22 - Hero

        I shake from the rain that just went through my clothes the second time when Stiles and I pushed Cora to the ambulance outside.  For some stupid reason, all of us split up; Derek has Ms. Blake, Scott and Peter are fighting the twins, and that leaves me with Stiles and Cora. Thankfully, no one followed us and we got to the ambulance with no problem. 

        Stiles checks to make sure the back doors of the ambulance are locked with no one else allowed to get in. I sit down on the grey, padded seat on the side. I don't like the fact that Scott is out there. Yeah, he has Peter, but this is Peter we are talking about.

        "Okay, okay, okay." Stiles sits down beside me, his attention on the pouring rain outside. "We're okay."

        I rest my forearms on the gurney. Cora is going to be okay. We can save her. I tilt my head to the side when I see her chest isn't moving up and down. "Stiles!" I grab his arm. 


        "I don't think she's breathing."

        "Wh- Why does she look like she's not breathing?" His brown eyes go wide. He lean forward to try to hear her breathe, but he leans back. "Because you aren't breathing, are you? Oh, no. Oh, God. Oh, no, no, no. Why are you not breathing? Come on."

        "Stiles, do something!" I yell. 

        His head whips around. "Me do something?"


        Stiles turns back to Cora. "Okay, okay, okay." The sleeves of his plaid shirt are pushed back to his elbows. "You can do this. Here we go. Tilt the head. Fingers on the chin. Clear the throat. Great, nothing. I see nothing. Okay, all right, so, uh... just pinch the nose and blow."

        I fearfully watch Stiles perform all of this steps. Taking Cora's hand in mine, I pray for a miracle that Stiles performing CPR on her will work. "Come on, Cora."

        "Come on. Oh, come on, Cora. Come on, breathe. Come on, Cora, breathe." Stiles repeats the two steps of blowing air into Cora's mouth and then listening to her chest.

        Finally, Cora gasps for air, her eyes still shut. A few coughs come out of her, but she's still breathing.

        I jump from the sudden noise, but smile in relief. "Oh, thank God."

        "Oh! You know, next time I put my lips to your mouth, you better be awake." Stiles leans back against the wall, scratching the side of his head.

        I pat his arm. "You did it."

        Stiles turns his head my way, taking in the way I'm biting my bottom lip from nerves. I ignore his stare. From my peripheral vision, Stiles forward again to look at Cora. "You just hold on a little longer, okay?" Stiles reaches to grab my hand in a comfortingly way. "Both of you." He gazes back down at the girl on the gurney. "Trust me, if anyone's gonna get us out of this, it's Scott. Can't believe I just said that. You know, I actually used to be the one with the plan. Well, or at least a plan B. Now I don't know. Now I'm thinking maybe you were right. You know, maybe... maybe we are pretty much useless. Maybe all we really do is show up and find the bodies. I don't want to find my father's body. You know, you're a lot easier to talk to when you're completely unconscious."

        My heart breaks. How can Stiles think like that? I pull my hand out of his and wrap my arms around my best friend. "We're gonna find your dad. I promise."

        A noise outside breaks us apart. I move to the other side of the door to see outside. The rain has stopped, thankfully. A quiet growl has the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. A shadow of one of the Alpas hits the wall of dumpsters. Stiles and I lean back at the same time to avoid being seen. I angle my head enough to see the twins outside in their Alpha form. 

        I clench my fists beyond annoyed with myself. I should be helping them. A squeaking noise is heard beyond Stiles' side of the ambulance. Oh, no. Stiles curiously presses the side of his head to the wall, listening carefully. I peek my head around the wall I'm hiding behind to see out of the window. There's no one there. 

        A hand is slammed on the door by Scott with a Peter leaning against him. I jerk back, screaming. 

        "Chloe! Chloe, open the door." Scott motions to the locked door.

        I hold a hand over my beating heart. Stiles reaches to unlock the door for them. The back doors are swung open. He's safe. Scott is safe. 

        "Help me get him in." Scott says to his best friend.

        Stiles puts an arm around Peter to help him climb in. "Where's Derek and Jennifer?"

        "I have to go back for them and my mom."

        "What? No." I immediately disagree with the plan. "You can't go in alone, Scott."

        He gives me a sad look. "I have to."

        "Okay, two problems. Kali's got the keys to this thing, and I just saw the twins, like, thirty seconds ago." Stiles rushes to say.

        The sound of something crashing echoes throughout the back exit of the hospital. Scott stares off towards it. That was the direction the twins went. 

        "Stay here." Scott runs away.

        "Scott!" I yell, worriedly.

        Scott points a finger at Stiles. "Make sure she stays with you." 

        Stiles looks from his friend to a very tempted me. He reaches to shut both of the back doors, but I'm already out of them before he can even yell at me to get back. I sneak towards the back of the building, ignoring Stiles' whispers of my name and saying Scott's going to kill him. I'm not just going to sit in an ambulance and let everyone else deal with this. No, I'm going to help. I don't have claws, but I'm a pretty good fighter. 

        Scott is nowhere to be seen by the time I sneak inside. I don't know where he disappeared off to. A loud crashing comes from up ahead. I keep to the shadows, afraid that the twins or Kali will find me. There's is definitely a fight going on up ahead. 

        "Where is she? We're trying not to hurt you." The twins growl from somewhere in the hospital. 

        They must be close. If I show up now, Scott will be distracted and won't be able to fight back properly. I can't be seen by him. He'll just drag me back to the ambulance. 

        "Try harder." Scott gasps, as if he is being choked.

        "Hey! I'd like to try something." Mrs. McCall shouts from where the boys are. 

        I creep down the hallway, making no noise as I walk. If they hear me, I'm screwed. 

        "Sweetheart, get up! Come on."   

        Footsteps retreat from the hallway that I was hearing everything. I peek my head around the corner to see two things. One, the twins are back in their human floor on the ground with a defibrillator at their feet. Did Mrs. McCall really use that on them? Two, Scott and his mom running down the hallway, away from me. I smirk while passing the twins and quietly follow Scott and Mrs. McCall. 

        The fact that Scott is too caught up in his mother being safe and having to find Derek and Ms. Blake, he is too preoccupied to listen to any of the noises around him, like the fact I have been trailing them through the hospital. I just need to know he is okay and if it comes down to it, I'll fight back by his side. Everyone thinks I'm still too weak, but now, it's my time to prove all of them wrong.   

        "He just let me go, said it was a gesture of goodwill. No other reason." Mrs. McCall whispers to her son in another hallway.

        "He had to have a reason. I don't think he does anything without a reason."

        "Well, if that means I should continue to be profoundly terrified, then don't worry about it. I got that covered."        

        Two swing doors are lightly moving and that's all I need to that they went this way. Their footsteps are heard down the hall. Carefully, I peek my head around the corner. There backs at to me as they walk down the hallway. Scott abruptly stops. I move back around the corner, listening. A clicking noise, much like the one that belongs to Deaucalion's cane, is heard around the corner near the two of them. Or maybe, I'm just fearing the worst. 

        There's no sound of fighting or growls. Nothing at all to make me fear that Scott could be hurt. I slowly look around the corner. Scott and his mom are at the end of the hall just standing there. What could be down there? I shut my eyes, listening to the sound down there. I frown. Five heartbeats altogether. 

        "What are you doing here?" Scott whispers to whoever is there.

        "We came to see what was going on." Allison?

        Scott ushers them down a new hallway. As if I wasn't worried enough, now I have to worry about Allison, Mr. Argent, and Isaac being in here. I wait a good ten seconds before heading down the hallway, slowly getting closer to the one they disappeared down. 

        "Derek and Jennifer are stuck in an elevator and the power in the entire hospital is shut off." 
Scott explains to them. 

        They five of them burst into another medical examination room. I find a safe room down the hall from them and hid instead. This just looks like a patients room or something. I press my back against the door, not standing in the view of the glass window. 

        "So, then they're essentially trapped."

        "Yeah, right. There's no way of getting them out without turning the power back on." 

       "But wait, wait, wait, if the power's back on, they're gonna hear the elevator moving, right? And they'll be on Jennifer and Derek as soon as it stops. We can't get in a fight with them."

        "You've got us now."

        "It's too much to risk. They want her dead, and if she dies, there's nothing that we can do for Stiles' dad or Cora." 

        "I don't even think I know which teacher this is."

        "She-She's the one with the brown hair. She's kind of hot. No, it's jus-just an observation." 

        "I've got an idea."

        "Before we go, though, where's my sister?"

        "She's safe. She's with Stiles." 

         Sorry, but you're wrong, Scott. He doesn't need to know this right now. I push the door back open and head for the stairwell. If they need the power back on, I'll do it. Their plan is muffled as I get further and further away. The power switch is on the roof top and I'm only on the fifth floor. Time to use some of my supernatural strength. I breeze out of the rooftop door. My eyes scan for the switch that will turn the power back on. A large box sits by a fenced in electrical machine. Jackpot.

        I run forward just as I hear the door behind me swing open. I don't look behind me, fearing that Kali or Deucalion is there. I just grab the large handle in my hand and push it back up. I smile as all of the power in the hospital is turned back on. 

        "Chloe?" Mrs. McCall's voice comes from behind me. 

        I spin around, only to have to smile wash off of my face. Jennifer is dragging her away. The next sacrifice. Oh, god. "No!" I shout, but Deucalion steps in my way, staying a good distance, and they disappear in the fog. 

        "Look at you, the hybrid." Deucalion smirks about ten feet away from me.

        "What are you doing?" I repeatedly glance in the direction Kali disappeared off in. "You're just going to let Jennifer take another sacrifice?"

        "You know, you're much stronger than you give everyone gives you credit for. They think you're weak, that you aren't strong enough to fight back because you're not a true werewolf." Deucalion says while resting his hands on his cane. He's completely ignoring what I said. "That's not true, though. You see, I know a little something about hybrids, something no one else knows because they are so rare that people believe they don't exist."

        There's more like me?

        "Ah, yes. You're not alone. Hybrids just don't like to come out of hiding. They like their privacy." Deucalion smiles. "You don't have to be weak. I can make you strong. Everyone will ever regret thinking that you weren't good enough to do something. I can give you claws."

        "Mom! Mom!" Scott bursts through the the rooftop door. He comes to a halting stop when he sees the scene in front of him. "Chloe?"

        I could have claws. That's all I have ever wanted. 

        "They're gone. Guardians, Scott. If you were with me, I could've told you what it meant. I could've warned you, but you lost your chance." Deucalion speaks with no sadness in his voice whatsoever. "I've moved onto someone who can be much stronger than a true Alpha." 

        "Chloe?" Scott walks over to me.

        I refuse to look him in the face. If I go with Deucalion, I can help save everyone. I can show everyone I'm not the weak, little girl I used to be. I'll have claws. Deucalion wants me. Scott will stay safe and he won't get hurt. I can be the hero this time. 

        "Let me help you, Chloe." Deucalion nods my way. "Let's help each other. You help me, and I'll help you get his mother and Stiles' father back. I'll teach you how strong you can really be." 

        I'm going to be the hero. I don't need to rely  on anyone else. This is my chance to save everyone. 

        Deucalion smiles when I take a step closer to him.

        Scott grabs my wrist, forcing me to spin around on the slick ground. "Chloe, don't do this." 

        I bite my bottom lip, staring at the wet ground. "I have to."

        "No, no, you don't." Scott grabs my face in his hands to make me look up at him. 

        "Chloe?" Stiles appears over Scott's shoulder. "Chloe, no."

        "Please don't do this." Scott begs, eyes filling with tears. "There's got to be another way. There's always another way."

        "Not this time." I whisper. A single tear slides down my cheek. 

        Scott captures it with his thumb, brushing it away. 

        Stiles jogs over to the two of us. "Chloe, don't do this. We can figure something out. Let me come up with a plan B."

        I push up on my toes, pressing a kiss to Scott's lips. "I love you. I didn't realize before, but I do- I do love you."

        Scott shakes his head. "No, don- don't do this, Chl-"

        "I'm gonna find your dad, Stiles. I promise." I walk towards Deucalion, who offers me a smile. Tears fall harder down my cheeks, but I keep my head high. Deucalion nods once and walks away from both of them. I follow him. 

        "Chloe!" The boys yell, simultaneously.

        It's my turn to be the hero. 


I have a plan up my sleeve. I have a plan up my sleeve. Scott didn't go with Deucalion because CHLOE did! It's gonna be so good! Something really bad is going to happen, but it's going to be good. That probably makes zero sense to you. It makes sense to me. 

There are two episodes left! It's almost the end! Ahh! Crazy, right? 

Everyone is going to freak out when they find out Chloe went with Deucalion. She wants to be the hero, though. Poor Isaac when he finds out. 

The next chapters are going to be crazy intense. Maybe I'll be able to finish this pretty soon. I won't be surprised if I update again today. 

Question: What do you think Deucalion knows about hybrids?

So, yeah!
