Chapter 25

"Ladies and gentleman, we're about to land. Please lock your seat belt, retract the trays and save all hand luggage. Welcome to Paris!"

I was grinning like a kid. We've been traveling for hours, and yes I was really tired, sleepy, and my biological clock a mess. But I was in Paris! Freaking fashion paradise in the peak of winter!

Easy breezy Julian had come along, and I think the fact that our families had gotten together for Christmas had done some of it. He was going easy with his mom, trying not to hold a grudge, just like Dr. Platt advised.

"Our bags are in the car, already." Julian said, as he grabbed our coats and helped me put my pink one on; I yawned and he smiled, kissing my forehead "You're tired, right?"

"I'm dead tired" I corrected, snuggling into his chest as we waited for the plane's doors to open.

"We'll sleep until noon" He promised, carrying me along once the air hostess grinned and gestured to the door; a cold front greeted me and I almost cried.

As we walked to the other side of the airport, where a black car was waiting with a serious French driver, I got my phone and texted everyone I knew, telling them where I was. Matisse was the quickest and her text was a mere finger flipping me off. I was giggling like a school girl once the car drove off.

"I'm in Paris! I'm in Paris, honey!" I grinned at Julian, jumping in my seat.

"Enjoying the surprise?" He grinned, crossing his arms over his black coat.

"Kick me here anytime you want" I grinned and he chuckled, snuggling me closer to his body.

The car stopped about twenty minutes later, being greeted by old buildings and snowy sidewalks. The lights of the city had haunted my dreams, and I always thought I would never see them first hand. And now I would be living among them for an entire week! I really had to cherish this man; hands to him for the whole surprise trip.

"What's this hotel?" I asked as we entered a beautiful light building.

"This is La Maison Favart. My mother actually told me about it. It's really chic, just as you like it, but it's also cozy and has got a homey feel to it, just as I know you love" He smiled, his hand grabbing mine.

The decoration was in pastel tones; the walls were filled with paintings, mirrors and other homey art. There were chairs in the lobby, all different from one another. There were pieces of decoration, here and there, like big old suitcases, portraits of eighteen century people and flowers.

We were taken to our suite and I immediately went to snoop around the place. I was grinning from ear to ear as I admired the room. The walls were a light mint green, with golden mirrors, purple couches and golden chairs. The pillows had flower monograms, and there were vases with green foliage and purple and pink roses. I opened the double doors that led to the room and my grin turned into a scary mask of happiness. The bedroom had a huge white bed, a wooden sideboard with a big mirror in front of it, pretty portraits above the bed, more flowers, and tall white windows that led to the most amazing view of Paris. There was the Eiffel tower a few miles away. It was all lightening up and I felt my eyes sting with tears.

I heard Julian's voice speak in fluent French and I chuckled at the sound. French had a nasal tone to it, and although I loved to hear the language, I know nothing except for Chanel, Lacroix and Louvre. I would buy an English-French phrase book tomorrow and learn a few things. Plus, I was definitely navigating the web tonight and decide our visit plans for the next day.

I took a seat by the end of the bed, and caressed the velvet fabric. Sighing, I dropped back, feeling my body relaxing by the second. Not long enough, I would be falling asleep, I knew it.

"I got food sent over. Don't fall asleep just yet, you should eat" Julian said as he walked inside the bedroom.

"I'm buying this place" I mumbled, and heard his chuckle.

"Well, we can come here every time you want – as long as it's during vacation."

"Of course." I chuckled, opening one eye and smiling as he took a seat in the purple chair by the window taking his boots, coat, gloves and all unnecessary clothing items off "Can we change our bedroom decoration and make it look like this? Oh, and our bathroom should have a deck and an indoor pool."

"Because that's practical." He chuckled, coming to lay beside me, both of us looking into the tall ceiling "So you love it?"

"Hum, hum." I nodded, grinning at him, turning my face to meet his "You did well, boss. Good job."

"Well, after all you did, being the one to attend my every whim, I thought it was time to give back" He winked.

"And you did just right." I assured him, kissing his lips before getting up "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get a shower. I'm falling asleep on my feet, and if I don't get water on my face, I won't try all the delicacies you ordered for us – and it would kill me to lose any second of this trip" I grinned, hopping to the bathroom door and smiling at the view inside.

"Sounds good. I'm calling my mother and Natalie, let them know we're ok. Want me to call your parents?" He asked as I turned the white tub's water on.

"Please do; and if they ask about me, tell them I died from too much excitement."


Julian whined once I woke him up at eight am. He hid under the covers as I put my jeans and a warm pearl sweater on. I didn't have time to look for the places to visit in Paris, the night before, because I fell asleep mid-meal, with my head on the bed's headboard. But this morning I wanted to walk around the city; my beautiful naked boyfriend wouldn't dare to stay in the bed until noon like he had threatened.

"G! What the hell?! I'm going to kill you!" He groaned as I pulled the covers back and giggled at the sight of his full naked body, now shivering with cold.

"C'mon, boss!" I pouted "I wanna see the city! Let's go have breakfast somewhere pretty and make out in Paris!"

He started to retort, but then raised a brow, as he propped onto his elbows. I licked my lower lip at the sight of my sexy tanned devil; his dark hair was ruffled and his brown eyes sleepy.

"Make out, you say?" His grin was slow and sexy; he mimicked me and licked his lower lip.

A growl came out of my throat and he chuckled provocatively.

"Now, now... Why don't you take all that clothing off, come back to bed and we'll go out for lunch?"

"No!" I moaned, covering my eyes with my hands "You big tease, get your sexy butt out of bed and let's go!"

I heard the sound of rustling sheets and yelped as he grabbed me from my waist, tossing me to the bed. He kissed my neck and locked my legs beneath him, making me giggle.

"Honey, I love you, but I'll knee you where it hurts if you don't get up right now" I smiled, grasping his hair so he would look up at me.

He sighed and I recognized defeat. He nodded, kissed the tip of my nose, and jumped off me, stretching with a big yawn. I was grinning as I popped onto my elbows and eyed him up and down.

"Fine. I'll go take a quick shower. Could you get me some clothes, please?" He asked, walking to the bathroom.

"I can pick your clothing?!" I grinned and heard him chuckle from the shower.

"Sure. Don't go overboard and please don't mess everything. It's really organized" He hollered from the water.

Paris during winter was beautiful, with the snow patches here and there, the white buildings and slender streets, the language, the smells... I could still smell the croissant I had eaten for breakfast in the hotel. I dragged Julian to the Eiffel Tower gardens, the Arc de Triomphe, the Moulin Rouge and Notre-Dame, all before lunch. Then, he was the one showing me around, explaining some historical facts as we walked carelessly around the cold streets. I could almost hear the accordion playing in the background as we walked around; it was really romantic. We didn't go back to the hotel, not before dinner. We went on a cruise through the Sena, and had dinner on the boat.

"God, I do love Paris." I smiled, looking outside the glass windows and sighing at the beautiful view the lights let us see "I'm buying a small studio and stay here. I'll see you in a couple of years."

"What would you do for a living?" He chuckled, grabbing my hand over the red tablecloth.

"Well, I would be an accordion player on the subway" I chuckled.

"That's hip." He nodded, and I chuckled again "Is your arm ok?"

"Oh, it's fine." I assured him, as his fingers caressed the two inch scar on my forearm, under the long sleeves of the sweater "Really, I'm great. Don't worry about it, it's been so long."

"I still see red when I look at it." He grunted, his jaw tensed as he looked down at the pink scar "I can't wait to see him in jail."

"He'll go to jail." I assured him, caressing his tense jaw "Don't worry; they'll pay for what they did to you, your family and your company."

"Damn right they will." He kissed my knuckles fiercely "Anyway, let's not talk about those assholes; this is our time and I want this to be the happiest moment of our lives. Let's not ruin it. Did you like the first day?"

"Yes, honey, I loved it." I smiled, looking around and sighing as the French singer by the piano started to sing a very romantic song "I want to go to Disneyland, tomorrow."

Julian paled, and I laughed.

"Please? I'm like a five year old, I need to go see Mickey and the princesses" I pouted, and he rolled his eyes.

"One thing, though: there's no way I'm getting on any rides."

"Oh, we'll see about that" I grinned; as the song picked a pace and some couples got up to dance, I smiled at Julian; he moaned and got up as well.

"You want to dance" He assured, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"Yes, honey, I do" I smiled, as he pulled me to the dance floor and tucked me to his chest.

"This is the best night of my life" He whispered in my ear, as we twirled softly around in each other's arms.

"Aw, that's just sad." I teased and he chuckled "Thank you for this trip; I'll never forget it."

"It's my way of thanking you for being part of my life." He mumbled, kissing me softly as we floated around the dance floor "Now shut up because I'm enjoying the feeling of you dancing in my arms."

I chuckled and curled my arms around his neck, as we kissed and danced in the Paris night.


It was December thirsty first, and we were finishing our dinner at the hotel. We would be seeing the fireworks and celebrating New Year's Eve by the feet of the Eiffel Tower. We bought a bottle of champagne to take to the gardens, and celebrate the New Year to come. We took a cab to the other side of the river – it took about an hour to get there for traffic was terrible. It was close to midnight when we ran to the gardens.

"God, there's people everywhere!" I gasped; Julian smiled and prepared the champagne.

"Well, it is New Year's, sweetheart." He chuckled, and once the Tower started the light show and music filled the streets, he turned serious and stared right at me in the dark "I need to tell you something."

It was hard to listen to him over the music. The tower turned dark, and then bright blue, people cheering up. I frowned and passed the champagne on my other hand, caressing his cheek.

"What? You look tense. Are you ok?" I asked, and he pulled me softly to his arms' length.

"I'm fine." He assured me, clearing his throat like he was about to talk and cursing as the countdown started and people roared around us "Damn it. G, I love you, ok? You know that, right?"

I frowned deeper, nodding.

"Of course I do." I smiled, then shrieked as the countdown ended and fireworks exploded everywhere "Oh, happy New Year!"

I jumped into his arms and he chuckled, kissing me as light blasted everywhere. Even with the noise and the bodies pressed around us, I still felt we were alone in the world. Once the kissing stopped and we hugged, his lips brushed my ear.

"You're the woman of my life." He mumbled, and I tighten my arms around his neck, the champagne still on my hands "And although I'm a mess, and I act like an idiot and confuse you, I hope you never forget that you're the most important person in my life."

"Yes, honey, I believe you." I smiled, kissing his cheek and handing him the champagne "Let's not be serious on New Year's. Let's have some champagne!"

I fought with the bottle and Julian fondled around with his coat. Once I succeeded in opening the bottle with a happy shriek, I yelled – seriously, I actually yelled and tossed the bottle to the floor, shattering it and wetting people around me –, as I saw Julian standing on one knee in front of me.

I heard some people around us turning and giggling and cheering as they eyed us; I felt a huge blush and a nervous shiver run up my spine to my scalp.

"I know we've been together – as in actually together as a couple – not that long, but I knew you were supposed to be my wife since the day I met you. Ok, granted, maybe not the day I met you, but it got clear to me that you were The One a little bit everyday ever since you walked in my office." He mumbled, brown eyes staring up at me with the fireworks still popping in the sky "And it killed me every day to look at you and not telling you how much I loved you, how much I wanted to be with you."

I was wide eyed; people around were cheering and smiling, entertained by the scene.

"So..." He cleared his throat and opened the black velvet box "Georgia Trouble McAllister, do you want to do the craziest thing ever and be my wife?"

I was silently staring at the ring, and I guess I took a really long time admiring the pink gold band, the light pink diamond and the small encrusted white diamonds around it, for the people staring started to whisper to one another.

"You proposed to me with a pink diamond?" I blinked, staring at his eyes "You proposed to me with a pink diamond, in Paris, by the Eiffel Tower?"

He frowned a bit and swallowed hard before he nodded.

"Oh my God!" I shrieked, my grin huge.

I heard people laughing as I tackled Julian to the ground.
