Bubbles ~ DaiSuga

     "Daichi, love, could you come here please?"

      Daichi closed his laptop, and stood up.  What does he need this time, Daichi thought.   He walked down the stairs to meet his boyfriend in the kitchen.

     "Yes sugar?" Daichi asked.

     "Oh hello! Would you mind helping me with the dishes?" Sugawara asked sweetly.

     "Of course, what do you need me to do?"

     "Hand me the soap please, would you dry the dishes?"

     Daichi handed the latter the soap. "Sure."   

    "Thank you.  Anyways, how was your day?"

      "It was quiet at the station today, nothing interesting. What about you? How was your day at school?"

     "The children were quite interesting today, some odd drawings were turned in. They're assignment was to draw their favorite animal," Suga laughed.

     "Oh," the brunette laughed and continued to dry the dishes. 

      "Yeah," Suga sighed while continuing to scrub. "Something new everyday. Sometimes I wished I worked with highschoolers, and other days I love them half to death."

     "Children will be children."

     Suga laughed. 

     As more and more soap was being used, little bubbles began to form in the sink.  Daichi noticed this, and while Suga wasn't looking, he reached over to grab a handful.  He smirked. 

    "Hey sugar."

    Sugawara turned around distracted, "Yes hon-"

    The older had bubbles smeared all over his face.  He cringed and laughed at he same time, making an expression the the latter though was adorable.

    "SAWAMURA," Suga scream-laughed. He smirked "Two can play at that game~" He scooped up a handful of bubbles and blew them at the brunette, getting them all over him.  

    "Ah! Hey! That's not fair!" 

     "You started it!"

     The two continued to throw soap at each other and clean the dishes. They talked about Suga's students, and bickered over the bubbles.

      Once they finished cleaning and putting away the dishes, they walked out to their couch and flopped down, tired.  Suga laid down on Daichi's chest, and turned on a movie. He didn't have any idea what he turned on, he wasn't paying any attention. He was to absorbed in staring at Daichi's arms. 

    "Babe- what is this?"

    "Huh-?," Suga turned to look at the TV, noticed what he had turned on, and he immediately shut it off. "Oops..."

    Daichi chuckled.  He picked up his boyfriend, and carried him down the hallway. 

   "Hey, where are we going?"

   "To the bathroom, to clean up."

    "Oh okay." 




   Once Daichi opened up the bathroom door, Sugawara hopped out of his arms, and went to run a bath, sneaking in bubble mixture. He was still pissed about the fact that he was attacked with bubbles earlier, and maybe he could catch Daichi off-guard.  

     The bath was ready and  it was filled with bubbles, and Daichi was turned away. Suga scooped up a handful and threw them at Daichi's back.

     "What was that- Koshi, what did you do?" Daichi turned his back to the mirror and gasped.

    "You did not just do that." 

    Suga was already sitting in the tub, with an innocent look on face. "What, is something wrong?" Sugawara giggled.

    Daichi walked over to the tub, scooped up bubbles, and put them on top of his boyfriend's head.  He smirked, and Suga pouted. 

    "I hate you so much."

     Daichi leaned down to kiss Suga's pout.  "I love you too sugar."     
