17 - Avoiding Scott

       My hand presses against my bedroom window. Coldness touches the palm of my hand, giving me my answer. It's cold enough out to wear long sleeves. I wander back to my closet, frowning when I see how many clothes I actually have. I really need to get some money and go shopping. I need a job. I would get one, but juggling the supernatural, school, and a job would be impossible. Looks like I won't be getting any new clothes. 

        Deciding that none of my sweaters would be thick enough, I head to my brother's room. Maybe he has something I can borrow. The sound of my black, ankle boots are the only noise in the hallway as I walk to his room. It's way too quiet. Normally, Isaac is playing some kind of music. 

        "Hey, Isaac-" I stop when I see his room is empty. I open my mouth then shut it. He must be in the bathroom. I stroll over to his closet, flicking through his clothes. Nothing. I purse my lips. I could always go ask Scott. He wouldn't mind, right? I walk back towards Scott's room, peeking my head in first. Where is everyone?

        I fully step in his room. Maybe they both went downstairs already. That could be true, except Scott's backpack is on the ground by his desk. Glancing over my shoulder, I rush to his closet. A red and black flannel catches my attention. I yank it off of the hanger and make a quick dash back to my room. I slip his flannel on with a small smile on my face. The red adds just enough color to my all black outfit. 

        I peek my head back out in the hallway. I don't even hear them downstairs. Did something happen last night and they left without me? I push myself back out in the hallway, deciding I'll ask Mrs. McCall. I stand in the doorway of her room and cover my mouth with my hand, giggling into it. I found the boys. Mrs. McCall is fast asleep in her bed, but the sight at the end of her bed is what is causing the giggles.

        Both of them are on sprawled out at the foot of her bed; Scott in a chair, and Isaac on the floor, cuddling with a fluffy pillow. My giggles must have woken up Mrs. McCall because she sits up in bed. Her sleepy gaze lands on the boys, who are snoring. I shrug my shoulders when she looks my way. 

        "Really, boys?" Mrs. McCall sighs. "Boys!" She yells this time.

        They spaz out. Scott jumps to his feet and Isaac jumps away from the pillow. I laugh even harder. Isaac climbs to his feet, looking beyond confused. 

        "What do you think you're doing?" Mrs. McCall asks the two of them. 

        Isaac glances at Scott for help in this situation. "Uh, we were watching over you."

        "We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice." Scott explains. 

        I hold my hand out, quietly giggling. "But, both of you were asleep."

        Scott whips his head around to see me leaning against the doorway. A hint of a smile on his lips until he turn back to Isaac, pointing at him. "You were on watch last."

        Isaac, with his hand on the back of his head, whispers back. "What are you talking about? You were on watch last."

        "No, you were on watch last." Scott repeats, like he knows for sure. 

        Isaac thinks about it and starts nodding. "I might've been on watch last."

        "My heroes." Mrs. McCall responds rather sarcastically. "Wait, didn't you say that they were all doctors? I mean, I haven't had an M.D recently attached to the end of my name, so I think I'm in the clear." 

        Oh, right. Two doctors from Beacon Hills Hospital was taken last night as sacrifices. I had overheard Scott tell Isaac when he got home last night. I'm still not used to the whole 'this is my home now'. 

       "Yeah, but it could just come under any  kind of healer, Mom, and you were definitely a healer last night." Scott tells her. 

        "Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be anyone's human sacrifice today, so both of you get your butts to school." She waves the two of them off. 

        Isaac awkwardly shuffles out of the room first. Scott walks my way, but not before stopping in front of me. Things are still kind of awkward between us. Yes, I like him, which I'm still unsure of a little. I'm not used to this feeling. He likes me- no, he said he loves me. How that's possible, I don't even know. Yet, since Motel Glen Capri, neither of us have really talked about what to do next. Things are just awkward now. 

        The smile returns to his lips. "Is that my flannel?"

        My cheeks flare red. "Oh, um, yeah. I-I just don't have anything warm enough and I get cold easily. I checked Isaac's closet and couldn't find anything-"

        Scott's chuckles and covers my babbling mouth with his hand. "It's okay. You look cute."

        My cheeks burn and I take a step back, brushing my hair out of my face. "Uh, thanks." I dart back to my bedroom, but instead decide to go to Isaac's. I mentally slap my face. Way to sound completely stupid. Scott just makes me nervous. 

        Isaac looks up with his arms sliding into his into a sweater. He smirks with a chuckle following it. "That was a mess."

        I glare at him. "Shut up." 

        "I'm not going to be at school today." 

        "Why?" I sit down on his twin sized bed. 

        "Boyd has a plan for Derek." Isaac checks his phone. 

        I glance towards the hallway. "I'm coming with."

        School is a big priority to me, yet here I am, walking into Derek's loft. I don't know what has gotten into me lately. Normally, I wouldn't skip school unless it was absolutely necessary. 

        "Go back to school." Derek orders as soon as he sees the three of us. He's sitting on the spiral staircase, arms crossed over each other. 

        "Well, actually, we can't." Isaac admits as we walk further inside the loft. "Boyd, Chloe, and I are incredibly and unbelievably sick." 

        "With what, brian damage?"

        Isaac spins to lean against the table. "Well, Chloe is avoiding Scott, I have a migraine, and, uh, Boyd here has explosive diarrhea." 

        "I am not!" I exclaim. Although, it is slightly true. I just don't know how to act around him. 

        Boyd rolls his eyes. "We're here to protect you." 

        Derek walks down the spiral staircase to us. "You're here to protect me? Well, I'm in trouble then." 

        I heavily glare at him. I'm still pissed off at him for just kicking us out. I still care about him, though. 

        "Actually, Boyd here came up with a plan." Isaac randomly flips through some old books while sitting on the table. 

        "Yeah, I thought about the time Gerard had me and Erica locked up," Boyd drops his duffel bag to the ground and unzips it. "Tied up with electrical wires pushing current through us. I was wondering how we could do something like that... But on a bigger scale." He pulls out a huge roll of electrical wires.

        Isaac lifts his head up from the books. "Chloe, it's probably best if you go to school. Things might get a little bad here."

        "Are you kidding me?" I blurt. "You could have told me that before I came here. And, you know I can handle it."

        "Stop avoiding Scott and go to school." Isaac orders, shutting the book.

        I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not avoiding him."

        "You two have barely had a full conversation every since Motel Glen Capri. Look, I'm your brother, which means I don't like you dating anyone, but I trust Scott, so you should take this opportunity." Isaac tells me. 


        I roam the school hallways, not interested in walking into my history class halfway through it. There's just no point. The bus took forever to bring me to the closest bus stop near the school. I had already missed homeroom, first period, and second period. Third period is halfway through. Honestly, I just don't feel like being here at all. If I had a key to the McCall house, I would walk there right now. Sadly, we don't have our own keys yet. 

        The fire alarm pierces through the air. I jump in surprise, my hands flying up to my ears, the noise deafening. I squeeze my eyes shut. The noise caught me so off guard that I wasn't prepared to hear it. Students file out of classrooms, along with teachers, to head for the exit. I blink twice, the noise not hurting my ears so much. This heightened hearing is too much sometimes. 

        The hallways start to empty. I walk towards the exit. Someone catches me by my wrist, sending me spinning in the opposite direction. The brown head of hair swooped up catches my attention. 

        "Stiles?" I ask, letting him drag me to whereever we are going. 

        He looks back. "I need your help with something."

        "Okay." I drag the word out. "But, the fire alarm is going off."

        He leads me down the hallway towards the boy's locker room. Two girl voices in the room make me search the room for who it is. Lydia and Derek's sister, Cora, seem to be in a heated conversation as we approach them. Cora has ahold of Lydia's wrist. 

        "Let go." Lydia tries to pull her wrist away.

        "Let go." Stiles says. Both of them snap their heads in our direction. "She said, let go." 

        Cora drops her wrist. 

        "Lydia, we need your banshee-ness help." Stiles waves us all with his hand to follow him out of the locker room. 

        "What?" Lydia deadpans.

        "Deaton was taken as a sacrifice. We think that you should be able to help us find where he is." Stiles opens a classroom door to Mr. Harris' empty classroom. He locks the door behind us. "You've been able to find dead bodies before, so maybe you can find someone who is alive this time."

        Lydia sits down behind one of the lab tables and Cora joins her. I wander up to the other side, leaning up against it with my forearms pressed to the cold top. Stiles brings over some kind of box and drops it on the table. I recognize the box immediately. 

        "An ouija board?" Lydia asks, boredly. 

        Stiles takes the board out of the box. "Also, called a spirit board, and it's worth a shot."

        "A shot in the dark." Lydia deadpans.

        I point to the board. "Do you really think this is going to work? I don't think banshees work like this."

        "Could you just try it, please, okay? Let's not forget who this is for... Scott's boss, the guy who has saved our collective asses on more than one occasion." Stiles finishes setting it up.

        "Oh, wait, do we all do this?" Cora motions to the board.

        "Yeah, yeah." Stiles nods. 

        We all lean forward, touching the mover. I sigh. This isn't going to work. 

        "You guys ready?" Stiles asks all of us. 

        Lydia rolls her eyes. "Yeah."

        "I guess." I mutter.

        "Yes." Cora says. 

        "Where's Doctor Deaton?" Stiles asks. 

        Nothing happens. We all glimpse at each other, unamused. Slowly, we all stare at Lydia, like we expect for her to do something. She notices all of us staring. 


        "Aren't you going to answer it?" Stiles nods to the board. 

        "Oh, I don't know the answer." Lydia admits then looks aroud confused. "I thought we were asking some sort of spirit."

        "Well, do you know any spirits?" Cora asks. 

        Lydia moves her finger in the air before pointing it at Cora. "Is she for real?"    

        We retract our hands. This is just one epic fail. I hang my head in defeat. Stiles moves the board to the other table. He pulls out a set of keys from his pockets. 

        "Okay, these are Deaton's keys for the clinic. Close your eyes and I'm gonna put them in your hand, and then we're just gonna try and see if you can feel out for his location. It's called psychometry."

        Lydia raises her finger in the air. "I'm not a psychic."

        "You're something! Okay?" Stiles yells, sounding a bit annoyed. "Just, Lydia, put out your hand, and..." 

        Lydia holds her hand open, shutting her eyes. Cora and I lean forward a little, both curious to see if this will actually work. Stiles hovers the keys over her palm for a second before setting them down. She jumps a little.

        "What?" I ask her. Did she see something? Does she know where Deaton is?

        Lydia opens her eyes, messing around with the keys in her hand. "They're cold."

        I roll my eyes. 

        Stiles gives her an annoyed look. "Lydia, concentrate, please? Trying to save lives here, for the love of God."

        Her eyes shut for the second time. Please let this work. Lydia's face twitches a little, as if she is seeing something. The three of us lean even closer in hope. 

        "Yeah, what is it? What do you see?" He whispers.


        I run a hand through my hair. "This is pointless. We can't force this upon her. Banshees act on their own."

        Stiles waves his hand, not letting himself give up. Digging through the cabinets in here, he finds a pencil and a notebook in one of them. "Nope. I have another backup plan." Stiles lays the notebook down in front of Lydia. "Automatic writing. Maybe you will write a clue or something." 

        "Automatic writing?" Lydia questions. Her face gives off a look of sheer annoyance. Thankfully, she takes the pencil out of his outstretched hand. This is our last shot. Lydia needs to come through on this one. 

        Lines are sketched out on the piece of paper. Some connect while others go off in the opposite direction. I turn my head to the side. I thought the point of this was for her to write something. Why is she drawing something instead? Unless this is her actually getting something?

        Stiles gapes. "Lydia, what are you doing? What- What the hell is that?"

        "A tree." 

        "A tr- Lydia, you're supposed to be writing words, like in sentences, something like a location, something that would tell us where he is." 

        "Well, maybe you should have said that." She retorts. 

        "Isnt' she supposed to be some kind of genius?" Cora asks, sounding frustrated.

         I slide the notebook towards me a little. Why would she draw a tree? Out of all the things she could have done, she picks a tree. Maybe this will help us. I just have no idea how. 

        "Genius? Yes. Psychic, no. Honestly, I don't know why you're even bothering with me anyway. I mean, especially since it's obvious you should be talking to Danny." Lydia brings the notebook back to her. Her pencil flies across the paper, sketching out more branches. 

        "What? Why Danny?"

         "Because..." Scott appears in the room. One hand is pressed to his right shoulder that is bleeding. 

        I jump when I see him. Dang. I was doing so good at avoiding him.

        "Last night, he was a target. But it wasn't a sacrifice."

        Scott looked like a kicked puppy when I offered to go with Stiles to the hospital instead of joining him to go to Allison's. I felt bad immediately, but I couldn't bring myself to spend time with him and Allison. I still don't like her that much. Yes, she has gotten better, but I still don't feel better about her yet.

        Isaac was right when he said I was avoiding Scott. I don't mean to. It's just that every time we are near each other, I get this crazy feeling in my stomach. I don't know how to explain. One day, I know we will have to talk about us, but if I can put it off, I will. 

        Stiles pushes my back to force me to sneak in Danny's hospital room first. He quietly shuts the door behind us. Danny is fast asleep in his hospital bed. Stiles sneaks around to the side of the bed, hovering over the bed a little. 

        "Danny, you awake?" He whispers. 

        I quietly move to Stiles' side. 

        "Danny?" Stiles gently slaps Danny's cheek. 

        I nudge Stiles in the side. "Stop."

        For some crazy reason, Stiles slaps Danny's face a few times. Danny leans up a little off of the pillow, breathing in. Stiles and I slide backwards, scared. Danny stays asleep. I punch Stiles in the arm. He needs to stop fooling around before Danny wakes up and we're caught. 

        Stiles crouches on the floor, unzipping Danny's bag. I crouch down beside him. I peek inside the bag to see a bunch of folders. 

        "What are you doing?" Danny breathes.

        I lose my balance, falling to my butt in surprise. Stiles lifts his head up to peer at the boy in the bed. I push myself back up to a crouching stance. 

        "I'm not doing anything, Danny." Stiles glances at me, shrugging his shoulders. "This is just a dream that you're having." Stiles returns back to the bag.

           "Why are you going through my stuff?" Danny grumbles, partially awake. 

        Stiles freezes. His head pops back up. "Right, but only in the dream, remember? Dream. Dreaming."

        I roll my eyes. Danny is bound to wake up at any moment. I stick my hand inside of the bag, pulling out the first thing I see. A thick packet of paper slides out, pinched between my fingers. An essay for Mr. Harris' class. 

        "Why would I dream about you going through my stuff?"

        "I don't know that, Danny, okay? It's your dream. Take responsibility for it. Shut up and go back to sleep." Stiles snaps. 

        Telluric currents. I poke Stiles in his arm.

        He grabs the papers from me. "Danny boy, you might've actually found something here."


This chapter basically sucked. I'm sorry about that. I really am. I promise the next chapter will be better and there will be Schloe moments. I owe them to you.

I didn't think that Chloe would jump straight into a relationship, so I had her be like this. I hope you understand. It will happen, I promise.

I thought it was kind of cute when Chloe took Scott's flannel.

Question: How do you think the next chapter will go?

So, yeah!
