Chapter 119

Sarah's POV:

Holy shit, tomorrow is the wedding. I am marrying the love of my life and proving to my daughter that I will be here forever and I'm not going anywhere.

It kinda blows my mind that it has been almost a year since I reunited with Peyton and Ava. July 21st will forever be ones of my favorite dates, alongside September 15th of course (Ava's birthday)

It's the night before. We aren't doing much. Everything is all set and ready to go for tomorrow and I am really excited. Me and Peyton are sleeping in the same bed for the first time in a while. The construction on the house is almost done. It will be finished on the honeymoon. So when we come back we will have a nice semi new house to come back to. And a lot of rearranging to do of Ava's stuff. Me and Peyton pulled in the mattress from Ava's bed and put it on the floor for her to sleep on. Ava is really excited to be a flower girl again.

Me, Peyton and Ava are sitting on the bed right now talking.

"Can I show you two something?" Peyton asks.

"Sure" I say.

He stands up from the bed and goes over to his closet. He pulls out that black and white box from the back of his closet. I know exactly what this box is.

He sits on the floor and I sit next to him. Ava sits on my lap. He opens the box and takes out the piece of paper where he writes all the dates. He wrote the date on it with a little pencil he had in there and then put the cover back on the box.

"This box I bought almost eight years ago when we started dating the first time, when you were sixteen and I was nineteen" He explains as if I don't remember. I remember ever bit of it. "Nothing in here is really top secret because I'm sure you have every picture in here and if not it would be possible for you to get it." He says.

"Just open it" Ava says.

"Ok. I am" Peyton says.

He opens the box and the date card was on top. "I write down every time I come into this box. I don't know why but I just always have. This is the most recent card. The other cards are on the bottom" He says. I didn't even notice the other cards.

"Can I see?" I ask.

"Yeah" He says and hands me the most recent card. It has all the dates he came into the box since I came back into his life a year ago. It started at 7/21/17 (the concert) and ended at 7/20/18 (Today's date)

Once I was done looking at card we start looking at the pictures. It started at the very beginning of our relationship. We looked like actual fetuses. Let me show you a few pictures from the first time we dated. This was the first two years, pre baby

"Why didn't you ever take me ice skating?" Ava asks.

"Because I can barley ice skate. I don't think I'd be able to ice skate with a five year old" Peyton tells her "Let's take a look at some new pictures" He says.

"Am I in any of these?" Ava asks.

"Nope these are all the ones of me and your mom from the past year. Any with you are in a separate box" He says.

Let me show you a few now pictures.

"Where was I for all of these?" Ava asks and sounds very offended.

"Sleeping, at your grandma's house or I don't know" He says.

"How come I get made fun of for keeping up to date on all my photo prints when you do the same exact thing?" I ask and sound offended like Ava but I was just faking it.

"Because I do it in secret" He says.

"Well I don't want to start our marriage off with secrets. I found this box two months ago when you were filming the movie in Canada" I say.

"That's fine. This was never meant to be kept from you." He says.

"Good" I say.

"Are you all packed for the trip?" He asks me.

"Yep. Are you?" I ask.

"Yeah" He says. "You know me and mommy are going on vacation right?" He asks Ava. She was going through pictures in the box still.

"Yeah and I am going to stay here with aunt Acacia and Brinley and we are going to have a sleepover in my room every night because my room is going to be all done on Monday!" She exclaims.

She is really excited about staying here with Acacia and Brinley all weekend. I like that she is excited. It's better then her being upset that she isn't coming with us. We also promised her we would take her on a trip, just the three of us soon. Every trip we have been on hasn't been just the three of us. There is always someone else or a lot of other people there.

"You are going to have a lot of fun" Peyton says.

"I know" Ava says.

"Ready for bed?" Peyton asks.

"Yeah" She says.

Ava goes on to the mattress. I go into the bed. Peyton turns the light off and then comes next to me.

"Goodnight" Ava says.

"Goodnight" Me and Peyton both say back to her.

Ava fell asleep almost immediately. Me and Peyton stayed up a little longer but not much since we have a big day tomorrow.

"Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning" Peyton says to me before we go to bed. He also gives me a kiss.

"Goodnight" I say back after the kiss.

"I love you" He says.

"I love you too" I say.

This time tomorrow we will be married.
