Best Birthday Ever.

It was Letty's birthday. The day as Dom always puts it "God lost one of his angels".

Dom had little Brian strapped in his highchair. He was attending to the grill preparing, Letty, her breakfast while she slept in. He plated it up and got little Brian ready to go say good morning.

Letty reached her hand out in an attempt to cling herself to Dom, only to find his side of the bed cold and empty. She slowly opened her eyes and frowned a bit.

What sounded like tiny flaps soon brought her her smile back. "Letty, you up?" she heard Dom call out gently. "yes, honey. I'm up". She replied with a wide smile.

Dom opened the door, readjusting Brian in his arm. "happy birthday, mama". Dom said to his wife. He bent to her level after laying down the plate and gave her a passionate kiss.

"awww, thank you, papi". She then turned her attention to Brian. "and thank you little man". She said in a baby voice as she tickled Brian under his arms, making him squeal with laughter.

Brian started to slow his laughing down ad he let out a soft "mama". Letty and Dom both froze on spot, this was Brian's first word.

Brian became a bit fussier as he tried to reach for Letty. "mama, mama". He said as he reached hith his little might. Letty moved her breakfast to the side and took the baby. Tears welling in her eyes.

"I never knew how much I wanted to be called that until this moment". She said as she hugged Brian tight as he (tried) to wrap his little limbs around her. "I'll always be your mama, little man". She said with passion seeping though.

"good job buddy" Dom said as he rubbed his sons head. Then he chuckled to himself. "what's so funny?" Letty sniffled as she rubbed a stray tear from her eye. "well, I was going to give you your present from me, but I feel like he's gone and made it obsolete now". Dom said with a wry smile.

Letty smirked. "and what would your present have been Mr. Torreto?". She asked as she began to eat her breakfast and giving tiny bites to Brian. "well, Mrs. Torreto, it involves the three of us heading to show other drivers that we are still the street racing king and queen". He said as he sat beside Letty on the bed.

Letty looked puzzled. "Dom, race wars isn't for another 3 months?".she said. "well, I may have spoken to Hector and told him we were moving it up early so we could celebrate the Queen of Street racing".  Dom said.

Letty was thrilled. She couldn't wait. "you hear that bubba?, you're going to see mama beat all the other racers". She said proudly and in a baby voice.

Brian didn't understand what was being said to him but at the mention of 'mama' he started clapping joyfully, making his parents smile.

"alright, let's get going, Hector said that he's entered you into the first race of the afternoon". Letty hopped out of bed. "come on bubba, let's go racing". She said as she went to go prepare herself.

Dom smiled as he watched Letty walk out of the room with Brian on her hip. He had never found her as sexy as she looked holding his kid. Watching her be a mom kept on giving him more and more reasons to fall in love with her.
