Chapter 55

Sarah's POV:

Today I'm picking Ava up from school and we are going back to my house. Ava has a project to do so I think we are going to do that today. Sabrina said she wants to help so she will be with us too. Sabrina's leaving for Atlanta to film her movie tomorrow so she wants to stay home all day today.

At 3:30 I go to her school and go to the pick up door and wait for her to come out. About two minutes later she comes running out and hugs me.

"Hi mommy" Ava says.

"Hi Ava" I say.

"How was school?" I ask and we start walking to the car.

"It was good" She says.

"That's good. What did you do?" I ask. We get to the car and I buckle her into her car seat. I got like my own car seat for her like a month ago because I was sick of using Peyton's. I love it and it makes me really happy. I keep it in my car 24/7 even if I know she won't be using it for a long time. Anyways, back to the story

"We played a lot and did some coloring and numbers and things" She says.

"That sounds like fun" I say and start driving.

"Are we going to do my project at your house?" She asks.

"Yeah. Aunt Sabrina said she wants to help. Is that ok?" I ask.

"Yeah!" She says and sounded very enthusiastic.

We go back to my house and Sabrina and Rowan are there.

"Hi aunt Sabrina and Rowan!" Ava says and runs up to them.

"Hi Ava." They both say.

"I invited Rowan to help with the project. Is that ok?" Sabrina asks Ava.

"Yeah!" Ava says.

"Let's get started. I'm excited" Sabrina says.

I get the paper from Ava's backpack and we read over it.

"Ok. First we should go to the computer and print out pictures of everyone" I say.

"Ok" Sabrina says.

The four of us go and Rowan sits at the computer and Ava's sits on her lap then me and Sabrina stand on both sides of them. Rowan's the best at the computer type stuff.

Ava picked all the pictures she wanted. She's doing Riley, Maya, Auggie, Cory, Topanga, Lucas, Farkle, Ava, Doy, Zay and Smakle. Basically all the people she has met not including Ben and Danielle because they are main characters. Rowan and Sabrina were weirded out by looking at pictures of themselves online, especially pictures from when they were younger. They were also very picky on what picture she used.

Once the pictures were printed we went back to the table with 13 blank sheets of paper and made them into a booklet and stapled it together.

Rowan traced out the Girl Meets World logo on the cover and Ava colored it in and wrote her name on the bottom.

We did Riley first since she is the main character. We glued the picture on it and she wrote Riley Matthews and a little sentence about her. Then we lightly colored in the background light blue so it didn't look so plain.

We did it to all the characters. For Ava from the shows picture we used one from the first season of her wearing a shirt that says 'spoiled rotten'

"Hey Ava we are going to get you that shirt" I say as I'm putting out the picture.

She looks and asks, "What does it say?"

"Spoiled rotten" I say.

"I'm not spoiled!" Ava says and was very offended. Me, Rowan and Sabrina laughed.

At the end it looked a little something like this:

{Start scrolling if you don't care}

After we finished the project we just hung out together.
