7 - Ice Bath

Scott and Derek each dump a bag of ice into the tub in the center of the room. I keep my back to the counters, arms firmly crossed over my chest while I watch the boys in the room. Stiles helps them dump more ice. Why is it that we never have any good ideas? Deaton and Isaac stand in the doorway, watching the boys fill the tub with ice. 

   "Obviously, it's not going to be particularly... Comfortable. But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance-like state." 

   Isaac walks in the room. "Like being hypnotized."

   I push away from the counter to gaze down at the ice water. The boys finish emptying all of the bags and stand around the tub. Scott is the closest to me and he rubs my back once. I am very against this idea, but Deaton said it's the only way to get to Isaac's memories.

   "Exactly. You'll be half transformed. It'll let us access your subconscious mind." Deaton walks to the side of the tub.

   Isaac crouches down by the tub, resting his arms on the rim. There must be over twenty five bags of ice in that tub. Taking a few steps forward, I curl my left hand over Isaac's shoulder. His muscles are tense under my hand.

   "How slow does his heart rate need to be?" Scott questions. 

   "Very slow." 

   I squeeze his shoulder, worriedly. "Well, how slow is very slow?"

   Deaton scans his eyes over us. "Nearly dead."

   I exhale, sharply. A hand slips around my arm, gently pulling me away from Isaac. I let my hand slip away from Isaac. I smile gratefully at Scott, silently thanking him for moving me away from my brother, otherwise, he would know how nervous I am about this. Isaac needs to focus on getting his memories back. 

   Isaac touches the ice water with one hand, quickly jerking it out once it touches the water. "It's safe, though, right?"

   "Do you want me to answer honestly?" 

   Squeezing my eyes shut, I take another step backwards. I do not like this at all. What if Isaac goes in to shock? What if he dies? I've been doing so much better at being strong, but when something is going on with Isaac, I feel myself going back to the scared girl I used to be. I can't lose him. The hand that on my arm trails down until it intertwines his fingers with my own. 

   "No. No, not really." Isaac sighs. 

   Off on the other side of the room, Stiles snaps a glove on his arm that goes down all the way to his elbow. He flexes his fingers. He must have noticed everyone stopped talking because he looks over to us. "What?" Stiles frowns, yanks the glove off, and tosses it to the ground. 

   Isaac stands up, exhaling out of his mouth. He stares down at the tub. Maybe he will back out of this. I really want to find Boyd and Erica, but Isaac's life may be at risk right now. 

   Derek supports himself up with the edge of the tub. "Look, if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this."

   My brother nods. Unfortunately, Isaac pulls his shirt over his head. I tighten my grip on Scott's hand. I wanted him to back out. Isaac looks over his shoulder and sets his shirt on the table behind him. His gaze freezes on my hand in Scott's. He stares at it, quizzically. Instead of questioning it, he lifts one leg in to the ice tub.

   I let go of Scott's hand and stand on Isaac's right side. I push up the sleeves of my sweater while Scott peels his jacket off. Water sloshes around as Isaac lowers himself in the tub. Isaac makes sounds of discomfort as he sits in the tub, both hands on either side. I want to help out and let Isaac know that he can do this, but I'm so scared. Derek and Scott rests their hands on Isaac's shoulders. Isaac takes a deep breath just as they push him under.

   Water and ice are shoved over the top of the rim on to the floor. I jump back as my shoes get hit with some water. The coldness seeps into my shoes and I sharply exhale. That's cold just on my feet. I can't imagine how Isaac feels right now.

   Isaac pushes himself up out of the water while they struggle to force him back under. He growls, transforming a little bit, eyes glowing gold. Taken aback, I lurch backwards, slipping on a piece of ice under my foot, and reach out to grab whatever I can to keep myself from falling. I grab on to the table. I knew Isaac would react in a bad way. I just didn't expect him to react like this. Stiles rushes to the end of the tub to hold down my brother's legs. 

   Once again, they force Isaac back under the ice water. Deaton worriedly glances in my direction. He probably didn't expect to see a slightly emotional girl at his work. The guys struggle to keep Isaac under. Not knowing what else to do, I whirl around and shove my head in my hands. I don't like seeing Isaac like this. 

   Behind me, I hear Isaac spring himself out of the water again, grunting through clenched teeth. My hands slide over my ears as I squeeze my eyes shut tightly. This is affecting me more than I thought it would.

    "Get him back under." Deaton's voice sounds muffled. "Hold him."

   Even cupping my hands over my ears isn't stopping me from hearing everything going on behind me. I can hear it all. 

   "We're trying!" Derek shouts.

   After a few more sounds of struggling, I hear the room go completely silent. I peel my hands off of my ears and turn to see Isaac floating to the top of the water. He inhales through his mouth. I step away from the table to stand near the edge of the tub by Scott. Isaac's eyes are shut, but he is still awake, like in a trance.

   Deaton holds up a finger, dropping his voice to a whisper. "Now, remember, only I talk to him. Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out." All of us nod. Deaton rests his hands on the tub like the rest of us. "Isaac? Can you hear me?"

   "Yes. I can hear you." Isaac speaks with his eyes still shut. 

   "This is Dr. Deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Is that all right?"

   Isaac nods. "Yes."

   A hand slides over mine on the rim of the tub. I already know who it is, aside from the fact that Scott is the only one on my left side. He gently squeezes my hand while both of us gaze down at my brother. Does he know I'm freaking out or is he just being a good friend?

   "I want to ask you about the night you found Erica and Boyd. I want you to remember it for me in as vivid detail as possible, like you're actually there again." Deaton calmly talks to Isaac.

  Isaac starts to shake his head to the sides, panicked. "I- I don't wanna do that."

   Lights flicker on and off in the building. My hand yanks out from underneath Scott's and latches on to his wrist instead. I don't know if I can do this.

   "I don't... I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that." Isaac panics by moving around in the tub. Everyone, except for Deaton and I, reach in the tub to grab him to keep him still. My fingers are still locked around Scott's wrist, but the cold water doesn't bother me as I continue to watch my brother. 

   "Isaac, it's all right. Just relax. They're just memories. You can't be hurt by a memory." Deaton remains calm. 

   Lights continue to flicker and Isaac wriggles around. "I don't wanna do that."

   My grip tightens around his wrist even more. 

   "It's all right." Deaton soothes. "Relax. Relax. Good. Now let's go back to that night. To the place you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see? Is there some kind of building? A house?"

   He stops moving and becomes still once again. Scott slowly pulls his hand out of the water with me still attached to him. I don't plan on letting go of him any time soon. 

   "It's not... it's not a house. It's stone." Isaac's chin chatters. "I think marble."

   I cover my mouth with my other hand. He must be so cold. What if he gets sick from this?

   "That's perfect. Can you give me any other descriptors?" 

   "It's dusty, so empty."

   "Like an abandoned building?"

   Isaac exhales as lights start to flicker again. I hold on to Scott even tighter. This can't be right. Something must be wrong. Shouldn't we be stopping this? Deaton calls his name again. I dig my nails in Scott's skin as Isaac begins to move around in the tub. Are his memories that bad?

   "Someone's here." Isaac breathing picks up. His hand flies out of the water and latches on to my other arm. "Someone's here."

   I suck in a deep breath. Isaac's finger digs in to my arm, but the pain doesn't even register. My breathing matches his and I slowly feel myself start to panic. We need to stop this. We found out a little bit of information, but we don't need to force anymore out.

   "Isaac, relax." 

   Isaac completely freaks out. "No, no, no, they see me, they see me!" His fingers squeeze my arm even harder. Scott's eyes keep darting from my arm to me to Isaac. I can't do this. I'm not strong enough to see my brother in such a vulnerable position.

   "Just memories. You won't be hurt by your memories. Just relax. Relax." Deaton worriedly peers up at all of the lights flashing. Once Isaac relaxes again, he starts to talk. "Good. Now tell us what you see. Tell us everything."

   "I-I'm climbign up a set of stairs. There's growling. They don't know I'm there yet." Isaac opens his eyes, staring straight up. "I hear him. He's talking about the full moon, about being out of control when the moon rises."

   Deaton glances at all of us. "Is he talking to Erica?" 

   "I think so, I can't... I can't see her, I ca... I can't... I can't see either of them."

   "Can you hear anything else?"

   "They're worried.They're worried what they'll do during the moon.They're...Worried that they're gonna hurt each other." Isaac whispers, lights flickering above us. 

   Derek looks up at Scott and I. "If they're locked in together on the full moon, they're gonna tear each other apart."

   "Isaac, we need to find them right now. Can you see them?" 

   Isaac answers fast. "No." 

   "Do you know what kind of room it is? Is there any kind of a marker? A number on a door? A sign?"

   Isaac lurches his upper half of his body out of the water, gasping. Scott pushes both of us back in surprise. "They're here. They're here- They're-"

   "It's all right."

   "No." Isaac slides backwards, lowering back in to the water. "They're here."

   Not fully realizing it, I wrap my other arm around Scott's. He's freaking out. We need to wake him up before anything bad happens to him. My mouth feels too heavy to let the words flow out. All I can do is watch in worry.

   "Just tell us-"

   "They see me. They found me. They're here!" Isaac shouts in panic.

   Derek shakes his head. "This isn't working. Isaac, where are you?"

   "I can't see them. It's too dark!" Isaac screams. The lights shut off completely. I bury my face in the side of Scott's chest, not wanting to see this.

   "Just tell me where you are." Derek orders in a harsh voice.

   I peek out out of Scott's chest to see my brother flailing all over the place. A bit of anger swells up in me from Derek yelling at him. "Derek, you're confusing him!"

   "I can't see!"

    "Isaac, where are you? Just tell me where you are." Derek ignores me. 

   Deaton reaches to stop Derek. "His heart rate- he could go into shock." 

   Scott yells, "Derek, let him go!"

   I can't- All of this is too much for me. Derek won't stop shouting and Isaac is clearly too scared of his own memories to talk about it. How much is Derek willing to risk? I want to find Boyd and Erica as much as he does, but I wouldn't risk Isaac's life for answers.

   Derek shouts more questions. "Isaac, where are you? What did you see?"

   "A vault! It's a bank vault!"

   Words spew out of Isaac's mouth in a rush. I only catch a few, but that's all I need for my heart to split in two. My grip on Scott slackens and I stumble backwards until my back hits the table. No, no, no. It can't be true. Please don't let it be true. Tears that I hadn't realized had already shed stream faster down my cheeks. Scott wraps one arm around me, pulling me in to his side. There must be some kind of mistake.

    Isaac wakes up from his trance and jumps up. "I saw it! I saw the name." He climbs out of the tub with Derek and Stiles help. Deaton wraps a blanket around him. "It's, uh... B-beacon hills first national bank. It's, um... it's an abandoned bank, and they're keeping them locked inside, inside the vault." His eyes land on me, cowered and crying in Scott's side. "What?"

   "You don't remember what you said right before you came out of it, do you?" Stiles quietly asks, swallowing nervously.

   Isaac glances at me again. "No."

   Scott pulls me in a full hug as my cries add to the background of Stiles' voice. Maybe Isaac didn't really see it. Maybe it was just his imagination.

   "You said when they captured you that they dragged you into a room and that there was a body in it." Stiles continues to explain.

   "What body?" 

   "Erica. You said it was Erica."

   I cry even harder against Scott. This isn't fair. We've gotten so close. Erica was like a sister to me. I can't lose her like that. Scott holds me tightly to his chest. My tears soak his shirt. Is this what it feels to have your heart broken? She was my best friend. Sure, we hated each other at first, but we became so close. 

   Scott's arms tighten even more if that's possible. "I'm so, so sorry."

   "N-N-No." I bawl, fists clutching parts of his shirt. 

   "I'm here for you. It's okay." Scott whispers lowly in my ear. He turns his head to left a little more and preses his lips to my cheek for a few seconds. 


   I rest my head on Isaac's shoulder with my own blanket around me. I stopped sobbing about ten minutes ago, but tears are still flowing. A few quiet sniffles come from me. Isaac rubs my arm while we both sit on top of the table. He changed in his extra pair of clothes he brought with him. The only reason I left Scott's arms was because I just needed to know that Isaac was okay.

   "She's not dead." Derek exclaims at all of us.

  Stiles, who is leaning up against the table by me, shakes his head. "Derek, he said, "there's a dead body. It's Erica." Doesn't exactly leave us much room for interpretation."

   "Then who was in the vault with Boyd?" Derek demands.

   "Someone else, obviously." Stiles answers.

   "And maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle. Okay, the one who saved you?" Scott offers his opinion. His eyes linger on me more than they do on Isaac. 

   Isaac lowers his gaze to the floor. "No, she wasn't like us. And whoever was in the vault with Boyd was."

   Stiles cups his chin in thought. "What if that's how Erica died? They, like, pit them against each other during the full moons and see which one survives. It's like werewolf thunderdome."

   "Then we get them out tonight." Derek announces, not thinking through another one of his plans.

   "Be smart about this, Derek. You can't just go storming in." Deaton turns around to look at him from where he is sitting on his chair.

   "If Isaac got in, then so can we."

   "But he didn't get through a vault door, did he?"

   I wipe my nose with an edge of the blanket. "We need a plan."

   Derek snaps his head my way. "How are we gonna come up with a plan to break into a bank vault in less than twenty four hours?"

   Stiles pulls out his phone and has already looked it up on the internet. "Uh, I think someone already did. "Beacon hills first national closes its doors three months after vault robbery." Doesn't say here how it was robbed, but it probably won't take long to find out."

   "How long?" 

   "It's the Internet, Derek. Okay? Minutes." 


Woo! Another chapter. This one kind of sad because Chloe found out that Erica is dead. I feel so bad for her. I really loved their friendship. They were such good friends. I wish they hadn't killed Erica. 

Scott comforted Chloe quite a few times in this chapter. And he kissed her cheek. Freaking adorable, right? 

 I have a great ending for this chapter and it won't be sad like some of my endings can be. This will be a good ending for Chloe. I actually already have the title for season 3B picked out. It will be called Give Me Love. 

Surprisingly, I haven't decided on how they will officially get together. It will have to be soon, though.

Question: When do you think it would be a good time in this season for them to get together?

So, yeah!
