Sleepovers ~ LevYaku

   "Yaku-sannnn," Lev whined. "I'm tireddd. Can't we just go home?" 

   Yaku shot him an angry look. "No. We're staying here until your receives improve." 

   "But we've been here for hou-"

   "We've been here for 20 minutes." Yaku rolled his eyes. "Alright, back to work you go.  We won't be leaving for another hour or so."

   Lev crossed his arms, sulking. He didn't like extra practice. It was tiring. It made him so sweaty and gross, and the feeling of being dirty was something he hated. "Bleh," Lev cringed.  He wiped his face with a towel and walked back onto the court.  However, he did enjoy the time he was able to spend Yaku. "Fine," Lev reluctantly agreed.

   The rest of their practice session was full of whining, complaining and kicking.

   Yes. Kicking.

   "OW-YAKU-SAN THAT HURT," Lev complained.




   "Well, we're all done for the night." 

   "Oh thank goodness. Wait, hey Yaku-san?"

   "Yes Lev?" 

   "It's dark outside. We should walk together."

   Yaku looked out the window. It was quite dark, and walking alone wouldn't be the greatest of ideas. 

   "Yeah. Okay."




   The two stepped outside of the building, cold air hitting them instantly.  

  "Oh. Lovely. It's about 2 degrees out here."

   "Actually it's-"

   "Shut up Lev." 

   The two boys began on their walk, careful not to slip on any ice, as it was the middle of Winter.  The first couple minutes were spent in a comfortable silence, the two simply enjoying each other's company.  The walk to Lev's, the first stop, was about a 20 minute walk from the school, and Yaku's was much further. 

   Yaku shivered.  He was freezing. He barely had a jacket, and he didn't have any gloves. Lev noticed this.

    "You good down there?"Lev smirked.

   "No. It's freezing." 

   Lev giggled and grabbed Yaku's hand.

   "Is that any better?"

   Yaku.EXE. has stopped working.

   "Yaku-san, you good?" Lev asked worriedly. 

   "Yes," Yaku respond quickly.  Heat rushed through his body, his face especially burning. His face turned bright red, however the darkness hid it well, and Yaku was thankful.  

   "Okay. Lets-" Lev slipped and fell on the ice. "Oww.."

   "Oh my gosh! Are you okay..?" Yaku began.  He held out his hand for Lev to grab.

   Lev hauled himself up off the sidewalk with Yaku's help. "Yeah, thank you Yaku-san," Lev smiled.




      They continued on their walk home, being extra careful to not slip on the ice once again.  They were almost back to the HAiba household, when Lev began to speak again. 

   "Hey Yaku-san? Would you like to spend the night at my house for the night? Nobody else is home, and I'd be lonely. Plus tomorrow is Saturday, and we don't have school."

  "Oh. Yeah, sure, if it's alright with you," Yaku agreed. 

   Lev smiled even harder.  Yaku pulled out his phone to text his parents and tell them that'd he'd be back home tomorrow.

    They walked up to the doorstep of Lev's house, and Lev unlocked the door. The two boys walked in and took off their shoes, then proceeded to go up to Lev's room.  The silver haired boy went to go grab snacks for the two of them,  scaring Yaku as he slammed the pantry door shut.

   "Jeez dude," Yaku muttered.

   "OKAY. I'm here."




   The two spent several hours studying and finishing homework, Lev complaining the entire time.  Soon enough, they decided it was time for bed. 

  "Hey Yaku-san? You don't have anything to sleep in," Lev spoke.

  "Oh. That's okay, I can just sleep in this."

  "But it's gross. Here, wear this instead," Lev handed Yaku one of his sweatshirts.

  Yaku hesitantly took the hoodie from Lev's hands. He walked over to Lev's bathroom to change into it. When he put it on, it went down to his knees. It was HUGE.

   He stepped out of the bathroom, and Lev simply stared. He looked adorable. Lev felt heat rush to his face, and he covered his face with his hands.

  "We-well, that works fine I see," Lev stuttered.

  "Ye-yeah. It does," Yaku responded. 

   The two boys stood there in an awkward silence, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

   Yaku slowly walked it over to his futon, laying down.  Lev flipped the lights off and followed suit.    




   It was around 2 AM when Yaku suddenly woke from a nightmare.  He began to cry, as his dream was quite upsetting.  This immediately woke Lev up.  He sat up and walked over to Yaku's futon, laying down beside him. He wrapped Yaku in his arms, and went back to sleep.

   Yaku froze for a second, and then relaxed into Lev's arms. He soon fell asleep afterwords, forgetting about his nightmare. 

"Good night Lev." 








