm, as opposed to his typical stressed out self.




     "Annnddd, done!" Noya smiled, fawning over Asahi with french braids. In a way, he kind of looked like a kindergartner.

     Asahi laughed. "Thanks love, although," he turned to look at his clock,"We should sleep, it's late."

     Noya pouted. "Fine." 

     The older stood up and laid beside Noya. "Goodnight Nishi."

     "Goodnight." Nishinoya whispered.




     Noya woke up first.  He stood up and began to get ready, however, he didn't change out of his pajamas.  He sat back in bed where he waited for Asahi to wake up. Once he did, Noya got excited.

   "Good morning love!"

   "Oh, good morning," Asahi smiled.

    Asahi got ready, not changing out of his pajamas, and went to sit beside Noya.

   "Can I-"

   Asahi nodded. Noya then proceeded to remove the hair ties from the brunette's hair.

   The younger's eyes shimmered. Oh my god.. 

    "Yuu? You okay?"

    "Oh my god. You look so beautiful," Noya dramatically cried.

    Asahi smiled. "Thank you babe." He kissed Noya's nose.








