I need you.

"why can't you be more like your cousins?" Her mother asked, seeming desperate. "They're all heading towards fantastic careers, with respectable young men on their side. Meanwhile here you playing race car with your boyfriend".

Abby was fuming. No matter how well she was doing with her own life, her parents never seemed happy. "So my acceptance to the institute in California means nothing to you?"

"Maybe it would, if you had more on your mind than being a damn mechanic". Her mother snorted back. "I mean, really Abby. Your cousin Jen, a nurse, Maria, a lawyer, Michelle, an actress. Surely you can see the issue here?".

"No actually, I don't. I worked my ass off to get into that college. They accept 4. 4 percent of applications each year. I did it for me. Working with cars with Brian makes me almost as happy as actually DRIVING them" Abby said back trying to keep her tone even.

"I thought we raised you better then this. We raised you to have high ambitions,  Know your Worth and this is what you do with that information?" Her father spat.

"If there is better then let me see it. Brian helps me be me. I love adventure, I love the rush. It is me. It's how I've always been. He never judges me, he never tells me that I should do better, or that I'm disappointing him. He encourages me. He's proud of my decisions and if you two can't be the same then I'm done here".

Abby felt satisfied that she might have finally gotten through her parents thick skills. But her father's response had taken that satisfaction away. "Alright, fine. You leave by the end of the night".

Her eyes widened. "What?" She asked barely above a whisper. "If you refuse to represent this family either the same pride then you leave".

Abby found one last burst of fire. "I know you're angry. I know that it's taken you over and I know one day you'll reach out and say you're sorry. But let me save you the trouble of all that tracking down. Don't. I'm done".

With that Abby brushed past them, Went up to her room and packed two large bags. Toiletries, clothes and power cables for her devices.

She left the house without saying a word. It wasn't until she got into the car, the tears escaped. They weren't sad tears. She wouldn't ever give them the satisfaction of knowing they hurt her. They were relieved tears. Her time there was done. There was the gaping issue of where she'd go now, however.

Her phone went off. A call from Brian. She refused to let him get worried about her but knew if she didn't answer, he'd get suspicious. He always knew when she needed him.

"Hey babe". She said with a tiny crack in her voice. "Ok, what's wrong. Who's ass do we have to kick?" He said. Abby laughed. "As much as I would love to do some ass kicking with you babe, I won't give them the satisfaction of it. "Your parents on your case again?" He asked with concern. "Yep. it was really intense tonight".

"You wanna tell me about it? I don't mind if you don't, for now". He said. Even after all these years, he still put her first. She was glad he was hers forever.

"Well, they kicked me out this time". She said bluntly. Silence. "Babe?" She called. "I hope and assume you're on your way here". He said back. "Babe, I can't". She was about to say something but Brian cut her off. "absolutely not, babe. If the situation was reversed you'd be either on your way to pick me up, or telling me the exact same thing. I won't let you be alone. Not tonight". He said.

"I'll be there in ten, babe". She said. "I'll be waiting, babe. I love you". He responded. "I love you too".

"She told me she was kicked out". Brian told his parents. Letty fumed. Dom grimaced. "Stuck up pricks". Letty spat. "Imagine being so cold to not accept your child being happy, while still being successful".

"She'll be here in five, we're going to help her, right". Brian said. "Of course we are. I love her like she was my own, and don't think we didn't notice that new ring of hers. She's family. Others may turn their backs on family, but not us". Dom said as Letty smirked at the mention of the promise ring Brian has given Abby.

Just then a car was heard entering the drive. Brian stood and walked out. Abby was walking towards the porch. Brian engulfed her with a hug. "you ok?" He asked. "I will be. Thank you for letting me stay. I hope it's not a burden".

Brian looked her in the eye. "The day you're a burden to me, is the day hell freezes over".

"Let me help you with your bags". He said as he took the second one. Letty and Dom were waiting at the table where Brian had told them. "Hey, Honey. You doing alright?" She asked as she hugged her tightly. "I will be. Thank you so much for this, Letty and Dom. It means a lot".

"Of course, honey. You're family". Dom said as he hugged her. "I'll take you to my room". Brian said before turning on his heels "yes just to my room, no I won't be doing any funny business. You two raised me better than that, even though aunt Mia claims you two weren't much better".

Dom and Letty shared an amused look at each other and Abby snickered. "Just don't be making us grandparents just yet, I don't want to feel old". Dom called. Brian let his head hang low. "Sorry you had to see that". He turned to Abby.

Abby just laughed. "I needed it. Tonight's been rough". Brian nodded "I'll bet". They got to his room and sat on his bed. "I'm sorry Brian" she said suddenly. "Why?" He asked. "This shouldn't be happening right now". She said. "well" Brian said ever the optimist. "We leave next month for college. So we might as well, get used to sharing a house".

Abby smiled. "Well when you put it that Way....it sounds really nice". Brian was about to leave to go arrange some things with his parents. "Wait...." She said. Brian did as told. "Stay? Please?" Brian felt a piece of his heart get a little broken. Normally she'd have bantered a similar statement. But it just seemed like she didn't have the energy. "Of course I will". He laid on the bed. "Come here" he held out an open arm. "Comfy?" He asked when she settled.

Abby nodded her head. "I love you so much Brian". She said as her eyes drooped. Within minutes she was asleep. Brian watched her. She seemed peaceful. At some point he too fell asleep.

Dom and Letty took a peak inside his room. They saw the two sleeping peacefully. Dom turned off the light and quietly closed the door. "they really are repeating our story aren't they?" He joked to Letty.

"Kicked out because they were happy". Letty said coldly. "At least we know that she's safe with our boy". She found some peace in that. "We did good in the end, haven't we?" Dom said. "You bet your ass papa".

With that they too went off to bed. Tomorrow they'd sort out a more comfortable accomodation for Abby. She'd always have a home in 1327.

The end.

(Before I wrap this up. I want to say happy international women's day. Whether you are a Letty, Mia, Ramsey or Giselle. I love and respect you all. Thank you to the female writer in my(Wattpad) life loomriah for some helpful family conflicts I could use for this one shot. With that said, thanks for reading and I'll catch you lads and ladies in the next one.)
