new beginnings

Letty laid tiredly in her hospital bed.  Birthing a Toretto was probably the hardest thing she had ever done. Not only was she shorter than her lover, but Torettos are heavy and strong people.

Admittedly she had said some things to Dom that she regretted such as a ban on him even looking at her in a suggestive manner. But once that 10 pound little girl was placed on her chest, Letty felt that familiar feeling, She felt it when Brian and her first shared a hug, now she felt it once more. The love of a mother.

Tears rose to her eyes. The baby cried. It was a beautiful sound. "'s ok Baby. Mama's here". She hushed as she delicately used her indexed and middle finger to smooth the damp strands of hair on the head of the baby.

They had known since her 18th week scan that Letty was going to have a baby girl, yet they never actually imagined how perfect she'd look. She was a mini Letty. Dom looked at his wife as she looked up at him. An action repeated a thousand times over their relationship, but this time felt so much better. Their hearts fit to burst with new love found for each other and the baby that was calming on Letty's chest.

The nurses came to clean the baby and wrap her in a light Indigo blanket before placing her back on her Mama's chest.

Dom helped Letty re-adjust herself. Slowly she sat up and readjusted the baby in her arms. She angled her towards Dom. "She's perfect. You were incredible Letty". Dom said as she wrapped his arm around his wife.

Throughout her pregnancy Dom was waiting hand and foot for Letty. Anything she asked, which was not as often as one might think, he got done in double quick time. "You weren't so bad, yourself, Papi. You took extra good care of me even when I never asked for it".

Her pregnancy had gone about as well as could be guessed. She swore vengeance on morning sickness, was extremely temperamental in the emotional department. Sometimes crying over the strangest of things and despised her size as her due date came.

But as those weeks became months and they got more sonograms of the product of their love, from seeing the end of each trimester, every flutter, kick and roll from within her, it brought the family closer together.

Little B was ecstatic when he found out that he was going to be a big brother. He loved talking to the baby for endless hours through Letty's stomach, telling her about how excited he was to meet her and how much she would love Dom and Letty. Half the time, if Letty was seen with a tear drenched face it was because of Brian's sweet words, feeling his little sister move around, and giving both his mom and 'sissy', as he dubbed her, kisses. Both Dom and Letty knew that he was going to be the best Brother ever.

"I'd say it's about time we get the last member in here" Dom said as he stood up to go get Little Brian who was in the waiting room with Mia and Brian (O'Connor) "you hear that, sweetie, daddy's going to get your big brother. Now we'll all be together for the first time".

Dom came out to the waiting room. The three awaiting occupants stood up, Mia being the first to hug Dom. "Ten fingers, ten toes, and momma's doing amazing too". He said as he hugged her back. Brian gave Dom a brotherly hug as well. Dom crouched down to Little B's level. "You ready to meet your sister, kid?" Little Brian nodded nervously.

He and Dom walked the hallway back to Letty's room. "Daddy?" Little B piped up. "Yeah, son?" Dom responded looking down. "Will Baby sissy like me?" He asked looking at the stuffed animal he had chosen to give to the new arrival. "Oh, Little B, your sister will love you" he said "after all that time you spent talking to her before she was even here, you and her will be super close. Just like me and your aunt".  Brian seemed satisfied with the answer.

Letty looked over to the door when she heard it open, in walked that head of curly hair that she had fallen deeply in love with. "Hi, Baby boy" Letty said as she held out her other arm to take Brian in. Dom lifted him up into Letty's other arm. Brian gave her a hug and she smiled into it. "There's someone who wants to meet you". Letty said as she angled the baby towards Brian.

Brian looked at the baby in awe. He was mesmerised by her. "She's a big girl". Brian said innocently. Causing Letty and Dom to laugh slightly. "Say hi to her, Baby". Letty urged. "Hi, Baby sissy. I'm your big brother, Brian, but everyone calls me Little B, so i don't get mixed up with our uncle Brian. I'm very happy you're here. Mommy and Daddy were so excited to meet you too. I brought you this". He said gently placing the stuffed animal. Dom and Letty both had tears in their eyes as they watched their two kids fall in love with each other. This was what everything they had hoped for and more.

As if response to the new touch, the baby opened her eyes. They were a bright blue and mesmerising. "She's saying hi back to you, Brian". Letty smiled as Brian continued to look at the bundle. "I love you, Baby sissy. Welcome to our family". Brian said as he kissed his small finger and placed it on the baby's cheek. The baby smiling slightly at the touch. "What's her name, mommy?" He asked her. "Her name is Sofia. Sofia Rita Toretto". Letty smiled to her son. "So-fiea" Brian tried to pronounce. "Close, son. You'll get the hang of it. You can call her sissy for now". Dom said as he ruffled his son's curls.

After that, the little new family of four just sat in peace for a bit. This was the beginning of a brand new quarter mile, and they couldn't be more ready to face it together.

The end

(After a lengthy discussion on whether or not I had the ability to write this, me and loomriah came to the conclusion that I could write something like this. I hope you all enjoyed it. But for now I'll catch you lads and ladies in the next one.)
