Chapter 1

Peyton's POV:

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" My 4 year old daughter, Ava comes running into the room saying.

"What is it princess?" I ask her. Then I picked her up and sat her on my lap.

"You know Sabrina Carpenter?" She asks me.

"Yeah. How do to know her?" I ask.

"Well she's a singer and she is doing a concert in California. Can we go?" She asks.

"Maybe" I say.

"Please daddy? I promise I won't ask for anything else ever again" She begs.

"Yes. We can get tickets later" I say.

"Yay! My first concert!" She says and get off my lap and jumps up and down. I smile.

"Thank you" She says and hugs me.

"Your welcome" I say then she runs to her room.

Here's the thing. Ava's mom is Sabrina's sister and back up singer, Sarah and Ava doesn't know her. She just thinks that she doesn't have a mom. I didn't know that Ava knew who Sabrina was. I was hesitant about saying yes to the concert but I know she really wants to go and I don't want her to be upset.

Sarah was involved in Ava's life for the first 6 months. We broke up when she was 3 months old. After that we would switch off days and if Sarah was on tour she would stay with me for however long she was away. Then we just sorta lost contact and it has just been me and Ava ever since

Ava looks just like Sarah, it's kinda crazy how much they look alike. Ava is very outgoing and friendly and she is very happy most of the time. She likes to sing too just like her mom and aunt.

Ava knows that I was a actor on a Disney show and she has meet my cast mates before but knows nothing about me and Sarah being a thing.

After dinner Ava asked, "Daddy can we get the tickets now?"

"Sure" I say.

We go over to the computer and I look up Sabrina's name. Right away a face that I haven't seen in a really long time pops up. I haven't seen Sabrina in almost three years.

I click on the show closest to where we live. I get the two tickets they have closest to the stage.

"Two almost front row tickets" I say.

"Really?!" She asks very excitedly.

"Yeah" I say.

"I want to meet her" Ava says.

"Um let me look" I say. I know that I could buy her a VIP pass but I don't know if Sabrina would recognize Ava. I think about it for a minute then ask, "How badly do you want to?"

"This badly" She says and stretches her arms out as far as they could go.

"Ok" I say and get her a ultimate VIP pass. "You get a VIP pass and you get to meet her, sit in front row and then you get some shirts and stuff that they give you"

"Yay!" She screams happily. Then she hugs me. And says "Thank you"

"Your welcome" I say and hug her back.

{Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story. I am going to switch around the POVs of each chapter though. It will normally be Peyton's or Sarah's sometimes Ava's or maybe even Sabrina's. This is probably my favorite story I have ever written and it's been the easiest for me to write. I started writing this last night and I already wrote 11 chapters.

So here's everyone's ages:
Sarah - 23
Peyton - 26
Sabrina - 18
Ava - 4

For whatever reason Peyrah always has a kid in my fanfics 😂

And updates are going to be every Monday and Thursday}
