come meet my car loving, crazy family?

Sunday barbecues were the best. Ever since little Brian was in diapers, they had been a part of his life.

Some of the most special moments in life had happened at these events. It's where Dom and Letty had first shared a kiss after weeks of flirty banter after racing (and almost killing) each other.

It's where old Jack Torretto showed Dom that brand new (abandoned) charger for the first time.

It's where Little B had been introduced to his new family for the first time, instantly accepted despite his complicated arrival.

It's where he had called Letty, his mother, for the first time. Where he took his first steps, where Dom showed him the family charger.

Now it would be a place where he would introduce his girlfriend, Abby, to his large, crazy, mixed family. He loved them to death but he wondered if they would startle her. (And embarrass him).

First there was the matter of asking her. His parents didn't hesitate to say yes (to their future daughter in law) to Abby being invited. But he still actually needed to invite her.

He met her to walk home from school, as he so often did, then he took his chance. "Hey... so, uh....I was wondering if you were free this Sunday". He asked. Abby looked up in thought. "Hmmm...I think so" she answered. "Why?".

"Well, I was wondering if you'd maybe like to come to Sunday barbecue, meet my extended family?". He asked putting his hands in his pockets and awkwardly switching momentum from foot to foot.

Abby still couldn't understand why he seemed so nervous to ask her stuff. Considering they had quite literally claimed each other as their Ride or Dies months ago. However it never failed to make her feel a bit special.

"Absolutely, babe. I'd love to". She said excitedly. Brian relaxed. "Good, I'll pick you up at 12:30 and we'll be at the barbecue for Around 1". He asked.

"Sounds amazing". She said. "I'll see you tomorrow babe" she said as they kissed before she walked to her door.

Sunday rolled around quick and before Brian knew it, he was talking to Abby on their way to his house. "Just before we go in, my family's pretty...... crazy. Especially in uncle Roman. Just....if it gets too much, tell me". He said. Abby just loved how caring Brian was. One of the many reasons she loved him.

"I'll be fine, Bri". She reassured him. "Now.... Let's do this". They walked up the drive, past the very expensive looking cars (Roman's one). And saw the scene. Not a single device was out. Kids either talking with each other or the adults.

Dom behind the grill, people nursing Coronas. It looked....homely. inviting. Abby already liked it. A little girl came up. "Hi  cousin Brian!" She said excitedly before giving him a hug. "Ava, you've gotten so tall since last week". He said as he lifted up the girl. "Who's this?" She pointed at Abby.  "Well, Ava this is my girlfriend, Abby".

Ava waved at Abby. "Hi Abby. It's nice to meet you". Abby smiled at the adorable kid. "Hi Ava. Nice to meet you too". She said with a Bright smile. "I love your skirt. It looks amazing on you". She complimented. "Thank you" she said. "She's really nice, Brian" she whispered to Brian's ear.

Brian laughed and put the girl down. Pretty soon the other cousins saw the new person and wanted to meet her.

Brian introduced everyone to Abby. They all seemed to like her. The youngest two cousins immediately wanting to drag her away to play. But Brian told them to wait until he had introduced her to the aunts and uncles first.

"Aunt Mia, Uncle Brian, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Abby. Abby this is Mia and Brian". Brian introduced. "Hi" Abby said with a small wave. "Brian" Mia said excitedly. "You never told us you had a girlfriend. You look stunning" Mia said as she stood up to hug the girl. "Well, I was waiting for the barbecue so I could tell everyone, at once". "So nice to meet you" Abby said as she hugged Mia. "I love your dress. It's gorgeous". She said. "aww, thanks Hun. Brian definitely made a good choice, welcome to the family".

Brian shook Abby's hand with a smile. "Damn, my namesake's gone and grown up on me, all of a sudden". Brian and Abby created small talk with the two before they went to the next family members to introduce his girlfriend to.

They walked over to Tej, Roman and Ramsey. The two boys bickering as per usual. But they stopped when the young couple approached. "Yo, man, what's up Little B". Roman said as Brian blushed slightly at the forgotten nickname. It wasn't forgotten for him, but he had forgotten to tell Abby about it.

Abby surpressed a laugh as Brian looked away for a second. "Who's this? Ya girlfriend?" Roman joked. "Actually, she is. Guys, this is Abby. She's my girlfriend as Roman pointed out here". He said giving Roman a slight glare, one that Letty had taught him to do.

"Abby, this is Tej, Ramsey and'll get used to him". He whispered the last part to her.

"Nice to meet you, Abby. Love your outfit". Ramsey complimented. "What's good, girl" Tej said as he shook her hand. Roman stood up and hugged Abby. "Nah, how my nephew pull you?" Roman joked. Brian rolled his eyes playfully. "Some of us just have the luck, Roman. I'd be happy to teach you to keep someone for more than a week". Brian called over. Tej and Ramsey burst out laughing. Abby too released some of her laughter. "Ah hah....funny". Roman said un amused. They spoke to the trio for a little longer Before they moved on to the next set of relatives.

"Hey Uncle Han. Hey aunt Giselle. I'd like you to meet Abby. My girlfriend". Brian said with a smile. He didn't think he'd get tired of this.
"Heyyy, look at that. My nephew's moving up in the world." Han said. "Nice to meet you". He said as he stood up and gave her a hug. "So your the nice girl that Ava said was here". Giselle said. "Welcome to the family". She said as she hugged the younger woman. "Thank you. Your daughter is adorable". Abby Said. "Thanks, Honey". She said.

After some more general chit chat with the two. Letty stopped by the couple. "Hey guys" she stopped to give both of them a hug. "Abby, we got drinks in the cooler over there, if you want to help yourself" she said pointing over to the big cooler. "So how's Sunday barbecues going so far?" She asked the two. "It's so much fun, Mrs. To...I mean Letty. Brian has introduced me to everyone. I already like them". Abby beamed.

"I'm glad to hear it, Honey, you can stop by on Sundays any time. You're part of this too". She Said. "Brian, I gotta bring these to your father. Your Abuela should be here in a few minutes. Make sure you say hi". Letty said. "Of course we will, Mom". "Enjoy the barbecue, guys". Letty said departing the two.

For the next while, Abby and Brian spent time introducing her to the cousin, properly. Brian watched as they all wanted to play with her. He had a huge smile. It made him wonder what she'll be like as a mother, years ahead obviously.

Abuela Torretto soon arrived. As elegant and graceful as ever. "Abuela" Brian went over to give her a hug. She and Brian had been close over the years. "Abuela me gustaria que conocieras a mi novia, Abby".

Seemingly out of nowhere Abby produced perfect Spanish. "Hola Abuela Toretto. tu bisnieto me ha contado muchas cosas asombrosas sobre ti. es un placer conocerte".  Brian looked in awe at Abby. He had told her that Abuela Torretto loves to use her Spanish when she can.

Abuela Torretto looked thrilled that the girl could speak some kind of Spanish "Oh mi. Encantado de conocerte, querida. eres una cosa joven y hermosa. Espero que te esté tratando bien".

"El es. Es un chico muy amable, dulce". Abby said. Just then Dom announced that the food was ready.

Dom had grace this time. "Dear lord. Thank you For our closest friends, for good health, love and of course family".

They all ate and talked with one another. Abby getting to know Brian's family really well by the end of it.

Later that night, Brian walked Abby home. Abby talked on the way about how nice the family was towards her. "That was amazing Brian. Your cousins are adorable. And your aunts are so nice to me. And Abuela was so kind. I hope that we get to go again". Brian smiled "well as mom said, you are welcome over any time, they loved you. And I love you too". He kissed her cheek. "I love you too....little B". Abby said before laughing.

Brian sighed. "I was named after my uncle, I had to have a nickname so that it wouldn't get confusing".

"Well get used to hearing it again. That name is my new favorite thing about you". She giggled. "Well....fine" he said defeated. "Just keep it between us. Last thing I need is the guys giving me slag for it".

"Sure thing, babe. It'll be our little secret". Abby smirked. Brian kissed her before she turned on her heels and walked towards her door.

Brian watched her go in. Then turned his way to go back home. Sunday barbecues were very special, now he had a lover to go with to them with it was ever more special. Long may it last

The end

(Jesus Christ i don't know where this idea came from but I'm glad I did it. Anyway thanks for reading, and I'll catch you lads and ladies in the next one.)
