14 - Thread The Needle

        Stiles did get the bus to stop. Unfortunately, there was only one way to get it to happen and it was the worst idea ever. He had Jared vomit all over the bus. The smell was horrible. Even with the windows all down, heads hanging out of them, none of us could escape the stench. Jared felt horrible as it was. Now, everyone on the bus hated him. 

        Everyone rushes off of the bus as soon as we pull up to the rest stop. Stiles and I took either side of Scott and helped him off. Allison and Lydia ran over to us, immediately. I'm really not too pleased with Allison being here. We lead Scott to the bathrooms, making sure no one is already in here. Lowering him to the ground in between the two sinks, Allison lifts his shirt up to reveal his wound. It looks even worse than before.The blood is all black this time. I sit down on the floor on his right side. He squeezes his eyes shut while his hand roams the ground for one of mine. I lace my fingers through his and place our hands on my lap. 

        Allison's eyes widen. "Oh, my god. Why didn't you tell us?"

        Half awake, Scott mutters, "Sorry."

        "Okay. Just give us a second, okay?" Allison takes a second to peek at me before walking over to Stiles and Lydia. I eavesdrop on the three of them, knowing they wouldn't care anyways if I listened in. "This shouldn't be happening. I've seen him heal from worse than this." 

        "Okay, what do we do then? Do we just call an ambulance?" Stiles questions, growing even more concerned for his best friend.

        "What if it's too late? What if they can't help?"

        "We gotta do something."

        I bring our hands to my lips, pressing the back of his hand to them. It can't be too late. I can't lose Scott. I just can't. He means too much too me. Without knowing until it splatters on the floor, tears slide down my cheeks. I grip on to his hand. He doesn't squeeze back, though. His head slumps to the side, eyes shut. 

        "You know, it could be psychological."

        "What do you mean, like, psychosomatic?"



        The words slip out of my mouth before I can even think of stopping them. "A physcial illness from a psychogenic cause." I feel Stiles' questioning gaze on me and I decide to simplify it. "It's all in his head."

        "All in his head?" Stiles says out loud, starting to put the pieces together. "He's not letting himself heal 'cause Derek died."

        "So, what do we do?"

        Lydia digs through her purse. She pulls out a small box with a needle and some thread in it. "Stitch him up. I'm serious. Maybe allhe needs to do is just believe it's healing."

        Allison gets straight to work. With a lighter, she heats up the end of the needle to sterilizes it. "He's gonna need another shirt. Where's his bag?"

        "Um, I'm gonna get it. I hate needles anyway, so..." Stiles starts for the exit. "Uh, do you know what you're doing?"

        Allison nods. "Yeah, my father taught me."

       "I mean, how fast are you gonna... I mean, the bus, like, the bus could leave."

        Allison glances at him. "Well, you just make sure it doesn't leave."

        Lydia grabs Stiles' wrist. "I can help. Come on."

        They leave us alone. Allison gets down on her knees near me. She gently grabs Scott's face. "Okay. Okay. stay with me. Stay with me, okay? Stay with me." 

        "I'm tired." He whispers.

        Allison snaps her head in my direction. "Keep him awaking."

        I nod. "Scott, hey." 

        He moves his head to look at me, lazily. A tired smile slips on his face. "Hey."

        "Scott, just look at me, okay? Just keep looking at me." I tear up even more.

        In my peripheral vison, I see Allison try over and over again to thread the needle. She keeps repeating 'come on' to herself. She sticks the thread in her mouth to help herself out. Again and again, she fails to thread the needle. Her face contorts with mixed emotions and I can see herself tearing up.

        "I'm trying." She whispers to herself. "My hands won't stop shaking."

        "Breathe." I whisper to her, careful to not startle her. "Allison, breathe."

        She follows my orders and stops for a second to take a deep breath. 

        "Try again." I tell her.

        Allison repeats the process she has been doing for the past few minutes. Her hands continue to shake, uncontrollably. She cries out in annoyance, waking Scott back up. Allison keeps trying over and over again, failing every time. 

       "Allison, stop." I command her. "Just stop for a second. How did your parents teach you to get through a situation like this?"

        She whimpers before saying, "Clinically...and..."

        "And?" I prompt her.

        "And unemotional... and unemotionally." She regathers the thread in her hands.

        I speak to her in a calm voice. "Then take a second to stop crying and thread the needle."

        Taking another deep breath, Allison calms down. Her crying ceases all together and her face relaxes. She tries once again to have the thread slide through with no problems. She quickly works on tying the thread. 

        "You've got this." I breathe, unsure of who I was talking to that time. My eyes drift down to the three slices on his skin.

        Allison stitches up his wound in record time. Once she is finished, she whispers his name to wake him up. Both of us tense up, when he doens't move. I squeeze his hand, expecting to feel him squeeze back gently, but he doesn't. Allison leans forward, listening for his breathing. Her eyes widen, fearfully. 


       I reach out to touch his face. He doesn't even move under my touch. Allison and I share a worried look. It can't be too late. I can't lose him. "Please don't die, Scott. Please." A tear slides down my cheek. "I need you in my life. I can't lose you. Please. Scott? Scott, please. I can't do any of this without you...Scott?" My voice cracks.

        Suddenly, he jerks awake, gasping for a breath. "It's my fault."

        I sob escapes from me as I hold his face in one of my hands. "Scott, look at me. It's okay." 

        He looks down at his newly stitched wound. "Did you do that?"

        Allison nods her head. "Yeah."


       Allison and I laugh, forcefully. At the same time, we climb to our feet, reaching for Scott. "Can you stand?"

        Allison hands me a shirt that Stiles must have brought back when I wasn't paying attention. "Put this on."

        He pulls the shirt over his head with the help of the two of us. WIth Allison on his left and me on his right, we help Scott out of the men's bathroom. As soon as Lydia sees us emerge, she dashes towards us, asking if he is okay. 

        "Stiles. Where's Stiles?" Scott demands.

        Lydia takes his duffel bag away from him. "Trying to stall coach. We still don't have gas."

        "I'm not leaving him." Allison responds.

        "Then we have to leave the car."

        "Sounds good."

        Lydia stops walking with us. "What? That wasn't an actual suggestion. Allison, wait. Ah. Screw it."        

        The three of us hobble on until we see a crowd of students around something. A lot of them are cheering someone on. Stiles is standing back. 

        "Stiles, what's happening?"

         Stiles motions to the crowd. "They went after him. I told 'em what what was happening with you and they just went after him."

        "Who, Boyd?"

        I break away from Scott, pushing my way through the circle of teenagers. Boyd is standing in the middle, observing the whole fight. Ethan is down on his knees, getting punched repeatedly by Isaac. Isaac has a tight hold on Ethan's shirt. Some guy tries to drag my brother away, but he easily loses the guy.

        "Isaac!" I yell at him. "Stop!" 

         "Isaac, Isaac, Isaac! Back off! Stop." Coach tries to interfere, but fails.

        I spin to Boyd. "Would you do something? He's going to kill him!"

        Boyd simply grins. "Good."

        I reach out to grab Isaac's arm to stop him, knowing there is a good chance I might accidently get hit. Someone grabs my waist, dragging me back to a hard chest. The same person that pulled me back, moves closer to my brother.

        "ISAAC!" Scott shouts in my ear. 

        Thankfully, Isaac stops, like he is realizing what he was actually doing. Isaac releases his hold on Ethan. He looks right at a strict looking Scott. I hold my hand to my mouth in shock. What's got in Isaac lately? Danny rushes to Ethan to check how he is. Everyone is silent around us, probably confused on how everything suddenly started and then stopped. Scott's hand doesn't leave my waist and I don't bother to walk away. I like being this close to him I like knowing that he's okay. For a few minutes inside, I thought I lost him.



This chapter isn't that long. I still wanted this episode to be two chapters instead of one massive one. The next chapter will be part of Motel California! Do you have any idea how excited I am for this?! I've been waiting for this episode for so long! So much is going to happen.

This chapter was pretty intense, huh? I thought Allison and Chloe should have a bit of a moment. They clearly still don't like each other, but they both care about Scott. In the show, where Mrs. Argent is sort of in the scene when Allison is threading the needle, I decided to have Chloe be the one to talk her through it. I thought it was a nice moment for them.

If you haven't noticed, but I am sure you have, Scott and Chloe keep getting closer and closer. He keeps touching her more and she is branching out with her feelings towards him. Just wait until the next episode when people start going crazy. It shall be very interesting.

  Question: What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

So, yeah!

