Proposals ~ SakuAtsu

Side Notes: Post Timeskip-Also, thank you so much for 1k reads? Holy shit?



   The MSBY Black Jackals had just won a huge match against a tough opponent, and everyone was excited. Bokuto and Hinata were high-fiving each other, trying to involve a cringing Sakusa. Atsumu smiled and went to join the rest of their group. After the stands had cleared and the cameras were gone, the team began to cool down.

   "Well done everyone!" Akaashi praised, approaching the group.

   "AGAAASHIKEEE-" Bokuto shouted, running up to the younger.

   "Do NOT touch me, you're extremely sweaty."

   Bokuto pouted. Atsumu smiled at Akaashi.

   "Thank you Keiji," he laughed.

   "Mhm, now Bokuto, go sho- you know what, all of you, shower."

   "Haha, yeah. Probably a good idea-come on boys," Meian yelled.

   Atsumu watched as Akaashi shoved Bokuto along, and he turned to Sakusa who had an amused look on his face.

   "Are you going out with the team for dinner later?" he asked.

   "Yeah, I guess so, you're going so I might as well," Sakusa sighed and booped Atsumu's nose.

   "Well, we can just shower at home. Let's just grab our stuff and go."

   "Yeah, gimme a sec."...   "You ready?" Atsumu asked.

   "Yeah, come on," Sakusa said, rushing for the door.

   "GOODBYE YOU TWO, WE'LL SEE YOU LATER!" Hinata shouted.


   Sakusa rolled his eyes and held the door open for the shorter. The two walked over to Atsumu's car, and the faux blonde slammed the door open and jumped in, flopping onto the car seat.

   "Chill out Atsu," Sakusa giggled.

   "Hey- I wanna go home-"

   "Yeah, yeah me too."

   Sakusa started the car and pulled out of the building's parking lot, driving back to their shared apartment. ...   The two males had gotten themselves ready, dressed up in nice clothing, and had left to their team's dinner reservation. Atsumu had plans for afterward, and the team had agreed to help. Atsumu slipped a small black box into his pockets and ran out the door.

   They walked into the lobby of the restaurant, running into Hinata, who had brought Kageyama with him. Atsumu smiled.

  "Hello, Kageyama! I didn't know you were in the area."

  "Oh, hello Atsumu. Yes, our team is off for a bit, and so I decided to come to watch. Congratulations, you too Sakusa."

   Sakusa nodded. The group walked into the restaurant together, still talking. They found their table and sat down to enjoy a meal.

   Once they had finished, the group left in small groups, however, none of them were going home. They all left to a nearby field, to hideout. Atsumu and Sakusa were the last to leave, Atsumu stalling the latter for as long as he could.

   "We need to go back home-" 

  "Actually, we have one more thing, so we're going to do that instead," Atsumu said, winking at the taller.

   Sakusa groaned.


   "Because," Atsumu smiled, leaning over to kiss Sakusa's cheek.   


   The two left and Atsumu drove the two to their next destination, a sunflower field. It was almost dark, and the sunset was beautiful. Once they arrived, the two stepped out of the car and Atsumu grabbed a blanket. Sakusa raised an eyebrow and followed him.

   "What are we doing here?" he asked.

   "Picking flowers, watching the sunset."

   "Oh, that sounds nice."

   Atsumu hummed and grabbed his hand....   The two stood in the middle of the field, picking flowers and creating small bouquets. Atsumu began to panic, the thought of bailing crossing his mind. He immediately shoved that thought out of his mind and took a deep breath. He turned around and noticed Akaashi and Inunaki hiding amongst the sunflowers. Akaashi gave him a thumbs up and nodded. Atsumu gave a nervous smile and knelt down.

   Sakusa was turned away from Atsumu. He had a bouquet of sunflowers in his hand. He removed his mask and tucked it into his pocket.

   "These are so pre-," Sakusa said, turning around.

   "Oh my god..." he whispered, dropping the sunflowers.

   Atsumu gave smile and let out a shaky breath before beginning to speak.

   "Sakusa Kiyoomi, my love, will you marry m- hey hey don't cry!"

   Sakusa's had tears streaming down his face.

   "That was supposed to be my job you fucking idiot," he said with a huge smile on his face. He nodded and Atsumu stood up, immediately pulling the taller into a kiss.

   Sakusa broke the kiss once he heard the cheering and congratulations of their teammates. He gave them a surprised look.

   "Well god damn," he said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

   "I hate you all," he said, letting out a small laugh. He turned back around and fell into Atusmu's arms.








