Chapter 11

Sarah's POV:

Tomorrow we are leaving to go back on tour for two more weeks.

The tour bus is picking up everyone at my family's house at five in the morning.

Me and Peyton agreed to have Ava sleep at my house tonight because it makes tomorrow easier. So I won't have to pick her up before the bus comes and he said it will give me a little bit of practice on parenting.

So I'm going to pick Ava up in a little bit and then we are going to have our sleepover.

Peyton told me that she is really excited to see Sabrina again and meet my mom and dad. And later on we are going to meet my sister Shannon in Pennsylvania.

So a half an hour later I leave the house to go get her.

I knock on the door and Ava answers.

"Hi Mommy" She says and let's me in.

"Hi Ava" I say.

"Hi" Peyton says to me.

"Hi" I say.

"So here's her little suitcase with all her clothes and then she packed herself another one with all her toys that she wants to bring and I have a guard rail for the bed and also a backpack with clothes for tonight and tomorrow to make it easier on you" Peyton says.

"Thank you" I say.

"Can we go now?" Ava asks.

"Yeah. But say goodbye to your daddy" I say.

"I'll help you out with her stuff" Peyton says.

"Ok" I say. That's one thing I always liked about me and Peyton. We were always good at team work.

Peyton brings the little bed rail thingy and a suitcase and I bring her other suitcase and hold her hand. She is wearing the backpack. We put everything in the back on my car.

"I'll miss you" Ava says and hugs him.

"I'll miss you too" He says.

"Bye daddy" She says.

"Bye princess. Have fun" He says and they let go from the hug.

He buckles her into her car seat and says bye again and then says bye to me.

I start the car and we drive away. I felt bed because I knew how much he is going to miss her but at the same time I was excited to bring her with me.

"Ready for a adventure?" I ask.

"Yeah!" She says.

We drive back to my house and Ava told me stories the whole way there.

We get there and she asks, "Is Sabrina here?"

"She should be" I say.

I take her backpack out of the car and leave everything else in there. I'll just take it from my car and put it in the bus tomorrow morning.

We go up to the front door and I open it and Ava goes in first.

"Hi Ava" Sabrina says and stands up.

"Hi Sabrina!" She says then runs over and hugs her.

"Are you excited for tour?" Sabrina asks.

"Yeah! It's going to be so much fun!" Ava says.

"Want to go see the rest of the house and meet my parents?" I ask

"Yeah" She says.

"Follow me" I say and take her little hand into mine.

First we go into the kitchen and my parents are in there.

"Ava, this is my mom and dad. So technically they are your grandparents" I say.

"Hi grandma and grandpa" Ava says and then goes over to them and gives them a big hug.

"Hi" They say back to her. They were so happy to see her. They haven't seen her since she was a little baby.

"Want to go see the rest of the house?" I ask.

"Yeah" She says and takes my hand again.

We go upstairs and I show her Sabrina's room first.

"I like Sabrina's room" She says.

"It's pretty cool, huh?" I say.

"Yeah. Let's go see your room" She says

"Ok" I say and bring her into my room.

"I like your room too" She says and goes and sits on my bed.

"Thank you" I say.

"Are we both going to sleep in your bed?" She says.

"Yeah. Is that ok with you?" I ask.

"Yeah. That's what I wanted" She says.

"Ok. Good" I say.

After that she notices my picture wall. I have a small wall next to my closet that I just filled with like 30 different pictures.

Most were of me and Sabrina, just me or me with my friends. Except one which was at a shorter height for a reason. It was a pic of me and Ava the day she before as born. Every couple months I would move the picture up to what I guessed was her height. Well my guessing was pretty good because it was right at eye level with her.

"Who's the baby? Do you have another kid?" Ava asks.

"No that's you" I say.

She looks at the picture a little closer and says, "Oh yeah that is me"

"Yeah" I say.

"Do you have any other pictures of me when I was baby?" She asks.

"Yeah. I do" I say.

I have a bunch of different boxes filled with separated pictures. I look for the box labeled 'Ava' and take it out. It was a light pink box with white stripes. Then I take down the box labeled 'Peyton' to show her pics from when me and Peyton used to date. Ava, Peyton and Sabrina are the only people who have there own boxes. The rest are from different places and events I have been to.

"Which box do you want to see first?" I ask.

"This one" She says and points to the pink one.

"Ok" I say and open it. "This box is all of you" I say.

She looks in and the first picture on top was one was from when she was born. I was in the hospital bed holding Ava and Peyton was on the side.

"I like this pic. I never seen it before" She says.

"Have you seen any pictures from when you were born?" I ask.

"Just one. It is of me and daddy. It framed in our living room" She says.

"Does it look like this?" I ask and pull out one of Peyton sitting in a hospital chair holding her.

"Yeah. That's it" She says.

Then she picks up one that I just got printed of us at the concert back stage.

"Can we hang this one up of your wall?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say and I get a piece of tape and put it on the back then hand it to her. She put it right next to the other one I have hanging up.

"I love it" I say.

"Me too" She says then we go back to looking at pictures.

"Here's one of you with my other sister, Shannon" I say and hand it to her.

"Have I met her yet?" She asks.

"No you'll meet her next week when we are in Pennsylvania" I say.

"Ok. What other pics do you have?" She asks.

"Here's one of you with my mom and dad" I say.

"It's cute" She says. Then she starts looking through the box herself.

"Do you have any pictures of me and Sabrina?" She asks.

"I don't. Sabrina came in and took the one I did have a couple days ago" I say.

"Can we go see it?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say.

I take her into Sabrina's room and Sabrina is in there.

"Can we see the picture of you and Ava the day she was born?" I ask.

"Yeah. I framed it" She says.

"Wow your lucky. Sabrina never frames pictures of anyone" I say and Ava giggles.

Sabrina goes over to her desk and says, "It's right here"

We go over and Ava looks at it and smiles. It is a picture frame that holds 2 pictures and had a little writing space on the top. Where you can write in whatever you want.

The first pic was of the day Ava was born and the second was from the meet and greet at the concert. And the writing said 'The glo up'

"I like it" She says.

"Thanks" Sabrina's says.

We go back into her my room and she finishes looking at the rest of the pics. Most of them were pictures of just her or her with my family or Peyton on different occasions.

"What's in the other box?" She asks.

"These are pictures of me and your daddy" I say.

"I want to see" She says and I open the box.

The pic on top was of me and Peyton taking ones of our famous car selfies.

"I like this picture" She says.

"Thanks" I say.

The next one was from when I was pregnant and we were doing like 'the prom pose'

"Is this from when I was in your belly?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say.

We go through all the pics and she liked them a lot even though she wasn't in any of them.

"This is the last one" I say and hand it to her. It was a picture of me and Peyton with Ava when she was probably like 3 months old.

"This ones my favorite out of all of them" She says.

"I think it's mine too" I say.

"How come you and daddy don't take pictures like you used to?" She asks.

"We aren't really that close anymore and don't talk a lot unless it's about you" I say.

"Oh" She says.

After that my mom calls us down for dinner and we all eat and Ava tells us all about her day.

After dinner I give her a bath.

"You should get some bath toys" Ava says.

"Oh yeah. Like what?" I ask.

"I don't know. Just some bath toys to make it more fun" She says.

"Ok. We can get some when we get back from all the concerts" I say.

"Ok" She says.

I get her pajamas on and then take a shower myself. Sabrina stayed in my room with her. I get dress in the bathroom and then go back to my room.

I walk back in and Sabrina is sitting on my bed and Ava is looking at my picture walk again but she is just looking at the picture of me and her in the hospital.

"What is she doing?" I ask.

"I don't know. She has just been staring at that picture the entire time" Sabrina says.

"What are you looking at" I ask Ava as I sit next to her on my knees.

"I like this picture" She says and points to the pic of me and her in the hospital.

"I do too" I say.

"It's cute" She says.

"Your cute" I say.

"I know" She says and me and Sabrina laugh.

"Ready for bed?" I ask.

"I don't want to go to bed" She says.

"We have to go to bed. We have to wake up early" I say. It was about 10 o'clock now and probably way past her bedtime.

"Fine" She says and climbs into my bed.

"Goodnight Ava" Sabrina says and hugs her.

"Goodnight aunt Sabrina" Ava says and hugs her back.

"Goodnight" I say to Sabrina.

"Goodnight" She says back. Then leaves my room and shuts the light on her way out.

"Want to you do on the big bus while it drives" Ava asks.

"We normally watch tv or eat" I say.

"Do you ever play with toys?" Ava asks.

"I don't but you can if you want" I say.

"Ok. That's what I'll do" She says.

"Did you bring a lot of toys?" I ask.

"Yeah. I brought all my favorites" She says.

"We can play with them tomorrow" I say.

"Ok" She says.

"Ready for bed?" I ask.

"Yeah" She says and yawns.

"Goodnight Ava" I say and kiss her forehead like Peyton normally does.

"Goodnight mommy" She says then roles over on to her side and falls asleep about 5 minutes later.
