Her Other Man.

For nearly 20 years, Letty never thought that anyone could ever make her feel the way her husband, Dom, made her feel. Her heart so full that she thought it might burst with love for her man.

This was however until she met her step son. Brian Macros Torreto, or as the family called him "little B". He was all his father. The first time Letty had heard Dom had a son, she was crushed that it wasn't her to give him his first born to say the least. But the first time she was introduced to him by Dom telling the baby that she was "the most important person in my universe, one who never gave up on me." she was practically wrapped around his little finger there and then as she rubbed his little wrist and said "he's beautiful" as he smiled at her with the brightest eyes she had looked at.

Although it wasn't how she had thought it would happen, it didn't change the fact that she was a mother, she was a mother to a real kid.

Even for someone as fearless and badass as she is, it was still scary to think about. But after she had learned how to change a diaper, hold him without hurting him and feed him it was hard to convince you this was not her first time being a mom or that this was her step son.

The two had a bond that was truly incredible to watch in action. Dom was sure that even after 20 years and seeing every possible side of his wife, that seeing her as a mother was his favourite side.

He came in from working on the family Charger to see Letty on the floor making exaggerated gasping sounds and big smiles at Brian, who was seeming to find it hilarious as he was rocking back and forth clapping his hands. Letty was laughing as well watching the baby be so happy. It warmed her heart. Dom chuckled in amusement as he watched from the side.

Letty looked over to her husband as she smiled at him. "Hey honey, come join us" she invited him over as Brian looked over and started calling out "dada, dada" making little grabby motions with his hands.

Letty held Brian in her arms as Dom held her in his. "you are really good at that" he smiled into her ear. "at what?" she questions. "being a mother" he says. She looks at the baby she is holding and snuggles him closer. "well he makes it easy for me, he's so calm and quiet." she smiles as she kisses the baby's head. "he's only ever that quiet when he's with you, Let." Dom points out. "that's cause he's a mamas boy. Isn't that right little man? Your a mamas boy" she said in an exaggerated tone to get the baby excited.

Brian was laughing and smiling now. In all honesty he had no idea what was being asaid to him, but he liked his mama being this way with him. "mama" he said. Letty froze. Dom froze. Brian kept giggling away. "Did... Did he just say....?" Dom began to ask. "mama" Letty whispered under her breath. "he said mama" she whispered.

Letty didn't know how much she wanted to hear someone refer to her as mama until that moment. "that's right little man" she said as tears built up in her eyes. "I'm mama." she said as she squeezed the boy in a hug. "if you keep this up we won't be calling you little man for much longer." she siad with a hint of sadness at the thought of her baby no longer needing her. "what would we call him then?" Dom asked trying to get Letty's mind off the sad part of the situation. Letty pondered at the question for a few minutes until a smirk came on to her face. "how about I call him my other man? " she said as she looked at Dom. "hmmm."Dom thought as he kissed her." alright, as long as I'm still the favourite man" he teased. "oh I don't know papi. This guy here is giving you a run for your money" she said as she bounced Brian on her legs resulting in many squeals of delight from the little boy. "my own son, taking my wife's love from me" Dom said with fake dramatics before laughing. Letty joined the laughing before turning her attention back to baby Brian.

Once little Brian eventually got older they stuck with using that title for him. Dom would always be her leading man And Brian would be her other man. Always.
