9 - At Gun Point

        I awkwardly sit on the floor while Scott tells Allison the real story behind her mother's death. I have nothing to say to her and Derek left us a few minutes ago because he said he needed to go check something out. Surprisingly, during the story, Allison did send me a guilty look when Scott told her I was in the room with him, slowly dying. Does she feel bad now?

        "She tried killing you...Both of you." Allison calmly speaks. She says that to Scott before looking down at me on the floor. 

        "Uh, yeah, yeah." Scott stares down at the floor. 

        Allison keeps her face blank, only letting a few emotions seep through. "Why didn't you tell me?"

        "I'll tell you everything, okay? I'll tell you a-anything that you want to know, but right now-"

        "Just tell me why." She cuts him off.        

        I peer up at the two of them. Allison looks like she is trying not to cry and Scott looks like a kicked puppy. She nods at him to let him know it's okay. 

        "I-I couldn't. Allison, I couldn't let that be the last memory that you had of her." 

        The sound of Derek walking back over to us captures my attention. I look away from Scott and Allison to see Derek holding Erica's body in his arms. "No." I breathe. My voice must have gained their attention because both of them spin to look at me and then follow my gaze. Tears prick my vision as I slowly bring myself to stand. 

        Erica's body is limp in his arms. Here's the proof that Derek needed. A single tear rolls down my face. I walk over to Derek, eyes locked on my best friend. She's really dead. What am I going to do without her? Derek catches my gaze and I see him attempting to keep his emotions under control. We both lost her. She wasn't just a friend. Erica was family. My chin quivers as multiple tears streams down my cheeks. 

        "Erica?" I reach out to touch her arm. She's cold under my touch. She's lifeless. That's all it takes for me to breakdown inside. Derek looks away from me, his own eyes glistening with tears. "I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve this. I-I'm so sorry." I cover my mouth with my hand as soft sobs come out of me.

        A warm hand touches the small of my back. Turning to the left, I bury myself in Scott's chest, knowing he was the one to comfort me. The thought of knowing he is covered in his own blood is wiped away from my mind as I feel his arms constrict around me. I just want Erica back.


        He yells my name for the third time from behind me. My boots pound against the dead leaves and twigs on the ground. I push myself faster when another scream echoes throughout the woods. I need to get to those little kids before Boyd does. Not too far behind me, I can hear Scott racing through the woods, struggling to catch up with me. 

        After the bank, all of us split ways to find Cora and Boyd before they killed anyone. I tried to go off on my own, but no matter how hard I tried, Scott followed me. We both caught a pretty good scent of Boyd and that's when I heard two little kids screaming. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put the pieces together. 

        I reach a clearing in the trees to find Boyd throwing a shed off to the side with two, little kids standing where they were hiding. A bunch of fireflies fly up from a jar they were captured in and fly around Boyd. With Boyd distracted, I race up to the kids, scoop the little boy up in my arms and reach down for the little girl when Scott lifts her up in his arms. The fireflies start to fly away and the two of us run away before Boyd can notice. 

        The boy wraps his arms around my neck in a death grip. We run until we are far enough away to let both of them down. At the same time, they both wrap their tiny arms around each of our legs. My right hand automatically goes down to the boy's head and I brush his hair back, comfortingly.

        "Are you guys okay?" I ask the two of them with worry in my eyes. 

        The little girl nods her head. "Y-Yeah." She releases Scott's leg to hug her little brother, who is still attached to me. "T-Thank you."

        I look over at Scott. "Call Derek." 

        Scott nods and slides his phone out of his pocket. I glance down at the two, scared children. The moon really is affecting Boyd. If he was willing to attack to children, that means he has no limits for tonight. We need to catch him before someone dies. These poor kids must have been terrified. Hopefully, they don't ask any questions about what that was. 

        I pick up on Derek's voice from the phone call. "You lost them?"

        "Yeah, we kind of had to." Scott replies, glancing over at me.

        "Wasn't exactly the plan."

        "I know, which is why I think that we should stick together. Trust me, he's too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle. We've got to do this together." 

        "Look, I'm at the trails by the entrance to the preserve. Can you meet me here?"

        Scott nods his head. "Yeah. Just got to drop something off first." 


                With Derek a few feet ahead of me and Scott by my side, I slide under the bent tree. Both of them show off a little more by jumping through it. Scott lands just inches away from me from his flip in the air. Derek analyzes the footprint on the ground. Scott stands crouched on the ground while I walk over to Derek, curiously. 

        "Is it them?" Scott asks from his position on the ground.

        "We're not the only ones that decided to stick together." Derek look up from the ground, eyes scanning the area ahead of us. 

        I follow his gaze. "Is that going to make it easier or harder to catch them?"

        "I don't know." 

        Scott climbs to his feet, walking closer. "Derek, we saw Boyd try to rip two little kids apart. Are they gonna do that to everyone they find?"

        Derek passes the two of us. "Everyone and anyone."

        I nervously swallow. This isn't like Boyd. He had gotten so much better during the full moon until they kept him locked up for months. Now, he is on a killing rampage. We have to find him. Boyd will hate himself if he killed someone. He's not that kind of person. 

        I run up to the campfire just in time to see Cora throw Isaac against a tree. I push myself faster, but Scott beats me to the scene and jumps over Isaac. Scott kicks Cora to the ground just as I rush to Isaac, helping him up. Scott jumps back to his feet. The three of us form a half circle around Cora until Isaac edges towards her. Derek approaches her from the side. Cora takes off running with Derek and Isaac right behind her. 

        Scott makes a move to follow them until I grab his arm and motion to the scared girl over by the fire. I carefully approach the girl with my hands up while she steps backwards.

        "Are you okay?" Scott asks her.

        "W-What?" The girl stutters with a fearfully look in her eyes.

        "Are you alright?" I ask her this time. She nods her head, not saying a word. "You need to get out of here, okay? Get out of the woods. Get out of here as fast as you can."

        Scott tugs on my arm until I give in to him. We take off running in the direction the rest of them went. We pick up our pace once we are completely out of view from the girl. Isaac's scent is easier for me to catch since he is my brother, so I follow it until we come across the two of them in the middle of a clearing with no Cora in sight.

        "We lost her." Isaac informs us. 

        I run my hand through my slightly tangled hair. Great. Just great. Who knows where they could be by now. Scott's phone goes off and I jump from the loud noise. He scrambles to answer it and I'm not surprised at all to see Stiles' name on the screen. 

        "Lydia found a dead body at the pools." Stiles' voice rings through the device.

        With wide eyes, I turn to Derek and Isaac. A dead body? Are they moving that quickly?

        "Are you sure?" Scott turns his back to us.

        "Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the frickin' Shining over here. If two little, twin girls come out of the woods, start asking me to play with the forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised."

        How could they be moving so fast? We were literally just chasing them down a few seconds ago. There's no way that they could have made it all the way over there so quickly. What if we have another killer on our hands?

        "Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?" Scott asks. 

        "Make sure it was them? Scott, who else is going around ripping throats out?"

        "Please just do it."

        Stiles mumbles something that I can't quite catch and Scott hangs up. There is no way that is was Boyd and Cora. Even Derek can't move that fast. I don't think the full moon would be affecting them that badly to make them run even faster than normal. 

        "This doesn't make any sense. The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near there." Derek speaks aloud once Scott turns back around. 

        "Derek, they killed someone."

        I shake my head at Scott. "It can't be them."

        "How are they moving so fast?" Derek continues.


        "But, they can't be that fast on foot."

        "They killed someone. Some totally innocent kid is dead...And it's our fault." Scott states with the harsh reality.

        I shake my head once more. "No, it's not them. There is no way that they could have made it all the way over there by now. Werewolves are fast, but you're not that fast."

        All of them ignore me. 

        "It's my fault." Derek admits.

        "We need help." 

        Derek nods his head towards my brother and me. "We have Isaac and Chloe now."

        "I mean real help." Scott rudely replies, earning a look from the two of us. We are real help. "They're too fast for us, for all of us. They''re too strong, too rabid."

        "We'll catch 'em."

        Isaac cocks an eyebrow, turning to look at Derek. "What happens if we do? We just gonna hold them down until the sun comes up?"

        Derek stares down at the ground, avoiding all of our gazes. "Maybe it would be easier...just to kill them."

        I gape at Derek. He did not just say that. Yes, Boyd and Erica are going completely crazy, but that's not their fault. They do not deserve to die for what was done to them. They will get better once the moon is gone. "We're not killing them."

        "Killing them isn't the right thing to do." Thank you, Scott.

        Isaac glances over to Scott. "What if it's the only thing to do? If we can't even catch them, what else do we do?"

        "FInd someone who knows what they're doing." 

        I worriedly raise an eyebrow at Scott. Please tell me he is not talking about who I think he is talking about. "Who?"

        "Someone who knows how to hunt werewolves."



               "Just give me a second." Scott reaches for the door handle. My own hand reaches out to grab his wrist. Scott gives me a  confused look, not fully understanding what I'm doing. I side glance out of the front windshield, eyes locking on Chris Argent putting groceries in his trunk. 

        "I'm not letting you go out there alone." I keep my fingers wrapped around his wrist. "I don't trust him."    

        Scott's eyes soften. "I'll be okay."

        "I'm coming with." I tell him. 

        Scott slightly nods his head and opens the door once I retract my hand. "Okay." 

        "Chloe-" Isaac starts.

        I climb out of the car behind Scott. "I'll be with Scott. I'll be fine."

        We walk up behind Chris, who is just about to shut his trunk. He closes the trunk, whips around with a gun pointed right at Scott. I suck in a deep breath through my teeth, eyes growing wide. I knew there was a reason I didn't trust this guy. Chris sighs in slight relief, but doesn't lower his gun. 

        "Uh, hi." Scott manages to say in surprise. He grabs my wrist, like I did to him just seconds ago, and tries to pull me behind him. I hold my ground, my eyes never leaving the gun pointed at his chest. "We- We need your help. There's two werewolves, Boyd and Cora, that haven't felt the full moon in months out running lose. We need your help to catch them before anyone else gets hurt."

        "First of all, why would I care about anyone related to Derek? And, second, I don't know this Boyd kid. I don't even know his last name." Chris keeps the gun up high, level with Scott's heart. 

        "I'm going to go get her."         

        "Stop." Derek's voice comes from the car. "He won't shoot them and, even if he did, Scott would take the bullet for Chloe."

        I focus back on the situation at hand. "Boyd is his last name." 

        "What's his first name?"

        "Vernon." Scott answers, fingers clenching around my wrist. "And, just curious, is there a reason the gun is still pointed at me?" 

        Chris thinks about it for a second. "Well, there's probably still some part of me that wants to shoot you." 

        "I get that." Scott nods, understandingly. "But, you're also scaring Chloe. Her heart beat is going a mile a minute." 

        Chris' eyes dart to mine. He sighs and drops his gun much to my relief. I exhale, feeling my heart calm down a little bit. I didn't know Scott was listening to my heart. Does he do that often? Chris steps closer to us. "Scott, I watched my father brainwash my daughter...Almost turn her into a killer. That world- your world decimated mine. My wife, sister, father, my entire family. Why would I ever step foot in it again?"

        "Because people are going to die. And because you know how to catch Boyd and Cora without killing them." Scott doesn't step back down.

        Chris holds Scott's gaze. "I'm sorry. I can't help you." He turns to walk back to his car.

        Scott glances back in the direction our car is parked with Derek and Isaac. "Uh...Do you think you could do me, like, one little, tiny favor? Give us a ride?"

        Chris waves his hand for us to get in. What is Scott planning? Scott climbs in the front seat and I slide in the one right behind him. I don't like this at all. I don't want to be in the same car as an Argent. I don't trust them at all. Chris hasn't done anything bad to me, so I can't really judge me, but his whole family screwed me over. 

        We drive down the road with Derek trailing not too far behind us. I nervously tap my fingers on my leg. I saw him tuck his gun on the side of his door. What if he pull it out on us again? I can't protect Scott from back here. My leg starts to bounce up and down, knowing I'm almost on the verge of freaking out.

        "Left or straight?"

        "Left. Sorry. It's right around the corner." Scott points to the parking lot ahead of us. "That parking lot there. Yeah, just a little further up, right here." 

        Police cars and ambulances cover the area near the public pools. I stare out of the window to see Sherriff Stilinski talking to a girl, who is crying over a body bag on a gurney. This is the lifeguard that was killed. Chris pulls to a stop, talking in the scene.         

        "Thanks again for the ride." Scott makes a move to get out.

        Chris' hand grabs on to his shoulder, stopping him. He drops his hand when he hears me gasp, worriedly. "They did this? Boyd and uh..."


        "Where's the last place you saw them?"


I was finally able to finish this chapter! I am very proud of myself. Turns out I get to stay home today, so I will be taking this to my advantage. I really want to finish this episode for you guys since I will not be able to update all weekend, I feel like I should give you at least two updates to this story. I will be starting the next chapter in like thirty minutes.

 Chloe doesn't really like Chris yet and I think you can understand why. Don't worry. After a little bit, she will realize that he is very trustworthy. I may even have them have a conversation by themselves. I think that would be kind of an interesting friendship that they would have. 

Next chapter is going to be really good. You might just see some more of Scott being protective. They two of them getting together is a lot sooner than you think. I have it all planned out. If you want that official chapter of them getting together dedicated to you, then you must leave me a nice, long comment of what you liked about this chapter. I will be picking someone from all of the comments of the next chapters until that chapter where it happens. So, you have time to have an awesome comment.

Question: How do you think the next chapter will go for Chloe?

So, yeah!
