Chapter 96

Peyton's POV:

Today me and Sarah are planning for the wedding. It's mostly been one big conversation nothing was really put into action.

"When do you think we should have the wedding?" Sarah asks.

"July 21st" I say with no hesitation and kinda quickly.

"Why that date?" She asks while checking a calendar. I guess to see what day it landed on or something.

"That's the day me and Ava went to the concert" I say.

"I love it but aren't wedding supposed to be done on Sunday's? July 21st is a Saturday" She asks.

"Most of the time yes but you can still do them on Saturday's and it's still on a weekend day. Acacia is having her wedding on a Saturday" I say.

"Then let's do it that day" She says and writes potential wedding day and one year under it.

"What about places?" I ask

"I don't know. Let's do research on that later" She says.

"Ok. Next the wedding party" I say.

"Ava will be the flower girl. That's just a given. Who do you want to be your best man?" She asks.

"I don't know. I've thought about that. The only guy I'm really close with is Corey" I say.

"Then have it be Corey. Do you want anyone else to be a groomsmen?" She asks and writes groomsmen with a line under it. She writes Corey's name underneath with a dash and wrote best man under it. It looked like this:

Corey - Best man

"Acacia's husband, Jairus" I say. I barley talk to him and barley know him but I'm a groomsmen in his wedding so he kinda has to be one for mine.

"Alright." Sarah says and write his name under Corey's.

"And Austin North" I say. My I Didn't Do It costar.

"Ok" She says and writes him down. I want to do Bradley since he is ones of my best friends but I think that would just be awkward for him and Sabrina. They talk every once in a while and there break up was pretty mutual but who wants to be in the same place as there ex multiple times. He's gonna get invited to the wedding though. Getting invited to a wedding and being a groomsmen is very different.

"Who do you want as your bridesmaids?" I ask.

"Sabrina as the maid of honor. Shannon, Cayla, Rowan, Fallon. Want me to continue?" She asks.

"No it's fine. Just write them all down on your piece of paper" I say.

"Ok" She says and starts writing.

"Who should be the ring bearer? We know no little boys" I say.

"We can have Auggie and Ocean do it" Sarah says.

"Ok" I say.

"Next is the invite list" She says.

"Invite your entire family even the ones you barley talk to" I say.

"I'll have my parents make a list." She says.

"Ok. I'll have my mom do the same thing" I say.

"What about the honeymoon?" She asks.

"I don't know. Where do you want to go? That's probably the hardest question because you have gone everywhere" I say.

"I want to go back to Paris. I have only gone there with Sabrina for work. It will be totally different going with you" She says.

"I've never been. We can go there. We'll call your event planner and have her start making arrangements" I say.

"She's Sabrina's planner but she'll do my stuff too." Sarah says and writes a few more things down. "Is Ava going to come?" She asks.

"Do you want her to come?" I ask.

"Not really" She says and you could hear in her voice she was kinda afraid to say it, probably since she felt bad.

"Good. I don't either. I love her but we need some alone time" I say.

"Alright. We can find somewhere for her to go. She's just not going to Sabrina's house. I don't trust Sabrina with her for more then three hours" Sarah says.

"I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind watching her or Acacia. She'll definitely fly down for the wedding" I say.

"Ok that works." She says and writes that down.

It was quiet for a couple minutes. She was still writing stuff on the paper.

"Remember on our first date you asked me what my favorite memory with Ava was?" I ask.

"Yeah" She says and doesn't look up.

"Now that you have been here for about eight months do you have a favorite memory with her?" I ask.

She puts the pen down and looks up and thinks for a moment. "I know. This one is my second favorite but it was when me and her did the family tree project and she got to learn who all my family was and how they are related to her. She also said so many cute things that day. " She says.

"That's a cute one." I say. That was the day I bought her engagement ring. "What's the first one?" I ask.

"The day of the concert of course. I really liked when I took that little walk with her. She didn't stop talking about you the entire time. I also liked when she can on stage" Sarah says.

"Watching her on stage with you guys was cute" I say.

It was quiet for a couple minutes.

"What's your favorite memory with me?" She asks. Hardest question I'll get any day.

I think for a minute. There's a lot.

Their was one when we first started dating we went to a beach late at night and just sat and talked for hours. We were there from like two in the morning to six in the morning and we got to watch the sun rise. We only planned on staying for a hour at most but then started to get into deep conversations and I think we made out a little bit and we ended up stayed a lot longer.

Their was another time where she snuck out of school and I picked her up since I was twenty and no longer in school and didn't go to college. Actually I don't even think she went to school that day. I don't really remember. I should have gone to college, maybe then I wouldn't be taking my seventeen year old girlfriend out of school. I think I just picked Sarah up a quarter mile away from the school. We went to Disneyland and had like the best day ever. It probably just stands out because we felt like badasses that day.

This was all before the fame took over. Sabrina was just starting to get into acting and just signed her record deal at the time. Once Sarah graduated that's when I got casted on I Didn't Do It. Then a couple months after Sarah got pregnant with Ava and then like two weeks later Girl Meets World started filming. And touring started in between filming Girl Meets World. Here are a few of my favorite after fame memories.

The day Ava was born will always be the best day of my life. That's a given. If we ever end up having more kids those dates will join that date as the best day on my life. I don't think we will have kids any time soon. She hasn't even been back in Ava's life for a full year yet.

Nothing after Ava being born wasn't really that great. We basically just argued the entire six months from Ava being born to when Sarah left. We let the stress of a baby and her always being away get to us.

My most recent favorite memory was when we were on tour with her in Florida and it was after the last concert and everyone was asleep except her. I was up too but she didn't know that and she just kept talking as if I was awake and listening.

But the one I am about to say now is the only good memory from after Ava was born. It's not really good but it just kinda shows how close we were. I'm saying this one because we never actually talked about it when it happened.

"I know. I remember this day perfectly." I start. "Ava was like a month old. I don't remember where she was but" I say and Sarah cuts me off.

"So you don't remember this day perfectly" She says and laughs.

"Not really but I remember this part of the day" I say. I don't think she knows what day i'm talking about. "So anyway, me and you were at my apartment sitting on the couch about to start another argument. I don't remember what happened but you just started crying. I just sat there and held you close to my chest and let you get everything out. I learned a lot about you in those twenty minutes you spent crying." Sarah was starting to turn red from embarrassment right now. "I learned that you weren't ready to have Ava. I also learned eighteen year olds should not have babies. I now think people should wait until they are at least in there twenties. I learned that you were bottling up feelings since the day we found out about Ava and you just let it all out and I let you because it isn't healthy to do that" I say. She didn't know what to say. It was quiet for a few minutes. She was taking in what I just said.

"Do you ever fear Sabrina having her baby at eighteen?" She asks eventually.

"All the time. I think since she is a lot busier then you the baby is going to be with Corey a lot more" I say.

"Do you think she is going to leave the baby?" She asks.

"I don't think so. I think your family has learned there lesson with Ava. Your parents wouldn't let her" I say.

"I think that too" She says.

"When did you regret your decision of leaving Ava if you ever did regret it?" I ask. This question could easily start a argument but I want to know.

"I did regret it eventually. It was about a year after I left. One day I stumbled upon your Instagram. We unfollowed each other about a week after the break up. I remember basically stalking your Facebook and Twitter for the rest of the day finding all these pictures of Ava and you and Ava. I screenshot a lot of them of just Ava. I don't know why but I did and if you go through the phone I had at the time now you could probably still find them. I printed a few of them out for something but will talk about that another time. And I just kept scrolling up and down your feed for hours looking at pictures of Ava. That was the day I realized I fucked up" She says. Damn I can't believe it took an entire year.

I didn't respond I didn't know how to respond. She just gave me a lot of information that I didn't know how to react to.

We weren't talking for a couple of minutes then I spoke.

"Since we are talking about weddings are you going to come to Acacia's wedding in Oregon?" I ask to lighten up the subject for a minute.

"I don't even think I'm invited" She says.

"You are. The invitation was addressed to all three of us" I say.

"Still don't think so. I'm pretty sure your entire family hates me" She says.

"That's not true" I say.

"I'm sure you guys have talked shit about me at family party's all the time. I'm not going" She says.

"Again that's not true. If there was no you in my life then there would be no Ava but I'm not going to force you to go" I say.

My distant family likes aunts, uncles, cousins etc have actually talked bad about Sarah many times. Calling her a dead beat and terrible mother and all that. I never did because she's Ava's mom no matter what and I just couldn't. My mom, sister and dad never did. They loved Sarah the entire time from the second we started dating until now and I do too.

"Thank you but I'm not going." She says.

"And I'm totally fine with that. Have fun here alone. I'm kinda jealous" I say.

So the rest of the day until Ava got home from school we just talked. I like when we are alone and just talk.
